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1、2020年中考英语介词短语背诵集锦一、介词as短语As a consequence(of)结果,作为(.的)结果As a matter of fact事实上,其实As a result因此,结果As a result (of)由于;作为.的结果As a whole总体来说,作为整体As to=As for至于,关于二、介词at短语At a high price以高价At a time每次,一次At a distance从远处At all全然,根本At birth出生At breakfast早餐时At college在上大学At dawn在黎明At daybreak在拂晓At dusk在黄昏At

2、 first开始时At first sight乍一看,初见之下,立即At hand近在手边;在附近At home在家(里)At length终于,最后,详细地At last最后;终于At night在夜里At noon在中午At once立刻;马上At one time以前;曾经At ones own expense自费At present现在,目前At rest静止;不动At school有危险,冒险At stake在学校,在求学At sea在大海上,在航海At sunrise日出时At sunset/sundown日落时At table在用餐At the age of在岁时At the b

3、eginning of起初;开始At the bottom在底部At the cost of以为代价At the end of在的尽头At the foot of在的脚下At the head of在的前面At the latest最迟At the mercy of在的支配下;任由摆布At the moment此刻At (the) least至少,起码At (the) most至多,不超过At the same time同时At times有时;间或At work在工作三、介词by短语By and by不久以后By accident偶然By day日间;白日里By the day按天(计)By

4、 land由陆路By mistake由疏忽所致By the light of借助的光By the side of在的旁边/附近By the way顺便说,顺便问一下By volume按体积By weight按重量四、介词in短语1. in+n.+ofIn advance of在的前面;超过In case of假如,万一In charge of主管,掌管,照管In consequence of由于的缘故In danger of处于的危险中In control of管理In face of面对;纵然In favour of赞成,支持;有利于In fear of害怕In front of在的前面(外

5、部)In the front of在的前面(内部)In honor of为向表示敬意,为庆祝,为纪念In memory of纪念In need/want/demand of需要In respect of关于,涉及In search of寻找;寻求In possession of拥有In place of代替In praise of称赞,歌颂In spite of尽管;不顾;虽然In support of支援;支持;拥护In terms of就.而言In the case of就.来说;至于In the course of在.期间,在.过程中In the direction of向.方向,在.方

6、向In the form of以.形式In the hope of怀着.的希望In the middle of在.的中间In the eyes of在.看来In the way of就.而言,关于In the name of以.的名义;代表In view of鉴于,考虑到;由于2.其他In a few days几天以后In a few weeks time几周后In a flash一刹那间In a hurry匆忙地;很快地In a minute一会儿,立刻In a row一个接一个的,连续不断地In a short time不久,一会儿后In a sense从某种意义上说In a way在某种

7、程度上In a word总而言之,总之In accordance with与.一致;按照,根据In addition to除.之外(还有)In advance在前面;预先In (actual) fact事实上In all总计,总共,全部,总之In any case无论如何,总之In any event不管怎样,无论如何In brief简言之;以简洁的形式In battle在战斗中In bed睡觉In case以防;以防万一In common公用,公有,共同In comparison with 与.比较In chains上着镣铐,在囚禁中In danger处在危险(状态)中,垂危In debt欠

8、债;欠账In detail详细地In doubt拿不准,不肯定In exchange for交换,互换In effect实际上;有效In error错误地In fear在恐惧中In flower在开花In force有效,生效,在实施中In front在前方(面);在正对面In full充足,十足In future从今以后In general一般地,大体上In good health身体好In half成两半In hand现有,在手头;在掌握中In high/poor/bad spirits情绪高涨/低落/差In harmony with与.协调In line排成一行,成直线In love热恋

9、中In modern times现代In nature本质上;实际上In no case决不,无论如何不In no time立即,立刻;马上In no way决不,一点也不In ones honour向.表示歉意In ones opinion以某人的看法In ones search for寻找;寻求In or around附近,内外In (good) order整齐;有条理;按顺序In order that以便;为了In order to do以便;为了In other words换句话说;换言之In pairs成对的In particular特别,尤其In peace平静地,和平In per

10、son亲自,本人In place在适当的位置In practice 在实践中In preparation for为.准备In print(指书)已印好;(指作品)已出版In public当众,公开地In reality事实上,实际上In regard to关于In relation to关于,有关;与.相比In return作为回报,作为报答In ruins成为废墟,遭到严重破坏In safety很安全In season(水果等)应时的In secret秘密地,私下地In shape处于.状态In short总之,总而言之In sight被看到,看得见;在望In silence沉默,无声地,静

11、静地In space在太空In store贮藏着,准备着,就要到来In stock在贮存中;现有,备有In surprise惊奇地In tears流着泪;含泪In that既然;因为In the air在空中;未定In the distance在远处,在远方In the end最后,终于In the future将来In that case假如那样的话In the 17th century在十七世纪In the first place首先,第一;原先In the near future在不久的将来In the open air在露天In the past在过去(常用于一般过去时)In the

12、least一点,丝毫In the long run从长远看来,最后In the world究竟,到底;在世界上In truth事实上,的确In touch with保持联系;了解In the past few years在过去几年里(常用于现在完成时)In the same way用同样的方法In this way用这种方法In the wild在自然环境下In time及时In total总共In trouble处于困境(或苦恼)中In turn依次,轮流;反过来In vain徒劳,白辛苦五、介词of短语Of value有价值的Of importance重要的Of use有用的Of help

13、有帮助的Of interest有兴趣的Of ability有能力的六、介词on短语On account of因为,由于On all sides在各方面,到处On an open fire在篝火上On a large scale大规模(或大范围)地On average平均,按平均数计算On behalf of代表.,为了.On board在船上;上船(或火车、飞机、公交车等)On business因事,因公On condition that如果.;在.条件下On earth在世界上;究竟,到底On end直立;竖着On duty值日On fire着火,失火On foot步行,徒步On guard站岗,值班On hand现有(尤指帮助)On holiday在度假(休假)On no account决不On ones own独立地,独自On ones way



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