《金版新学案》陕西省2012高考英语 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes总复习 外研版必修2.doc

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《《金版新学案》陕西省2012高考英语 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes总复习 外研版必修2.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《金版新学案》陕西省2012高考英语 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes总复习 外研版必修2.doc(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时作业(十二)必修2Module 6Films and TV Programmes.单项填空1It is believed that if a book is_,it will surely_the reader.Ainterested;interestBinteresting;be interestedCinterested;be interesting Dinteresting;interest2Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for building_.Arespect Bfrie

2、ndshipCreputation Dcharacter3After the earthquake,the injured were cared_in the local hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighbouring cities.Aof BforCafter Dwith4Do you often hear from your sister who is studying in Oxford University?No,only_.She is very busy now.Anow and then Bsooner

3、 or laterCfor the time being Dmore or less5What a lovely role she_in the film!No wonder she has won the best actress.Atook BmadeChad Dplayed6The film made a great success as soon as it_.Acame out Bcame aboutCcarried out Dsent out7_is generally agreed that morning exercise is one of the best ways for

4、 a person to stay healthy.AAs BItCWhich DWhat8Chuck is a businessman who is always busy so he visits his friends only_.Aoccasionally BeventuallyCrepeatedly Dfrequently9All the guests were dancing and singing at the party_suddenly the lights went off.Awhere BwhileCwhen Das10Can it be in the bus you t

5、ook just now_you left your favourite magazine?Awhere BwhichCwhen Dthat11Much_my surprise,every student looked at me_surprise when I came into the classroom.Ain;to Bto;byCto;in Din;in12The Chinese film,_Tang Dynasty,is well received by many foreign viewers.Ais set in Bsetting inCset in Dbe set in13I

6、really think_impossible to finish the work in such a short time,dont you think so?Ait BthisCthem Dthat14I was_by the movie,what do you think of it?Thats what I love,the plot is really_.Amoving;moving Bmoved;movedCmoving;moved Dmoved;moving15_in the queue for half an hour,Tom suddenly realized that h

7、e had left his wallet at home.ATo wait BHave waitedCHaving waited DTo have waited.完形填空(2011英语周报)The story of “Making Pancakes” reminds me of Mothers Day in Georgia in 1970.That_1_,my family and I were at the Church_2_for the preacher (牧师) to begin when I looked around noticing our 12yearold son was_

8、3_.My wife and I looked at each other with_4_eyes,thinking he was_5_outside playing with his friends.Thirty minutes later the preacher was well into his sermon (布道) and_6_no son.Since we only_7_about a block from the Church,all through the sermon I was_8_he had gone home to watch television._9_the p

9、reacher finished his sermon,my wife and I rushed for the door.With_10_building with every step I took toward the house,I_11_what I would say and what I would do as soon as we found him.With all that tension and anxiety_12_,can you imagine our surprise when we walked into the house and found him sitt

10、ing on the sofa waiting for us with a(n)_13_? I was just about to let it all_14_,when without saying a word he stood,took his mother by the hand,and_15_her into the kitchen.There before us was a_16_table of food spread our 12yearold son had_17_for my wife as his Mothers Day gift with his smile.Later

11、,we learned he left_18_after Sunday School to rush home to have it ready for his mom.In our life,we often look at our circumstances and think how_19_things are.Then when we see the_20_of the cases,we can only bow our humble heads in amazement at how things turned out for our good!1.A.MondayBWednesda

12、y CSunday DTuesday2A.calling BwaitingClooking Dsearching3A.absent BpresentCnaughty Dhonest4A.tearful BfriendlyCfrightening Dquestioning5A.surely BprobablyCactually Dexactly6A.already BeverCstill Deither7A.lived BworkedCstudied Dtraveled8A.rememberingBforgettingCprovingDthinking9A.Now thatBIn order t

13、hatCAs soon asDEven though10.A.joyBangerCsadness Dpride11A.explainedBconfusedCignoredDimagined12A.growing BchangingCdropping Dstopping13A.apology BexcuseCsmile Dfrown14A.up BoutCdown Din15A.forced BdroveCtalked Dled16A.beautiful BterribleCmagical Ddreamful17A.boughtBcarriedCpreparedDborrowed18A.slow

14、lyBimmediatelyCcarefullyDsecretly19A.bad BluckyCgood Dstrange20A.beginningBabilityCpowerDoutcome.阅读理解(2010岳阳市第二次检测)Teenagers who drink alcohol are at higher risk of becoming victims of violence,a Cardiff University study has found.A team from the School of Dentistrys Violence Research Group studied drinking habits in children aged 1116 in England.They found not only a link between drink and violence but also that



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