江苏省镇江市润州区八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners知识梳理素材 (新版)牛津版(通用)

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江苏省镇江市润州区八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners知识梳理素材 (新版)牛津版(通用)_第1页
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《江苏省镇江市润州区八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners知识梳理素材 (新版)牛津版(通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省镇江市润州区八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners知识梳理素材 (新版)牛津版(通用)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5单元知识梳理Welcome to the unit1. Youre old enough to learn about manners now, Hobo.霍波,现在你年龄够大能学礼貌了。 指点迷津 enough的常见用法如下:(1)用作形容词,通常修饰复数名词或不可数名词,可放在被修饰名词之前或之后(但以前置为多见)。如:He has enough money to buy a car.他有足够的钱买辆汽车。(2)用作副词,可用来修饰形容词、副词、动词等,此时总是放在被修饰词之后。You dont relax enough.你休息不足。I wonder if its large

2、enough.我不知道它是否够大。修饰形容词时要后置,即使被修饰的形容词后面有名词也是如此。We havent got a big enough house.我们的房子不够大。He is a handsome enough child.他是一个非常帅气的孩子。但是,如果enough修饰整个名词短语,则置于形容词之前。比较:We havent got big enough nails.我们没有够大的钉子。We havent got enough big nails.我们没有足够多的大钉子。2 Youre never too old to learn活到老学到老。指点迷津 tooto的意思是“太不

3、能”。He is too short to reach the apple on the table.他太矮够不着桌上的苹果。3Anything else?其他还有什么吗? 指点迷津 else -般后置修饰不定代词。Is there anything new in todays newspaper?今天的报纸上有什么新的内容吗?Where else do you want to go? 其他你还想去哪里?注意 other一般前置修饰名词。You should help the other students.你应该帮助一下其他学生。Reading1. British people say “he

4、llo” or “nice to meet you” and shake your hand when they meet you for the first time. shake ones hand 握着某人的手 shake hands with sb 与某人握手Tom shook hands with his best friends when they met again.当他们再次碰面时,汤姆和他最好的朋友们一一握了手。He shook her hand warmly.他热情地握着她的手。2. Do they greet people with a kiss? greet someb

5、ody with 意思是“以方式跟人打招呼”。 She greeted us with a smile. 她微笑着和我们打了个招呼。3. They think its rude to push in before others. push in意思是“插队,加塞”,美国人常用cut in。4. If youre in their way, they wont touch you or push past you. in ones way 挡道的,挡某人的路 I couldnt walk very fast because a lot of people got in my way. 注意区别o

6、n ones way (to)在某人去的路上 I saw a dog on my way to school.5. British people are very polite at home as well. aswell的含义是“也”,常位于句末,与too,also是同义词。Wang Lihong likes singing and playing the piano as well. Grammar1You are old enough to learn about manners你已经到了学习礼仪的年龄了。 指点迷津 enough to后接动词原形。enough常构成如下句型:主语be

7、形容词enoughto do sth.意为“某人某物够能”。He is tall enough to reach the ball on the shelf.他够高能够到架子上的球。The classroom is big enough to hold so many students.这间教室够大能容纳如此多的学生。注意 否定式为“主语be not形容词enoughto do sth.”,意为“某人某物(不)够而(不)能”。The man isnt strong enough to carry the bag.这个人不够强壮拿不动这个包。2. The UK is too far away f

8、or Jenny to go there on her own.英国太远了珍妮不能独自去那里。 指点迷津 tooto常构成如下句型:“主语+betoo形容词to do sth”意为“某人某物太而不能”。The boy is too young to help you.这个男孩太小而不能帮你。注意 (1)有时我们需要在to do sth.的前面加上for someone,此时句中的动词必须为及物动词,若为不及物动词须再加上适当的介词。The text is too long for us to read.这篇课文太长我们读不了。(read是及物动词)The room is too small f

9、or us two to live in.这个房间太小我们两个人住不下。(live是不及物动词)(2)“too形容词 to do sth.”可以和“not该形容词的反义词enoughto do sth.”的结构转换。The man is too weak to do the job.The man isnt strong enough to do the job.这个人太瘦弱而不能做这项工作。(3) “enough to”和“tooto”结构均可以和“sothat”结构转换。The doctor is kind enough to help us. The doctor is so kind

10、that he will help us.这个医生很善良,他会帮助我们。Lucy is not careful enough to get high marks,Lucy is too careless to get high marks.Lucy is not so careful that she cant get high marks.露西不够细心,得不到高分。Integrated skills1keep us from danger使我们免受危险 指点迷津 keep sb. from danger意为“使某人免受危险”。The teacher took us to the playgr

11、ound to keep us from danger.老师把我们带到操场上使我们免受危险。注意 (1)keep sb. from doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”,相当于stop/prevent sb. (from) doing sth。We kept them from interviewing the star.We stop/prevent them interviewing the star.我们阻止他们采访那明星。(2) keep sb. doing sth.让某人一直做某事。They kept me listening to this song.他们让我一直听这首歌。2

12、warn sb(not) to do sth警告某人(不要)做某事 指点迷津 warn sb. (not) to do sth.意为“警告某人(不要)做某事”。The man warned him not to go out.那人警告他不要出去。3Here are some examples这儿有几个例子。 指点迷津 以here或there开头的句子常用倒装句式。以here或there开头的句子分部分倒装和全部倒装两种情况:当主语是代词时用部分倒装,当主语是名词时用全部倒装。- Can you lend me your book? 你能把书借给我吗?- Of course. Here you

13、are当然可以。给你。There comes the bus汽车来了。4Let me take a photo of it让我给它拍一张照片。 指点迷津 take a photo of的意思是“拍一张的照片”。Lets take a photo of the park.咱们拍一张公园的照片吧。5It says No photos,它上面写着“禁止拍照”。 指点迷津 “的上面写着什么”中的“写”,翻译成汉语时不用write而用say。Look at the blackboard. It says“Keep quiet”,看黑板。上面写着“保持安静”。Study skillsTask1. We a

14、re going to hold a talk on good table manners.我们将要举行一个关于良好的餐桌礼仪的座谈会。 指点迷津 hold的用法如下:(1)用作及物动词意为“拿住,握住,抓住”。He always holds a book in his hand.他总是手里拿着本书。意为“容纳,装得下”。How many people does the room hold? 这个房间容纳多少人?意为“留下,保留;保存”。You may hold your opinion, but you have to obey orders.你可以保留你的意见,可你必须执行命令。(2)用作

15、不及物动词,意为“同意,赞成,(与)持相同意见(与with连用)”。Put your hand up if you hold with me.同意的请举手。(3) hold on不要挂断电话,等一下;继续。- Can I speak to Mr Wang? 我可以和王先生通话吗?- Hold on. He is in the next room.等一下。他在隔壁的房间。2. Above all, when you are sitting at the table, you should首先,当你坐在桌旁时,你应该 指点迷津(1) at table在吃饭Dont speak loudly when you are at table.在吃饭时,不要大声说话。They were at table when we dropped in.我们去拜访时他


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