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1、1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20202020 年九年级阶段性学情检测 一 参考年九年级阶段性学情检测 一 参考答案及评分标准答案及评分标准 一 阅读理解一 阅读理解 共共 1515 小题 每小题小题 每小题 2 2 分 满分分 满分 3030 分 分 1 4 BCDA5 7 ADB8 11 CBAC12 15 BCEA 二 语言知识运用二 语言知识运用 共 共 2020 小题 满分小题 满分 2 25 5 分 分 A 16 20 BAABD21 25 ACBCB B 26 success 27 valuable 28 has taught29 is used 30 usually 31 c

2、hose 32 them 33 first 34 making 35 will remember 三 阅读表达三 阅读表达 共共 5 5 小题小题 每小题每小题 2 2 分 满分分 满分 1010 分分 36 Because he thought believed his cat had killed his neighbor s pet rabbit 答案基本唯一 37 Finally 答案唯一 38 邦尼的兔子几天前去世了 我们就把它埋在那里 意思对即可得分 39 We should admit we are wrong and accept the result 答案基本唯一 40 Do

3、n t cover up one mistake with another Never cover up one mistake with another 答案基本唯一 四 四 翻译句子翻译句子 共共 5 5 小题小题 每小题每小题 2 2 分分 满分满分 1010 分分 答案基本固定 但允许稍有差异 只要表达正确 无语法错误即可得分 每小题中若主要 考点有误扣 1 分 单词或时态错误一个扣 0 5 分 扣完 2 分为止 41 To drive less Driving lessis good for the environment It is good for the environment

4、 to drive less 42 We can t wait toprotect the animals that are in danger 43 The more Tom learns the more he wants to learn 44 It took them 2 two hoursto visit the Shihu Garden 45 Weifang is becoming becomes has become so beautiful now that a lot of many tourists visitors come here every year 五 写作五 写

5、作 满分 满分 1 15 5 分 分 One possible version 仅供参考仅供参考 Dear Peter I was glad to receive your letter and I d like to tell you something about how we studied at home during the battle against the novel coronavirus Our online classes were as open and free as they were in the classroom The teachers always use

6、d PPT in class so we could see more clearly In order to make us more interested in their lessons our teachers usually told us stories and played videos What s more our teachers gave us enough time to study and think for ourselves to develop our ability of independent study We also had more chances t

7、o ask questions and discuss by clicking the keyboard and it was full of fun Sometimes we even expressed ourselves and showed our talents to the whole class through 9 videos It was the most exciting moment Do you think our online classes interesting Yours Wang Lingling 评分标准 第一档 15 13 分 完全符合题目要求 表达清楚 信息完整 语言通顺 发挥合理 语意连贯 字数达标 基本或完全没有语言错误 第二档 12 10 分 符合题目要求 表达基本清楚 信息较完整 语言基本通顺 发挥 基本合理 语意基本连贯 有少量语言错误 但不影响整体理解 第三档 9 7 分 基本符合题目要求 表达不够清楚 信息不够完整 语言欠通顺 有 部分语言错误影响整体理解 第四档 6 4 分 部分内容符合题目要求 内容不完整 表达不清楚 信息不完整 没 有合理发挥 有较多语言错误 所写内容难以理解 第五档 3 0 分 与题目有关的内容不多 不能表达自己的思想 只是简单拼凑提示词 语可得 1 3 分 抄写其他文本内容的得零分 10


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