2012届高考英语 常考基本词汇讲解讲义系列(六).doc

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1、2012届高考常考基本词汇讲解讲义系列(六)重点单词详解1expose vt. (常与to连用)暴露;使暴露;使曝光;揭露expose 可以用于引申,表示“使受(危险、风险等)”。exposed还常用作补足语。exposure n. 暴露;揭露1)You shouldnt _ the soldiers to unnecessary risks. 你不该让士兵们冒不必要的危险。2)Dont _ the film to light. 不要把胶片曝光。3)The boy hid himself behind the curtain, leaving his feet _.男孩藏在窗帘后面,露出双脚。

2、【答案】1)expose2)expose3)exposed(1)单项填空Her youth and beauty will _ her to a lot of dangers.Aexpose Bexpand Cexpect Dexplode【答案与解析】Aexpose“使暴露”,常与to连用。 题意:她的年轻美貌将使她面临许多危险。expand “使膨胀;扩张”; expect “期待;盼望”; explode“爆炸”。(2)名校押题How did she get infected?Because she _ the viruses without any protection. Ahad e

3、xposed to Bexposed to Chad exposed Dhad been exposed to【答案与解析】Dbe exposed to“暴露在”,根据上文的get infected可知要用过去完成时。2remark n. 谈论;评论;言论;评述 vt. & vi. 评论;说起;谈及remarkable adj. 值得注意的;十分不平常的;出众的 remarkably adv. 不寻常地;突出地remark on / upon 评论;谈论 1)That _ was intended as a joke. 那句话本来只是个玩笑。2)Dont make / pass rude _

4、about his appearance. 不要对他的外貌胡乱品评。3)Everyone _ _ his absence. 人人对他的缺席都评论了一番。4)The editor _ _ article was well written. 编辑说那篇文章写得很好。【答案】1)remark2)remarks3)remarked on4)remarked thatremark和state用法辨析remark 所表示的“说话”含有评论性的意思。state 是指把某件事情详细地陈述出来。(1)用remark和state填空1)It is rude to _ upon the appearance of

5、other people.2)The busmen have _ that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions. 【答案】1)remark2)stated(2)名校押题In your scientific lecture, you should _ your findings in logical order and clear language.Aremark Braise Cpresent Dput【答案与解析】C题意:在你的科学讲座中,你应

6、该按逻辑顺序并用清晰的语言介绍你的发现。remark “评论”; raise “举起;抚养”; present “介绍;展示”; put “放置”。3classify vt. 分类;归类;编排 vi. 属于类be classified into 被分类为classified adj. 分类的;机密的classification n. 分类;类别classified advertisements 分类广告classify sb / sth as sth 划分;界定1)People who work in libraries spend a lot of time _ books. 图书馆工作人员

7、花大量时间为书籍分类。2)She _ as one of the greatest actresses of our times. 她可以列为我们这个时代最伟大的女演员之一。【答案】1)classifying2)classifies(1)完成句子In modern society, people _ _ _ (分类) their economic level.【答案】are classified by(2)名校押题In a library books are usually _ by subjects.Aclassified Bdefined Cseparated Dgoverned【答案与解

8、析】A题意:在图书馆里,书通常按照科目分类。classify“分类”,符合题意。define “给下定义;明确”; govern “统治;控制”; separate “分开;隔离”。4appoint vt. 任命;委派;指定;决定appointed adj. 指定的;决定的appointment n. 任命;任用;约定;预约1)They _ him (to be) manager. 他们任命他为经理。2)We must _ someone to act as secretary. 我们得指定一个人当秘书。3)The time _ for the meeting was 10:30. 规定开会的

9、时间是10点30分。4)Our visitors arrived at the _ time. 我们的来宾在约定的时间到达了。5)His promotion to manager was a popular _. 他升任经理是众望所归的。6)I have an _ with them in the evening. 今晚我与他们有个约会。【答案】1)appointed2)appoint3)appointed4)appointed5)appointment6)appointment(1)翻译句子老师任命他为班长。_【答案】The teacher appoints him (to be) moni

10、tor.(2)名校押题Its said that no decision _ about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.Awill be made Bis made Cis being made Dhas been made【答案与解析】A根据语境可知,决定还没有做出,故用将来时的被动语态。题意:据说,直到所有的选手都经过面试,才能最后决定未来的任命人选。5distribute vt. 分发;分布;散布常用结构:distribute sth to / among sb 分发/分配某事物

11、1)They _ those books _ their students. 他们把那些书分给了学生。2)The mother _ candy _ children. 母亲给孩子们发糖果。3)Those students _ _ _ three classes. 那些学生被分为三个班。【答案】1)distributed; to2)distributed; among 3)were distributed intodistribute, divide和assign用法辨析distribute 侧重指“分配;分发”。divide 强调把整体分成若干部分,常指平均分配。assign 指有权威的人根据

12、一定的原则/计划把工作/任务分配给某人或把某人分派到某工作岗位。(1)用distribute, divide和assign填空1)All 25 cans of milk have been _ among the persons present. 所有25听牛奶都分给在场的人了。2)Even though I put up more capital than you, lets _ the profits between us. 虽然我比你多出了资本,我们还是平分利润吧。3)Two soldiers were _ to guard the gate. 两名士兵被派去守卫大门。【答案】1)dis

13、tributed2)divide3)assigned(2)名校押题The doctors_ the medicines to the people in the flood area.Adistinguished Bdistrusted Cdistributed Ddisturbed【答案与解析】C题意:医生们向洪水灾区的人们发放药品。distinguish “区分”; distrust “不信任”; distribute “分发”; disturb “打扰”。6imagination n. 想象;想象力have the imagination to do sth 有做某事的想象力/机智cat

14、ch ones imagination 吸引某人的兴趣leave sth to sbs imagination 把某物留给某人去想象imagine doing sth 想象做某事imagine sb doing sth 想象某人做某事imagine oneself to do sth 想象某人自己做某事imagine that / why / what / how 想象1)Her talk _ _ _ of the whole class.她的谈话吸引了全班的同学。2)_ _ _, I thought I heard her calling me. 我在想象中彷佛听到她在呼唤我。3)Can you _



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