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1、collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is still a lack of the knowledge structure of archiv

2、ists is not comprehensive enough, still can not meet the needs of archives work, in-depth development of the archives work. Measures to solve the Bureau will in future work of archives management to be improved effectively. One is to overcome the shortage of personnel difficulties, concentrate on fi

3、nishing a good historical archives. The second is to further strengthen archives management training efforts, focusing on the study of archives management, utilization and archives laws and regulations etc. Knowledge to further enhance archival consciousness of cadres and workers and do a good job i

4、n the consciousness of the archives work, improve the efficiency in the use of archives. The third is to further improve the level of archives management equipment, with the continuous development of the archives work, overcome the financial resources, lack of material enlarged the file management o

5、f equipment investment. In a word, on the basis of insufficient to improve, global will work together, I Bureau of archives management work standardized track to play of archives work in the protection of peoples livelihood, improve the livelihood of the people, the fundamental role of serving the p

6、eoples livelihood.XX County Culture and sports and News Publishing Bureau is responsible for the main work is the work of sports culture, press and publication work. In order to further improve my bureau of agriculture related funds management, strengthen regulation of agriculture related funds, imp

7、rove efficiency in the use of agriculture related funds, effectively improve and enhance the peoples production and living standard of people. According to the (precious Zhengban pass 2015 No. 40) the spirit of the document, I Bureau in a timely manner to global within the scope of agriculture relat

8、ed special funds for the project source, uses, use of self-examination and self correction, self inspection shall be reported to the Sue.A work of self correction, agriculture related funds (a) report of lottery funds of agriculture related funds of self-examination and rectification workThe cat cha

9、se chase chase were received by 2013 the lottery public welfare fund project funds use: I Bureau Finance Bureau file your wealth 2013 No. 603 file, your wealth 2014 45 file. Your wealth 2014 45 file notice: 2013 farmer sports fitness project and village level public service basketball field construc

10、tion capital of 690 million yuan, of which (Wei Dong Tang Cun, Li Xiang Xin Cun, Li Xiang Fu Tuan Cun, Li Xiang Tan Yang village, Hong Cheng Zhen Shan Cun, Qingfeng Zhen Tai Xing Cun 1.15 million yuan). The funds have been the County Finance Bureau of the budget shares issued directly to the townshi

11、p wealth County tube office, has been allocated to the township specific units . your wealth chasing 2013 document No.名词解释 Nelatonsline/复旦大学医学院2003年骨科学 Vater-PacinianCorpuscle/复旦大学医学院2003年骨科学 Wardstriangle复旦大学医学院2003年骨科学/2003三军大骨科博士 腕管综合症/复旦大学医学院2003年骨科学/2006二军大骨科博士试题 肩部撞击症/复旦大学医学院2003年骨科学/2006二军大骨科

12、博士试题 手部无人区/1999中山医科大学外科博士试题 脊柱侧弯/1999中山医科大学外科博士试题 应力缓冲效应/1999中山医科大学外科博士试题 BMP/2003、2005二军大骨科博士试题Franks分型/2003西安医科大骨科博士 嗅鞘细胞/2003西安医科大骨科博士 Weakuptest/2003西安医科大骨科博士 新月征/2003西安医科大骨科博士 腱鞘巨细胞瘤/2003西安医科大骨科博士 张力带固定/2003二军大骨科博士试题 肥大型骨不愈/2003二军大骨科博士试题 CRAMS评分法/2006二军大骨科博士试题 VAS评分法/2006二军大骨科博士试题 SCI/2006二军大骨科

13、博士试题 artificialgut/2006二军大骨科博士试题 perioperativeperiod/2006二军大骨科博士试题 Volkman挛缩/2006二军大骨科博士试题 Perthes病/2006二军大骨科博士试题 OPLL/2006二军大骨科博士试题 脊髓震荡/2003二军大骨科博士试题 静力锁钉/2003二军大骨科博士试题 tutrialcordsyndrome/2005二军大骨科博士试题 Jeffersonfracture/2005二军大骨科博士试题 Bohlerangle/2005二军大骨科博士试题 Brown-Sequardsyndrome/2005二军大骨科博士试题 B

14、ragdsign/2005二军大骨科博士试题 McGargesline/2006二军大骨科博士试题 中央脊髓综合征/2003三军大骨科博士 AbbreviationJnjuryScale/2003三军大骨科博士 Contagious*/2003三军大骨科博士 Bennet骨折/2003三军大骨科博士 骨不连/2004华中科技大骨科博士) Wake-up test:唤醒试验。行脊柱手术时,为了预防术中损伤脊髓及神经根的可能性,在术中唤醒病人。由于脊柱侧弯手术的特殊性,其术中与术毕常需要做唤醒实验以判断脊髓功能的正常与否。可检查整个运动系统的功能 ,包括上、下运动神经元成份和周围肌肉,但不能检查感

15、觉系统的异常。Vater-Pacinian corpuscle(环层小体):为感觉神经末梢,主要分布于手足掌面的皮下组织,具有感觉压力和振动觉的功能,也可感受动静脉吻合的压力而调节局部血流。MCMurray实验:患者仰卧,检查者一手拇指及其余四指分别按住膝内外间隙,一手握住足跟部,极度屈膝,在伸屈膝的过程中,当小腿内收、外旋时有弹响或合并有疼痛,说明内侧半月板有病变;当小腿外展、内旋时有弹响或合并疼痛,说明外侧半月板有病变。MCMurray截骨术:股骨粗隆间内移截骨术,适用于股骨颈陈旧性骨折未愈合的病人,股骨头未坏死,骨折远端上移不多,小粗隆尚在股骨头下方,全身情况尚可的中老年患者。Finkel-stein(芬克斯坦)试验:患者握拳(拇指埋于拳内),使腕部尺偏,若桡骨茎突处出现疼痛为阳性,提示桡骨茎突狭窄性腱鞘炎。Brodies abscess (布劳代脓肿):慢性局限性化脓性骨髓炎,多见于儿童和青少年,胫骨上端和下端、股骨、肱骨和桡骨下端为好发部位,一般认为系低毒力细菌感染所致,或机体对病菌抵抗力强而使化脓性骨髓炎局限于骨髓的一部分,脓液培养常为阴性,在脓腔内,脓液逐渐为肉芽组织代替


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