七年级英语下册 Lesson 55 Work Hard !导学案(无答案) 冀教版

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1、冀教版七年级下英语Lesson55导学案Lesson 55: Work Hard ! 导学案【学习目标】 1.自背7个单词,同桌互查纠错;2.组长带领学习10个短语,并督促检查短语知识的过关情况;3.探究知识,争取当堂过关达标。【使用说明和学法指导】1.扎实记忆单词短语;培养听说读写的语言综合运用能力;2.自主学习,合作探究;学会并掌握知识点用法;3.激情投入,积极参与,体验学习中成就感与喜悦感。【预习自学】Step1.Words-check(单词自测)。1.This bag is too h_ for me. I have to ask somebody to help.2.I get up

2、 and brush my t_ and then I go to school.3.She is wearing a _(不同的)dress every time I see her.4.How many _(分钟) are there in an hour?5.He can make an e_ for all of you.6.The boy is always h_. We like him very much.7.At home, she does her homework and_(help)clean the house .8.She also works hard at _.

3、A. sport B. sporting C. sportsStep2.Phrases-study.1.It is important to help others. 帮助他人很重要。2.for example (eg) 例如;譬如3.dry the dashes 盘子擦干4.wash the dashes 洗盘子5.What else do you do at home? 你在家还做其它什么事情?6.wash hands /wash face 洗手/洗脸7.brush teeth 刷牙8.work hard at 努力做9.listen to 听10.clean the house 打扫房子

4、Step3. Phrases-check(短语检测)。I.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Li Ming is _(low) than his brother .2. Do you like _(play) games with these boys?3. I have two markers. One is red, and the _(another) is blue.4. Can you give me _(other) one? This is too big.5. Do you like_( be) a teacher?6. _(play) ping-pong is exercise.7. You are a very _(help) person.8. Its not difficult _( learn) English.9. It is easy_(read) this word.10.It was a good game. Everyone_ (play) hard.11.Who is the_(good) student in your class?


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