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1、17秋大学英语(一)作业2 试卷总分:100 得分:100一、 单选题 (共 25 道试题,共 100 分)1. The _ power of the people in this town has been decreasing because most young people have left for the big cities. A. shopping B. enduring C. purchasing D. spending 满分:4 分正确答案:C2. Poor Susan got a serious seasick during the _. A. journey B. to

2、ur C. voyage D. trip 满分:4 分正确答案:C3. Our chances of winning the game are _. A. slim B. light C. slant D. slender 满分:4 分正确答案:A4. He was pursuing his _ of collecting stamps for so many years. A. like B. hobby C. love D. fun 满分:4 分正确答案:B5. I _ the book I wanted to find before I left the bookstore. A. ca

3、ught sight of B. caught C. got hold D. lost sight of 满分:4 分正确答案:A6. Kevin had learnt something._,he had given men new pride. A. However B. Nevertheless C. Moreover D. Although 满分:4 分正确答案:C7. Myra was busy, because her husband had been made _. A. a Mayor B. the Mayor C. Mayor D. of Mayor 满分:4 分正确答案:C

4、8. These goods are_for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market. A. essentially B. completely C. necessarily D. remarkably 满分:4 分正确答案:A9. Fortunately, the boat got only_. A. a few damages B. few damages C. a little damage D. little damage 满分:4 分正确答案:C10. Agriculture is the_of the

5、national economy. A. fountain B. foundation C. framework D. frontier 满分:4 分正确答案:B11. After a three-hour heated discussion, all the members in the jury reached the conclusions that the man was_ of murder. A. criminal B. charged C. guilty D. faulty 满分:4 分正确答案:C12. The judge _ the truth of the evidence

6、 provided by the witness(证人). A. suspected B. believed in C. Cguessed D. realized 满分:4 分正确答案:A13. The road was empty _ a few cars. A. except B. except for C. besides D. apart 满分:4 分正确答案:B14. We should respect the_and take good care of the children. A. aging B. ageless C. aged D. age-ole 满分:4 分正确答案:C

7、15. It is_to find him absent from school. A. scarce B. rare C. seldom D. never 满分:4 分正确答案:B16. She has bought _ bananas for us. A. a pile of B. a set of C. a piece of D. a bunch of 满分:4 分正确答案:D17. The_father beat his son red and blue, for the boy had said so many_things. A. annoying,annoyed B. annoy

8、ed,annoying C. annoying,annoying D. annoyed,annoyed 满分:4 分正确答案:B18. She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she _ too long. A. has been reading B. had read C. is reading D. read 满分:4 分正确答案:A19. In that warm_vegetables grow well. A. climate B. temperature C. weather D. degree 满分:4 分正确答案:A2

9、0. They were_to move house, but they had no choice. A. reluctant B. relieved C. relaxed D. reliable 满分:4 分正确答案:A21. He packed a(an)_shirt in case he had to stay another day. A. surplus B. extra C. additional D. excess 满分:4 分正确答案:B22. In the meantime, the question facing business is whether such rese

10、arch is _ the cost. A. worth B. worth of C. worthy D. worthwhile 满分:4 分正确答案:A23. The paint is still wet. _! A. Be not sure to touch it B. Be sure not to touch it C. Be sure to not touch it D. Dont be sure to touch it 满分:4 分正确答案:B24. The girl is not happy at the new school. She has _ friends there. A

11、. few B. a few C. little D. quite a few 满分:4 分正确答案:A25. The fact that they reacted so differently was a reflection of their different_. A. performances B. personalities C. qualities D. appearances 满分:4 分正确答案:B以下内容可以删除:我们知道立法活动的论后是立法者对不同利益间的衡量。无效婚姻和可撤销婚姻制度衡量的是公共利益、道德秩序与个人的意思自治,其法律结果应当衡量的是当事人对利益的危害程度和




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