江西省信丰二中高中英语《Unit5 Music 》学案(2) 必修2.doc

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1、江西省信丰二中高中英语必修二Unit5 Music 学案(2)学习内容:学习、了解下列词汇及其拓展学习方法:查课文、资料和字典学习时间:1. dream of / about (doing) sth 2. pretend 3. To be honest4. attach to 【导学】attach to的to是_词?attach importance / significance/value/weight to是_意思5. form 6. earn 7. in cash 8. play jokes/a joke on 【导学】同义词组有_ 9. rely on 10. be familiar

2、with sth 是_意思be familiar to sb. 又是_意思11. or so 12. break up 【导学】break 短语有_13.Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert , at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music?【导学】which 引导一个_句子? 在文中找出类似的句子.14. They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking fo

3、r rock musicians, 【导学】 looking for rock musicians 做_成分?自我检测1. _ _ _ (老实说), I like English very much.2He _(假装)to be sleeping when we came in.3I _ _ (梦想)being a great scientist when I was a child.4. Both her parents_ _ _ (重视)education.5. It is impolite to _ _ _ (开玩笑)others. 6He will arrive at six oclo

4、ck _ _. (大约)。7. The club _ _ ( 解散)last year. 8. They played to passesr-byin the street so that they can _ (挣钱)some money.9.After some years, he has _(形成) the habit of having a walk after supper.10 .You can _ _ (依赖) me to keep your secret.11.Will the people _ (坐)at the back please keep quiet?12.He st

5、ill clearly remembers the day _ _ (=when) he became a college student.13. She _ _ _(通晓) history.答案1. To be honest 2. pretended 3. dreamed of 4. attach importance / significance/value/weight to 5. play jokes/a joke on 6. or so 7. broke up 8. earn9. formed 10. rely on 11. sitting 12. on which 13. is f

6、amiliar with备课参考:1. dream of / about (doing) sth 梦见, 梦想典例(1) I dream of becoming a millionaire.(2) When she was young, she dreamt about being a doctor in the future.重点用法dream或dream of与not, little,never连用为“想不到”dream dreamed dreamed 或者dreamt dreamt dream v. & n dream a good dream练习 翻译下列句子I never dream

7、ed that such a thing could happen.2. Do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like 佯装;假装;重点用法 pretend sth. 她假装生病。She pretended sickness.pretend to do sth.她假装没有看见我。She pretended not to see me.pretend to be doing sth.(正在做)When his mother came in, _.他假装正在看书pretend to have done sth.(做过)Pe

8、ter _.假装去过美国pretend that + clause他假装无辜。He _3. To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous. 重点用法 to be honest ( with sb ) 老实说 be honest about sth be honest in doing sth 练习 根据句子的意思填入适当得介词1) I shall be honest _ you.2) He is honest _ doing business.3) The eyewitness

9、 is honest _ his evidence.4. attach to (doing)认为有(重要性,意义);附上;连接典例(1) 请把包裹(parcel)贴上标签(label)。Please attach a label to the parcel.(2) 他们把一张照片附在了信中。They attached a photo to the letter.(3) 他很重视运动会。He attaches great importance to the sports meeting.重点用法attach significance/value/weight to sth意思和attach im

10、portance to相近练习 翻译下列句子1) 他认为认真学习非常重要。2) 大家都认为通过这次考试很重要。5. form 重点用法1) vt. 形成, 组成, 养成 在体育老师的帮助下我们组成了一支篮球队。 With the help of our PE teacher, we form a basketball team. 2) n. 表格, 形式, 形态(1)冰,雪和蒸汽都是水的不同形式.Ice, snow and steam are different forms of water. 3) in the form of 以的形式练习完成下列句子1)结果, 他养成了早上早起的习惯。As

11、 a result, he _ early.2) 请用以上单词填下面的表格.Please_ with the words above.6. earn vt. 赚得, 使得到典例他每月赚钱不多。结果,他不得不过简朴的生活。 He earns a little money every month. As a result, he has to live a simple life.重点用法earn money= make money 挣钱 earn ones living = make a living 谋生练习 翻译下列句子1) His braveness earned him a good r

12、eputation. 2) He earned his living by writing plays.7. pay (sb) in cash 给现金;现金支付 典例我可以用现金付饭钱吗? Can I pay you in cash for my meal?您是用现金还是用信用卡支付? How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card?8. play jokes/a joke on 开玩笑, 戏弄某人典例 (1) 她喜欢拿朋友开玩笑。 She likes to play jokes on her friends. (2) 没人喜欢被别人戏弄

13、。 No one like to be played jokes on by others.同义词组 make fun of laugh at play tricks/ a trick on练习 翻译下列句子1) 下课后同学们经常互相开玩笑。2) 他们讥笑他的愚蠢。9. rely on v. 依赖, 依靠,信任典例(1)你可以信任他。 You can rely on him. (2)你可以信赖我,我会帮助你的。 You may rely on me to help you. (3)你可以指望他们准时完成这项艰巨的工作。You may rely on it that they will finish the hard job on time.重点用法rely on/ upon sb. 依靠某人rely on/ upon sb.to do sth. 依靠指望某人做某事rely on/ upon it that-clause


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