新概念第二册Lesson 17 Always young

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1、Lesson17Alwaysyoung Sharon 1 1 Canyouseewhatshedoes 2 Canyoutellhowoldsheis 2 Timeflies 3 Isshebeautiful Canyoutellhowoldsheis 4 Freetalk Whoisyourfavouriteactor actress Whydoyouthinkhe sheisgood Isittruethatmostwomentellliesabouttheirage Whydothey Whataboutmen Doyouthinkit sterribletobegrownup Why

2、Whynot 5 Lookatthispictureandguesswhat shappeninginthepicture 6 Watchthevideoandansweraquestion Q Whydoesn tAuntJennifertellanyonehowoldsheis 7 Newwordsandexpressions appearv 登台 扮演stagen 舞台brightadj 鲜艳的stockingn 女用 长筒袜sockn 短袜 8 Keywords appearv 登场 扮演 disappearv 消失 appearincourt出庭e g Sheappearstokno

3、wyou Sheseemstoknowyou 她似乎认识你 appearancen 外貌e g Wecan tjudgebyhisappearance 我们不能以貌取人 appearancefee出场费 9 Keywords stagen 舞台阶段 onthestage 在舞台上e g 很多明星被发现在舞台上对嘴假唱 Manypop starsarefoundtolip synchinthestage inthestage 在某一阶段e g Whenshewasknockedon shesuddenlyforgotwhattodointhestage 当她被叫上场时 她突然忘记在场上该做什么了

4、 atanearlystageoftheproject在项目的早期阶段stageappearonthestagescenethefirstsceneoftheplay 10 brightadj 鲜艳的 Thesunwasverybright Theboyisverybright Hehasabrightfuture 11 Sockn 短袜Stockingn 女用 长筒袜 12 Listenandfillintheblanks MyauntJenniferisanactress Shemustbeatleastthirty fiveyearsold Inspiteofthis sheoftena

5、ppearsonthestageasayounggirl Jenniferwillhavetotakepartinanewplaysoon Thistime shewillbeagirlofseventeen Intheplay shemustappearinabrightreddressandlongblackstockings Lastyearinanotherplay shehadtowearshortsocksandabright orange coloureddress Ifanyoneeverasksherhowoldsheis shealwaysanswers Darling i

6、tmustbeterribletobegrownup 13 atleast at the 最高级 表示 最 至 atmost至多 最多 atfirst最初 首先 attheearliest最早 atleast至少 最少 起码 atlast最后 终于 atthelatest最晚 e g Therecanbenomorethanfiftypeopleintheaudienceat the most Atleasttwohundredhaveleft Shemustbeatleastthirty fiveyearsold 14 atleastatmoste g atleastnotforme 至少对

7、我而言不是 e g Atleastnotyet 至少目前还不是e g Atleastdosomething 至少要有所行动e g atleastnottoday 至少不是今天 15 prince 以 ess结尾的是女性 以 or er结尾的是男性 doctor princess womandoctor waitress waiter lion lioness 16 Inspiteofthis sheoftenappearsonthestageasayounggirl inspiteof 尽管 despiteappearas扮演 角色e g Ican tcomeasIambusy e g AsI

8、wasleavingthehouse thepostmanbrougttheletter e g DoasItoldyou e g Heworksasanengineer e g Wewentoutinspiteoftherain e g Inspiteofthefactthathewasangry hehelpedme e g Althoughhewasangry hehelpme 17 Jenniferwillhavetotakepartinanewplaysoon join 参加了某一种团体 成为其中一员joinin 参加入一种娱乐活动或者游戏joininthegamejointhear

9、my joinustakepartin 参加某一种活动enterfor报名参加takepartinthesportsmeeting attend 出席attendthemeeting 18 orangecolored n ed adj apairofhigh heeledshoes一双高跟鞋 awhite haireddoctor一个白发苍苍的医生 ahoney mouthedboyfriend一个甜言蜜语的男友 19 appearv appearancen disappearv disappearancen 20 agirlofseventeen Darling itmustbeterrib

10、letobegrownup 21 Must 表达义务 haveto必须 22 Must 2 表达推测must v 原 表示对现在情况的肯定推测e g Marymusthavesomeproblem Shekeepscrying must have done表示对过去情况的肯定推测e g Icalledveryloud Hemusthaveheardme 23 Must 3 mustn t表示禁止e g Youmustn tsmokehere 4 表示抱怨e g WhymustitrainagainonSunday P77 24 Exercises Don tbelateagain You be

11、hereontime A mayB canC mustD needn tYou doitevenifyoudon twantto A can tB mustn tC needn tD haveto3 MustItakeabus No you Youcanwalkfromhere A mustn tB don tC don thavetoD hadbetternotto4 Itisrathercoldhere Shallwelightafire No we becausethingshereareeasytocatchfire A won tB can tC mustn tD needn t 2

12、5 26 discussion 1 Howoldisyourmother father 2 Dotheylookyoung 3 Doesyourmotherhaveanygoodwaytostayyoung 4 Dotheydoalotofexercises 5 Dotheyuseanycosmetics 化妆品 6 Doyouhaveanygoodsuggestionsforstayinghealthy 7 Dotheyeathealthily 8 Howtoeathealthily 9 Let ssetgoodexamplesforourparents 27 Specialdifficul

13、ties as prep inthepositionof作为e g HeworksasanengineerHeworkslikeanengineer 他不是工程师 但行为举止像工程师 conj because因为e g IcannotcomeasIambusy atthetimewhene g AsIwasleavingthehouse thepostmanbroughtaletter inthewaythat按照 的方式e g Doasyouaretold P78 28 Specialdifficulties 2 dress 女服 女礼服 suit 男装 一套 衣服 costume 在特别场

14、合下穿的衣服 如戏服 化装舞会上的服装e g Alltheactorsworethefifteenth centurycostumes 29 3 grow 动植物的 生长 成长 growup 长大成人 思想上成熟 grown upadj 思想上 行为上成熟的 n 成年人e g Somepeoplenevergrowup Herchildrenaregrownupnow Heisagrown up Specialdifficulties P79 30 Trytoretellthestory Myaunt actressmust thirty five oldInspiteof appears stage girlJennifer takepart newplay soonThistime girl seventeenIntheplay appear dress stockingsLastyear play shortsocks coloureddressIf howold alwaysanswers Darling terrible growup 31



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