高中英语 Unit1 Lifestyles课堂强化训练 北师大版必修1.doc

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1、一鼓作气 (课中强化类训练)Exercises for new words(生词专练) .Choose the word that does not belong to the group.(选出下列不同类的一项。) 1.A.shepherdB.executiveC.lifestyleD.accountant2.A.cartoonB.operaC.dramaD.career3.A.loveB.preferC.shyD.like4.A.relaxingB.preparingC.excitingD.boring5.A.stressB.tensionC.pressureD.stand答案:1.CC为

2、生活方式,而其他三项为人。2.DD是职业,而其他三项为各种不同艺术形式。3.CC为害羞的。其他三项为表示看法的词。4.BB为动名词。其他三项为形容词。5.DD为动词“承受,站立”,其他三项为名词表“紧张”。.Write down the right word form requested in the parenthes.(根据括号内的要求,写出单词的正确形式。)1.responsibility(形容词) _7.creative(动词) _2.course(名词复数) _8.unexpected(反义词) _3.prevent(名词) _9.switch(动词的过去式) _4.social(名

3、词) _10.normally(形容词) _5.organize(名词) _11.presentation(动词) _6.support (动词的过去式) _12.solve(动词的过去式)答案:1.responsible2.courses3.prevention4.society5.organization6.supported7.create8.expected9.switched10.normal11.present12.solved.Complete the sentence according to the sentence meaning and tip.(根据句意和提示完成下列句

4、子。)1.He works in a factory as an _ (会计师).2.She _ (抱怨) to me about his rudeness.3.This new discovery _ (提出异议) traditional belief.4.The popular songs are heard _ (到处).5.He was so tired,so he sat down on a _ (沙发).6.All the guests appreciated his _ (有创意的) designs for the new college building.7.A terrori

5、st organization has claimed _ (负责) for the bombing.8.Traditional female roles are constantly being _ (挑战) by contemporary feminists _ (当代女权主义者).9.Im not a heavy drinker,but I like an _ (偶然的) glass of wine.10.You made a good job of painting the housevery _ (专业的).11.She is a very _ (坚决的) woman who alw

6、ays gets what she wants.12.I fully _ (期望) to see themthey come every year.13.It will be a bit _ (拥挤) for us in that tiny meeting room.14.She says its genuine,but we think _ (另一方面的).15.Im not feeling very _ (爱交际的) this evening.16. _ (放松)is a good way to reduce stress.17.Who made the _ (决定) to go ther

7、e?18.He is _ (渴望)to meet his friends.19.The drug changed her whole _ (性格).20.We watched a _ (记录片) about gold miners in South Africa.答案:plained3.challenges4.everywhere5.couch6.creative7.responsibility8.challenged9.occasional 10.professional11.determined12.expect 13.crowded14.otherwise 15.social16.Rel

8、axation17.decision18.eager19.personality20.documentary.Write down the word according to the paraphrase.(根据释意写出单词。)1. _ to pass your final exams at university2. _ having a strong desire to do something3. _ a state that you feel relaxed,happy and without pain4. _ something new,exciting,or difficult th

9、at you will need lots of determination and effort5. _ to make yourself ready for something6. _ a choice that you make7. _ someone who offers to do a job without being paid答案:fort4.challenge5.prepare for6.decision7.volunteer.Spell out the word according to the sentence meaning and tip.(根据句意和提示完成句子。)1

10、.According to the weather _ (8 letters) it will be sunny tomorrow.2.The _ (8 letters) of the city life forced him to move to the country.3.Now she is _ (9 letters) for the examination,so dont bore him with these questions.4.He works as a _ (9 letters) in the army.5.Children likes _ (7 letters) chara

11、cters like “Snow White”.6.Its _ (8 letters) at home when the children are at school.7.They _ (8 letters) about the food.8.This is my _ (8 letters) letter.You should not read it.9.In fact, _ (6 letters) isnt a bad thing as it is often supposed to be.10.Kates an _ (6 letters) in teaching small childre

12、n.11.Bobs always been a _ (6 letters) climber.12.The _ (12 letters) of prizes will begin in the town hall at nine oclock.答案:plain8.personal9.stress10.expert11.social12.presentation.Fill in the blanks with the word in the box.(用方框里的单词填空。)imaginefavoriteasleepcomplaindesignednearbyadvertisementcrowded

13、styleclassical1.We cant _ life without any difficulty.2.My _ song is “Yesterday Once More”.3.I was working while he was fast _.4.She _ of his carelessness.5.That dress is in the latest _.6.Both Bach and Beethoven(巴赫与贝多芬) wrote _ music.7.Who _ the new school?8.The wall was covered with _.9.She came from a _ v



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