八年级英语下册:Chapter 7 A New Newspaper学案(上海牛津版).doc

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1、 Chapter 7 A new newspaper课题: C7 Period 1 A new newspaper学习目标:1认知目标:记忆从事新闻报纸工作相关的人物词汇。2能力目标:了解报纸中的新闻编排、设计特点;能运用所学知识设计、编写一份英文简报进行实事报道。 3情感目标:学会观察、洞悉身边人和事,关注社会,了解国家大事,以便同学之间交流近来社会发生的事或是热点新闻,加强彼此间沟通。 课前预习要求及内容:1. 学习并且熟读熟记需要掌握的单词和短语。agree (agree on; agree with sb.; agree to do sth.; agree that); arrange

2、, publish, take charge of, talk over, vote (for), ought to, chief editor, elect, experience, decision, choice, conclude, principal etc.2了解并掌握一些同根词的变化和用法:agree-agreement; decide-decision; choose-choice; conclude-conclusion; consider-consideration; edit-editor-edition, explain explanation; brief-brief

3、ly.课文前思考题:1)Can you say some names of different kinds of newspapers in China? E.g. People Daily, China Daily, 2)Say the names of some newspapers in other countries ? E.g. Times (New York / London), Post (Washington), Sun ( UK), Mirror ( UK),3) hat can you find in newspapers?4)Whos the monitor / moni

4、tress of your class?5)Why do you elect him/her to be your monitor /monitress?6)Do you trust him/her?4. 熟读课文并式着回答下列问题:1)Why did Millie suggest Arthur as the secretary? 2)What are the other three editors responsible for?3)What sections would they have?4)When would they decide?学习的重点和关键:1. 能够记忆理解agree,

5、arrange, decide, charge, ought动词的含义和并运用其相关的词组、结构的用法.2. 能够正确运用词的适当形式agree-agreement; decide-decision; choose-choice; conclude-conclusion; consider-consideration; edit-editor-edition;explain- explanation; brief-briefly, suggest-suggestions.3. 能够理解动词一般过去时态的含义、构成和运用。导学的内容与过程:1. 小组同学彼此用英文简要地介绍一下自己近来了解的一则

6、新闻故事。2. 阅读一份英文报,找到报纸中是否有相应的以下内容:标题(headlines)、文学(letters)、世界新闻(world news)、地方新闻(local news)、社论(editorials)、专栏(features)、体育(sports)、广告(Advertisements)、评论(Reviews)、商业信息(Business information)、电视节目(TV schedules)、天气预报(Weather forecasts)、连环画(Comic strips)。3.通读课文,找出Tony, Millie, Pansy, Joyce, Arthur各自在报刊编辑

7、部所担任的工作。小组讨论预习课文时自己未能解决的问题,组内或组际之间相互合作解决问题。4.以小组形式组织一个班报编辑部,小组成员进行职责分工谈谈各位要分管和所做之事。5.教师答疑课内练习与训练:I. What do you know about? (TB P90 A):.II. Look and think (TB P90 B):III. Find the facts (TB P90 C):Which jobs did the children get?E.g. Pansy is an editor.IV. Find these words in the passage and try to

8、work out their meanings. (Remember that you can often tell the meaning of the word by reading the words around it.) Use the words in the dialogues below.elect charge decision experiencetalk over vote consider1 Who is responsible for the class when the teacher leaves the room?The monitor. He/She take

9、s _ of the class.2 Have you chosen a class monitor yet?No. Were going to _ for one tomorrow.3 Did they _ Daisy badminton captain?Yes. Everyone voted for her.4 Peter is a good secretary . He has been one for a long time. Yes, I know. He has a lot of _.5 Ive got a problem. I want to discuss it with you.Right. Lets sit down and _ it _.6 Did your sister agree to lend you her bicycle?No. She said she would _it and let me know her _ tomorrow.自我评价自己记录完成时间做对题数题目难度难题题号 难中易发现问题及成果汇报 课后作业1.Textbook 8B page 30.2.预习课本P92-93.试着完成相应的练习。3.读背本课中的新单词及词组和12小段课文。


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