多自由度 机械手机电系统设计课程设计.doc

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《多自由度 机械手机电系统设计课程设计.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《多自由度 机械手机电系统设计课程设计.doc(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、staff, the successful completion of various tasks assigned by the superior, will now work are summarized below. 1 first, honest work, a sound mechanism. Strengthening organization and leadership. To carry out clean government and the anti-corruption work, the Centre attended the regional animal husb

2、andry and veterinary Bureau is honest work leading group, and according to the district, the District Government, the discipline Inspection Commission with regard to the requirements of the clean, practical, involved in the development of the animal husbandry and veterinary Bureau of XX district 201

3、5 construction work and Division of labour programme, clear clean of responsibility, in accordance with the requirements of layers implement work. Second, accountability. Superior level management of global clean government work, the number one responsibility, team accountability, anti-corruption wo

4、rk mechanism requires, animal husbandry and veterinary Bureau and signed a clean government responsibility centre, centers signed with the workers honest responsibility, tasks, responsibilities, broken, for good honest work has laid a solid foundation. 2, prevention first, intensify the supervision

5、and constraint. To do a clean government and anti-corruption work, and effectively prevent and reduce the incidence of crime, Centre for learning method of combining education and focused on exploring the root; one is to carry out the anti-corruption study, build a strong ideological defense line, f

6、urther study and implement the improved style, close ties with the eight provisions of Yunnan province, and six prohibitions. Second, focus on preventing job-related crimes warning education, organize workers to focus on watching the warning education documentaries, organize cadres and workers to XX

7、 prisons involved in the warning education; third, to establish a sound system of internal financial control. Through mechanisms, activities to further promote the de Chang Xiu as Chief of staff, Chang Si greed of victims, often sets the heart into concrete action in the thought really solve the ini

8、tiative to accept supervision and constraint problems, and consciously abide by honesty and self-discipline regulations. 3, seriously carry out three-three education. In the form of concentrated study and group discussion, learning and practicing the three-three primary content. All cadres and worke

9、rs to strengthen party spirit, belief and faith, enhance the moral realm, the pursuit of noble sentiments and consciously stay away from vulgar, and consciously to combat evil. Practical planning and work, the ideas, policies and programmes in line with the actual situation . System management, Syst

10、em Manager, system management mechanism, strengthen the supervision and management of cadres and workers, so as to increase the strength of honest work. Seriously implementation Central Commission for discipline inspection on strictly ban using positions Shang of convenience seek not due interests o

11、f several provides in the of provides; seriously implementation party supervision Ordinance (pilot) and the supporting system in the of provides; a years to no leaders violations received cash, and securities and paid voucher of phenomenon; no occurred eat, and took, and card, and to of phenomenon;

12、no occurred leaders weddings dacaodaban, and participation gambling, and bus private, and bus tourism of situation; seriously implementation payments two article line Provides that no small coffer exist without violating the self-discipline机电一体化系统设计课程设计说明书设计题目: 多自由度机械手机电系统设计 学 院: 金山学院 专业年级: 10机械 一、总

13、体方案设计51.1 设计任务51.2 总体方案确定51.2.1机械手基本形式的选择51.2.2机械手的主要部件及运动51.2.3驱动机构的选择51.2.4 机械手的技术参数列表5二、机械系统设计62.1机械手手部的设计计算62.1 .1手部设计基本要求62.1.2 典型的手部结构62.1.3机械手手抓的设计计算62.1.4.机械手手抓夹持精度的分析计算102.1.5弹簧的设计计算112.2腕部的设计计算132.2.1 腕部设计的基本要求132.2.2典型的腕部结构142.2.3 腕部结构和驱动机构的选择142.2.4 腕部的设计计算142.3臂部的设计及有关计算172.3.1 臂部设计的基本要

14、求172.3.2 手臂的典型机构以及结构的选择182.3.3 液压缸工作压力和结构的确定202.4机身的设计计算212.4.1 机身的整体设计212.4.2 机身回转机构的设计计算222.4.3 机身升降机构的计算252.4.4 轴承的选择分析27三、控制系统硬件电路设计273.1可编程序控器的简介273.2 PLC的结构,种类和分类283.3 FX2n系列三菱PLC特点293.4 接近开关传感器303.5 I/O接口简介313.6 行程开关的介绍313.6.1 行程开关的概念313.6.2 行程开关的作用及原理313.7电路的总体设计323.7.1回路的设计323.7.2 系统输入/输出分布

15、表333.7.3机械手的程序设计343.7.4 步进电机的运行控制34四、参 考 文 献35一、总体方案设计1.1 设计任务基本要求: 设计一个多自由度机械手(至少要有三个自由度)将最大重量为30Kg的工件,由车间的一条流水线搬到别一条线上;二条流水线的距离为:1800mm;工作节拍为:50s;工件:最大直径为200mm 的棒料;1.2 总体方案确定1.2.1机械手基本形式的选择常见的工业机械手根据手臂的动作形态,按坐标形式大致可以分为以下4种: (1)直角坐标型机械手;(2)圆柱坐标型机械手; ( 3)球坐标(极坐标)型机械手; (4)多关节型机机械手。其中圆柱坐标型机械手结构简单紧凑,定位精度较高,占地面积小,因此本设计采用圆柱坐标 。图1.1 是机械手搬运物品示意图。图中机械手的任务是将传送带A上的物品搬运到传送带B。图1.1 机械手基本形式示意1.2.2机械手的主要部件及运动在圆柱坐在圆柱坐标式机械手的基本方案选定后,根据设计任务,为了满足设计要求,本设计关于机械手具有5个自由度既:手抓张合;手部回转;手臂伸缩;手臂回转;手臂升降5个主要运动。本设计机械手主要由4个大部件和5个液压缸组成:(1)手部,采用一个直线液压缸,通过机构运



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