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1、书山有路 2017年初一新生综合素质测试 英语试卷 时间 30分钟满分100分 答案写在答题卷上 一 单项选择 20 Thereisanywaterinthebottle Wehavewatertodrink A no noB not noC not notalovelybaby A WhatB HowC HowaboutItwillrainhalfanhour A inB ofC beforeJohnistoschool A inhiswayB onhiswayC onhimwayI lldointhefuture A anythinginterestingB somethinguseful

2、C funnysomethingAstreetcleanerthebottleandputitintoatruck A findsB foundC findEasterisaSundayMarchorApril A in inB on inC on onWhomelastnight Ican tremember A take homeB took homeC took tohomePeopleusuallyeatonChineseNewYear sEve A dumplingsandfishB turkeyC ricedumplingsDon tthrowawayanybottlescans

3、C or A butB and二 用所给词的恰当形式填空 30 11 Inthepast there be nocomputers 1 书山有路Peter sfather weigh 75kilograms We grow someplantsnextMonday Peoplelike give present toeachotheratChristmas Iwilltakea swim lessonnextweek I lllearnhow swim Bob helpme carry theheavybox Icancookthedinner quick farm Wanggrowsvege

4、tables I dlike have acake Listen who speak Englishinthepark She read thestorybooklastSunday Don tspeak China inourEnglishclass The dentist roomisonthe twelve floor Don tusethatcup It s her Icandoitby my Manypeoplelike he Themouseisvery small Butit s big thantheant IloveChina It sa power country Shel

5、ooked happy becauseshelostherpurse Theyallliketo invention things Theyarepicturesofdifferent city inCanada Thepolicemanlooks friend andalways help others There be adoctorandtwonursesintheofficenow Weshouldstop throw rubbishintotheriver Weare lose Howcanwefindourwaybackhome 三 按要求改写句子 16 Thesearewildg

6、eese 改为单数句子 2 书山有路37 Iheardthestrongwingintheevening 改为否定句 38 Iwasthreeyearsoldinthisphoto 改为一般疑问句 39 MissFangis165cmtall 对划线部分提问 40 Wehaveonecraftlessoneveryweek 对划线部分提问 41 They llstayinSanyaforfivedays 对划线部分提问 42 Therearealotoftreesnow 用inthefuture代替划线部分 43 Herfavouritecolourisred 用best改写为同义句 四 完型

7、填空 16 Dannyismygoodfriend Heisaniceboy butheeatsalot Hehasabig44everymorning He45foureggs lotsofbreadand46bigglassofmilk Forlunch heeatstwohamburgers much47andchicken Fordinner helikesbeefandsalad Heofteneatssweetfoodandfastfood Helikescolaandsoda 48 Too49foodisnotgoodforhishealth andhe50sports SoDa

8、nnyisvery51 Wecan thavethesamehobbieslikehim 3 书山有路五 阅读理解 10 ChuckandLucylikesportsverymuch Theyalwaysswiminsummerandskateinwinter Theyaregoingtogoskatingthisweekend buttheydon tknowhowtheweatherwillbe It s7 35intheevening nowtheyarewatchingTV They relisteningtotheweatherreportfortheweekend Fridayis

9、goingtobebelowzero It sgoingtosnowonFridayevening SaturdayandSundaywillbecoldandsunny NowChuckandLucyareveryhappy Theythinktheywillhaveagoodtimethen C sports C toplayfootball C theweather ChuckandLucylikeverymuch A watchingTVB playingTheyaregoingthisSaturdayandSunday A swimmingintheriverB skatingThe

10、ywanttoknowabout A therainB thefoodItthisweekend A willrainheavilyB willbecoldandcloudy C willbecoldandsunny Theyarehappyafterlisteningtotheweatherreport because theycangoandseetheirgoodfriendstheycanhaveapicniconthehilltheweatherwillbefineandtheycangoskating 六 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话 8 Howdoyougreetafriend

11、58 Youwanttoknowabouttheweather Howdoyouask 59 Atouristlosthiscasesandasksyouforhelp Askhimaboutthecolourofthem 60 Youwanttoknowthepriceofthesweater Howdoyouasktheshopassistant 4 书山有路 2017年初一新生英语测试卷答案 5 6 B7 B8 B9 A10 C 一 单项选择 1 B2 A3 A 4 B5 B二 用所给词的恰当形式填空 11 were12 weighs13 willgrow14 giving togive

12、 presents15 swimming toswim16 carry17 quickly18 Farmer19 tohave20 isspeaking21 read22 Chinese23 dentist s twelfth24 hers25 myself26 him27 small bigger28 poweful29 unhappy30 invent31 cities32 friendly helps33 is34 throwing35 lost三 按要求改写句子 Thisisawildgoose Ididn thearthestrongwindintheevening Wereyout

13、hreeyearsoldinthisphoto HowtallisMissFang Howmanycraftlessonsdoyouhaveeveryweek HowlongwilltheystayinSanya 50 C 51 D Therewillbealotoftreesinthefuture Shelikesredbest 四 完型填空 44 A45 C46 A47 B48 A49 B五 阅读理解 52 C53 B54 C55 C56 C六 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话 Hello Hi How stheweather What stheweatherlike Whatcolourareyourcases Howmuchisthesweater Howmuchdoesthesweatercost What sthepriceofthesweater HowmuchshouldIpayforthesweater



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