八年级英语上册 Unit 3 What a day教案 北京课改版.doc

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1、Unit 3What a day【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 3 What a day二. 学习目标单词:本单元所有单词及相关词组词组:本单元出现的词组及相关的同义词和反义词句型:一般过去时的特殊疑问句技能:能用一般过去时来描述自己或朋友家人的一天或一周的事情1) 单词:本单元所有单词(单词表中)2) 词组 be on a vacation 在度假 be on business 在出差 call out 叫出去 look after 照顾 jump out of 跳出来 have a serious fight 打架 turn on 打开 step onto 走到上面 lock t

2、he door 锁门 the middle of winter 寒冬 accept the apology 接受道歉3) 句型: I found myself cuffed to the chair with toy handcuffs. It took her 20 minutes to fund the key and get me out. What a bad day!四. 重点、难点一般过去时的各种句式五. 学习过程(一)重点知识讲解与拓展:1. What a day! 糟糕的一天!What a boy! 什么孩子呀!2. be on a vacation 在度假 be on bus

3、iness 在出差be on a visit to 在参观3. callout 叫出去,大声叫嚷call over 叫过去 点名字call away 叫走call back 叫回来call by 顺便访问家call for 要求call in 叫进来 约请call names 恶语伤人 辱骂某人call on 号召 呼吁 请求call together 召集 4. look after = take care of look out = be careful = take carelook out of 向外看look about 四下环顾,全面考虑look around 环视 四下张望loo

4、k back 回头看 回顾,回忆look down 向下看,俯视 跌价look forward to 希望 盼望look for 寻找look down on 看不起,蔑视look into 调查,研究,了解look like 看起来像look on 旁观,观望look onas = regard . as 把看作,认为look over 检查,粗略地看一下look through 从头看完,详细调查look up 在(字典和参考书中)查找look up and down 上、下打量look up to 尊敬,敬仰look worried 看起来很忧虑5. Jump out of the be

5、d. 从床上跳下来。Jump out of the boat. 从小船上跳出来。6. prefer 更喜欢 preferred (过去式 )I prefer English.preferto= likebetter than和相比更喜欢preferrather than 宁愿干而不干She prefer read English rather than read Chinese.7. While 当时候,一会儿 for a while=for a moment 一会儿 while和when的区别while作当时候讲时,主要用于连接延续性动词. Please look after my pet

6、dog while I am awayMy mother was watching TV a play while I was doing my homework yesterday eveningI often listen to the MP3 while I am riding a bikeWhen 既可接延续性动词,又可以接实动词. For example The students were reading books when the teacher came into the classroom. The teacher came in to the classroom when

7、the students were reading books. 8. Finally = at last= in the end最后9. turn on 打开turn off 关掉turn up 调高turn down 调低turn green 面露病容 脸色变白,变绿turn in = hand in 上交turn into = change into 变成,变为turn off 关闭(水源,煤气,电灯等)turn on 拧开,打开(电灯,自来水,无线电等)turn over 翻身,反复考虑,熟思turn up 向上翻卷10. step onto the porch 走到走廊上面step

8、v. step 走步,迈到She stepped onto the boatstep n 脚步/台阶There are five steps over there11. accept v. 接受accept ones apology 接受的道歉Yesterday he accepted his apology about the accident. We accepted his invitation happily last week. (二)语法项目一般过去时的用法一般过去时主要用于描述过去某个时间所发生的事。各种句式的变化没有人称和数的变化,助动词所有人称都用did,其他相关助动词都要变

9、为相应的过去式,在句型转换中,要首先确定疑问词。询问人用who,询问做了什么用what,问物用what,问地点用where等。特殊疑问句的句式为:疑问词+一般疑问句?When did they have a party?Where were you this morning?How long did your brother play ping-pong?巩固练习:1. 根据中文提示完成下列各句:1) 昨天晚上你干什么了?_ _ you _ yesterday evening?2) 今天早晨你们为什么上学迟到?_ _ you _ _ this morning?3) 上个月你不在的时候谁帮你照顾

10、孩子的?_ _ you _ _ your child white you _ away last month?4) 昨天你们看了多长时间电视?_ _ _ you _ TV last night?5) 他们什么时候锁的门?_ _ they _ the door?2. 感叹句!用于抒发喜悦,惊奇,赞赏,愤怒等强烈感情的句子叫感叹句. 它有两种句式:由what引导的感叹名词的感叹句. 例如:What bad weather!What a tall building! 由How 引导的感叹形容词和副词的感叹句,例如:How delicious the fish is !How beautiful the flowers are!How wonderful!巩固练习:用How, what, what a (an) 填空。1. _ beautiful garden it is!2. _ fine weather it is!3. _ lovely the girl is! 4. _ fast the boy is running?5. _ interesting story it is!4



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