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1、专四应试技巧(写作篇1:句子的一致性)句子的一致性:指句子结构完整,时态、语态,语气及句式的一致,举重个部分共同表达一个独立、完整的思想。句子各成分之间的关系应协调,连贯,自然平稳。下面来看一下句子不统一的几种情况:1)句子意思表达不完整 The lecture was given in such an interersting way. The lecture was given in such an inereresting way that everyone enjoyed it very much.2)句子的主从关系模糊 We are going to visit John, and

2、he is our English friend. We are going to visit John who is our English friend.3) 连接词使用不当 The main reason he was absent was because he was ill. The main reason he was absent was that he was ill.4) 主谓不一致 Every teacher and student were invited to go to the party. Every teacher and student was invited

3、to go to the party.5) 中心不明白 I was watching a film last night, I suddenly found Mary sitting in front of me. when I was watching a film last night, I suddenly found Mary sitting in front of me.练习:下列句子中都存在不一致的问题,请修改并指出属于哪类情况。1)The old man always goes for a walk in that park, and its near to his apartm

4、ent.2)Each of the houses are painted different colours.3)The real reason I was sleepy was because I got up early this morning.4)He walked along the street, he suddenly realized he was lost.5)The party was so dull.参考答案1) The old man always goes for a walk in that park which is near to his apartment.

5、句子的主从关系模糊(有些朋友在which之前加了逗号,意思就完全不对咯,要注意。)2) Each of the houses is painted a different colour.主谓不一致3) The real reason I was sleepy was that I got up early this morning. 连接词使用不当4) He walked along the street and then suddenly realized he was lost.中心不明白5) The party was so dull that everyone wanted to jo

6、in the one held in the apartment opposite.句子意思表达不完整专四应试技巧(写作篇2:句子的连贯性)句子的连贯性:指句子连接贯通,衔接自然。句子不论长短都应环环紧扣,符合语法、逻辑。请注意以下要点:1)平行结构:把两个获两个以上意思相近或相对的、地位相当的成分已同意与发行是泛指在一起。其中以下三条规则须加以注意。a)使用相同的语法来表达具有相同功能的句子成分,可运用并列连词and, but或or等。 If you want to learn a foreign language well, youd better try to think in it a

7、nd speak it as much as possible. If you want to learn a foreign language well, youd better try to think in it and to speak it as much as possible.b)正确使用相关连词,如bothand, not but, not only but also等。 Wang Lan is not only clever but also she is helpful. Wang Lan is not only clever but also helpful.c)一个句子

8、或段落中的人称、时态、语态要始终保持一致。 One reason I like to go to school on foot is the physical exercise I get from it. I like to go to school on foot I regard it as a kind of physical exercise.2)代词一致:句中代词应在数、性、人称等方面保持一致,或者与它所照应的名词词组在这些方面保持一致。如:We each are responsible for our own jobs.We are each responsible for hi

9、s own jobs.3)代词与先行词一致:写作时应弄清楚代词究竟指代哪个名词,否则意思不明确,造成模棱两可的感觉。如: The old woman told the little girl that she was wrong. The old woman told the little girl,”I am wrong.” The old woman told the little girl,”You are wrong.”练习:下列句子中都存在不连贯的问题,请修改并指出属于哪类情况。1)He asked the policeman what had happened to him.2)N

10、ot only he did make a promise, but he kept.3)All are ready, isnt it?4)Listening to the wind and smell the fragrant of the lily, you will found that the summer is coming.5)The most important reason I accept his advice is his knowledge of marketing I know from his words.参考答案1)He asked the policeman,“W

11、hat happened to you?”/ He asked the policeman,“What happened to me?”代词与先行词不一致2)Not only did he make a promise, but he kept.连词使用不当(not only前置一定要用倒装句)3)All are ready, arent they?代词不一致4)Listening to the wind and smelling the fragrant of the lily, you will found that the summer is coming.结构不平行5)I accept

12、 his advice because I know he is keen in marketing.语态不一致专四应试技巧(写作篇3:句子的简练)句子的简练:累赘是写作常见的弊病之一。写作时应力求言简意赅,短小精悍。也就是说,在能说“走,天竺!”的时候千万不要说“你挑着担我骑着马迎来日出送走晚霞地去西天也就是天竺现在叫印度的地方如来佛祖那里取经到东土大唐来。”(咦?为什么大家都在吐?)众人:那个总之,能简洁就简洁便是了。下面来看几句例句。繁琐 My little bother always disappears from view when it is time for dinner.简洁

13、My little bother always disappears when it is time for dinner.繁琐 The point I am trying to make is that practice makes perfect.简洁 I believe that practice makes perfect.繁琐 I am writing to call your attention to the fact that简洁 I am writing to remind you that练习:下列句子中都很繁琐,请修改成简洁句。1)There are several thi

14、ngs which are interesting here.2)It is encouraging and inspiring to note that sales which are reported right now have increased this month.3)Another factor that adds to the persuasive power of this speech is the vivid example is gives.参考答案:1)There are several things which are interesting here.Severa

15、l things are interesting here.2)It is encouraging and inspiring to note that sales which are reported right now have increased this month.Sales have increased this month; the figures are encouraging.(特别说明一下,这句句子是商务英语写作的范畴,一般不用形式主语,不用从句,所以这里不要用it is + aj.句型。)3)Another factor that adds to the persuasive power of this speech is the vivid example is gives.The vivid example also makes the speech mor persuasive.专四应试技巧(写作篇4:句子的强调)句子的强调:强调能更有效地进行思想交流。写作者为使读者能更深入地了解自己的观点,有必要运用强调的手段。这就好比平时我们做笔记的时候,用荧光笔划出重点,为的就是能一目了然。那么写作的时候,也不要忘记在必要的地方使用一下highlight,让那些没有颜色的亮绿亮黄,一下子达到读者



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