江苏省连云港市马陵山中学2012-2013学年七年级英语5月月考试题 牛津版.doc

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《江苏省连云港市马陵山中学2012-2013学年七年级英语5月月考试题 牛津版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省连云港市马陵山中学2012-2013学年七年级英语5月月考试题 牛津版.doc(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 江苏省连云港市马陵山中学2012-2013学年七年级英语5月月考试题 牛津版 一、单项选择(每题1分,共20分)( ) 1._ a sunny day .I went for a walk by the river with my good friends . A. One B. At C. On D. Of( ) 2. -I often hear a young lady in the room in the morning. -Me too, A. sings B. sing C. singing D. is singing( ) 3.Can you_ a tent by yoursel

2、f ?Sorry . Its a little hard for me. A. put on B. put up C. put down D. take off( ) 4. 有一个单词划线部分的读音与其他三个单词划线部分的读音不同,选出该单词。 A looked Bopened C stopped D washed( ) 5.Dont eat _ food, its _ bad for your health. A. too many, much too B. too much, too muchC. too much, much too D. much too, too much( ) 6.

3、Luoyang has become famous _ paper from then on. A. for making B. to make C. as making D. about making( ) 7._ dangerous to swim in the lake, remember _ in the swimming pool.A. Thats, swim B. It, to swim C. This, swimming D. Its, to swim( ) 8. -Its too far. Im afraid I cant walk to the square. -You ca

4、n ride bike. My aunts bike is here, so I can use . A. my; hers B. mine; hers C. mine; her D. my; her( ) 9. Mr. Green _ up, but he didnt _ anything. A. looked, see B. looked, look C. saw, looked D. saw, see( ) 10. It usually _me half an hour _ home. A, takes; to walk B, take; walking C, spends; walki

5、ng D, spends; to walk( ) 11.The song Where is Spring so sweet. I like it a lot. A. listens B. hears C. sounds D. tastes( ) 12. There is _with his MP4. It doesnt work. A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothing C. something wrong D. wrong something( ) 13. Did you watch the animal show yesterday? No. We were t

6、o catch the last bus. A. too early B. too late C. late enough D. early enough( ) 14. We are looking forward to the famous dancer us a talk this Saturday. A. invite; to give B. invite; gives C. inviting; gives D. inviting; to give( ) 15. The boy down from a tree and he terrible.A. fell; fell B. felt;

7、 felt C. felt; fell D. fell; felt( ) 16. The children are _ in all the _ things.A. interested, interestingB. interesting, interestingC. interested, interested D. interesting, interested( ) 17. You look so tired. Why not _a rest? A. to stop to have B. stop to have C. to stop having D. stop having( )

8、18._ years ago, women wore clothes like these.A. Three thousandsB. Three thousand ofC. Thousands ofD. Thousand of( ) 19.If he too much, he will find Maths isnt difficult. A. complains;soB. complains;thatC. doesnt complains;soD. doesnt complain;that( ) 20.-I didnt pass the English exam last week.-_A.

9、 Congratulations!B. What a pity!C. Im glad to hear that.D. Good luck!二、完形填空(每题1分,共10分)Its important for everyone to have a good neighbour. In China, there is a saying that a distant relative is not as good as a near neighbor(远亲不如近邻). I agree with it 1 from my experience (经历), I think its 2 for each

10、one to have a good neighbor. First, a good neighbour is a good friend. One winter day when our family moved to a new house, our neighborhood helped us to 3 some furniture(家具) and told us something 4 this neighbourhood. They invited all members of 5 family to their home and have a hot drink. They mad

11、e us 6 comfortable here.Next, a good neighbor is a good relative(亲戚).When we travel, our neighbors 7 take care of our house and keep the letters for us. When they are 8 , we also help them as they do. In the new neighborhood, we always 9 each other. We are just like good relatives.Finally, I get a v

12、ery important 10 from our neighbours that is: Having a good neighbour is being a good neighbor yourself.( ) 1. A. so B. and C. butD. because ( ) 2. A. easy B. hard C. important D. expensive( ) 3. A. bring B. take C. carry D. move( ) 4. A. aboutB. on C. at D. to( ) 5. A. my B. your C. his D. their (

13、) 6. A. feeling B. feel C. to feelD. feels( ) 7. A. seldom B. never C. always D. sometimes( ) 8. A. travel B. out C. in D. to( ) 9. A. see B. help C. chat D. call( ) 10. A. video B. card C. present D. lesson 三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)阅读下面两篇文章,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 (A)Hello, my name is Sandy. My dream house is on a beach. It has two gardens. The front garden is large and has many beautiful flowers and trees. We can take a walk and enjoy the beautiful flo


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