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1、AttributiveClause 定语从句 Ilikethebook Thebookcostsfiveyuan Ilikethebookwhichcostsfiveyuan Ilikethebookwhichcostsfiveyuan 先行词 antecedent 关系词 Relativeword 定语从句 attributiveclause 修饰n 或pron 的从句 关系词的作用 1 引导定语从句2 代替先行词3 在定语从句中担当某个成分 Thisisagoodhotel Iknowthehotel Thebuildingwasveryold Thebuildingwasbuilt100

2、yearsago Howtomakeattributiveclauses Thisisagoodhotelthat whichIknow Thebuildingthat whichwasbuilt100yearsagowasveryold Antecedentcanonlybe noun pronoun Relativeword Relativepron that which who whom whose as Relativeadv when where why AC definingAC 限定性AC non definingAC 非限定性AC Mydaughter whoisinBosto

3、nnow iscominghomenextweek 从句所修饰的词代表一个或一类人或物 该从句是句中不可缺少的组成部分 如果去掉它 主句的意思就不完整或失去意义 这种定语从句和主句的关系不十分密切 只是对先行词做些补充说明 如果省去 主句的意思仍然完整 不会引起语意混乱 定语从句四大特点 1 必须有先行词 2 有关系词 关系代词 关系副词 3 关系词在句子中担当某个成分 4 先行词在句子中不能重复出现 Choosetherightrelativepronounsandunderlinetheattributiveclauses 1 1 Thegirl servedintheshopwasthe

4、owner sdaughter A thatB whomC whoseD who2 Theman Isawtoldmetocomebacktoday A thatB whomC whichD who3 Iknowaboy fatherisasportsman A thatB whomC whoseD who4 Thebook IwanttoreadisTravelsinChina A thatB whomC whichD who5 Thisisthecity Ivisitedlastyear A thatB whomC whichD who D B C A C A C Howtousewho

5、whomandwhose Theman stoleyourcarhasbeencaught who Thegirl ImetyesterdayisTom sgirlfriend whom Thefilmisaboutaspy wifebetrays 被叛 him whose who who Idon tlikepeople getangryeasily Hereistheman youwanttosee Theseason comesafterspringissummer Ivisitedascientist nameisknownalloverthecountry Doyouliketheb

6、ook coverisyellow Theboyisanorphan motherdiedthreeyearsago Thethief stolenMr Green scomputerhasbeencaughtyesterday Shedidn ttellmethereason sherefusedtheoffer 1994wastheyear hewasborn who that who whom that that which whose whose whose who that why when 介词 关系代词 prep relativepron 引导的定语从句 关系代词在定语从句中可以

7、做介词宾语 在限定性定语从句中如果修饰的是物 而且作介词宾语 关系代词前没有介词时 一般用关系代词which或that 也可以省略 e g What sthequestion which that they retalkingabout e g Theschoolin heoncestudiedisverybeautiful which 如果介词位于关系代词之前 则只能用which不能用that 同样 在限定性定语从句中如果修饰的是人 且作介词宾语 关系代词前没有介词时 一般用who whom或that 也可以省略 e g Thisistheboy whom who that Iplayedt

8、enniswithyesterday e g Wewillgotohearthefamoussingerabout wehaveoftentalked whom 如果介词位于关系代词之前 则只能用whom 在 介词 关系代词 的结构中 如果关系代词是所有格时 只用whose 无论介词是在关系代词之前还是在之后 e g ThemanagerwhosecompanyIworkinpaysmuchattentiontoimprovingourworkingconditions ThemanagerinwhosecompanyIworkpaysmuchattentiontoimprovingourworkingconditions 介词 关系代词 前还可有some any none all both neither many most each few等数词来修饰e g Heloveshisparentsdeeply bothofwhomareverykindtohim Pleaseusetheattributeclausestodescribethisboy Yoursentencesmaybeginwith Thisistheboy Picturethis


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