2012高考英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab总复习 外研版必修1.doc

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1、课时作业(五)必修1Module 5A Lesson in a Lab.单项填空1_Internet has completely transformed_way people communicate.Right.Few people now write letters.A/;aBThe;theCAn;the DThe;a2May I open the window?Its too hot here._AIts your turn. BYouve got it.CGo ahead! DHold on!3The party is supposed_at 1030,but I doubt if i

2、t will,since its 1020 now.Astarting Bhaving startedCto start Dto have started4He studied harder than the other students in the class,_to college.Aaim at go Baiming at goingCaiming going Daim to go5They are going to build a hotel_and the tallest one in the city.A150metrehigh B150metre highC150 metreh

3、igh D150 metres high6Students often think_their holiday is,_they have.Athe long;the funBthe longest;the funniestCthe longer;the more funDlonger;funnier7Liu Xiang,_,won the gold medal in Guang dong Asian Games since he recovered.Aof who we are proudBin which we take prideCthat we are proud ofDin whom

4、 we take pride8Look!Your little sister has made a mess of your toys.Please put them_!Aat order Bin orderCon order Dout of order9It is immediately clear_the financial crisis will soon be over.Asince BwhatCwhen Dwhether10Wang Kai is studying hard,_the College Entrance Examination of 2011.Aaim at passi

5、ng Baiming at passingCaiming passing Daim to pass11How different life today is from that we_in the past!Aused to Bgot used toCget used to Dwere used12_,Id like to say how much Ive enjoyed staying on your beautiful farm.ATo conclude BTo includeCIn the conclusion DAs conclusion13The doctor says_may be

6、 necessary for me to have an operation.Ait BthatCwhich Dwhat14Letterboxes are much more_in the UK than in the US,where most people have a mailbox instead.Acommon BnormalCordinary Dusual15How a person_to criticism often means the difference between success and failure.Areacts BresistsCrecreates Drece

7、ives.阅读理解(2011宝鸡检测一)Today we will explain a very old saying that has had a big influence on rockandroll music.That saying is “A rolling stone gathers no moss”It has several meanings.One meaning is that a person who never settles down in one place will not be successful.Another is that someone who is

8、 always moving,with no roots in one place,avoids responsibilities.This proverb was said to be first used in the 1500s.But in the 1960s,the expression“rolling stone” became famous in the world of rockandroll music.It became the name of a song,a rock group and a magazine.Experts say it all started wit

9、h a song by the American singer and guitarist Muddy Waters.He was one of the countrys top blues musicians until his death in 1983.His music influenced singers like Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan.In 1950,Muddy Waters recorded a song called “Rolling Stone”A British rock group is said to have taken its na

10、me from Muddy Waters song.The Rolling Stones performed for the first time in 1962.The groups members called themselves “the worlds greatest rock and roll band”In 1965,Bob Dylan released his song “Like a Rolling Stone”It is one of his best known and most influential works.It is an angry song about a

11、woman who was once rich and successful.But now she is on her own,“ with no direction home,like a complete unknown,like a rolling stone”In 1967,a young man named Jann Wenner started a magazine and he named it “Rolling Stone”The magazine reported on rock music and the popular culture that the music cr

12、eated.By 1971,“Rolling Stone” had become the leading rock music and counterculture publication.It is still popular today.1Which person can be described as a rolling stone according to the proverb?AA person who always changes his jobs.BA person who has a successful career.CA person who has no family.

13、DA person who is out of work.2All of them are musicians except_.AElvis Presley BBob DylanCMuddy Waters DJann Wenner3Who first used “rolling stone” as a name for music?AJann Wenner. BBob Dylan.CElvis Presley. DMuddy Waters.(2011合肥第一次质量检测)A long weekend is a great opportunity to do something a little

14、different.Many people use a long weekend for a getaway,a short trip to leave the stress of their everyday lives behind and explore,learn,or relax.Hotel RomanceMany hotels and resorts feature something special to start the getaway,such as champagnes,flowers,or a fruit basket in the room on arrival.Ge

15、taway packages usually include a room with something special,a heart shaped bed,for example.Additional benefits could be room service meals or other private dining,plus tickets or discounts for local attractions.Visit a SpaSpa getaways can take place at a location that focuses only on spa services or at a hotel that



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