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1、 授课人 XXX 时间 201X年X月 本模板有完整的逻辑框架 内容详实 稍作修改可直接使用 高考英语被动语态教学课件 1 找宾语 即动作的承受者 Theymakeshoesinthatfactory Shoes 2 判断宾语的单复数 即be动词的单复数 aremade 3 判断动词的时态 即be动词的时态 4 修改谓语的时态 即原句动词改为过去分词 5 修改原句的主语 即by 主语 宾语 bythem 主变被解题步骤 宾变主 主放后 前加by动变被 看清be 结构分别be pp 一般将来时的被动语态结构 willbe 过去分词 1 Theywillfinishtheworkintendays

2、 bythemintendays Thework willbefinished 2 Tomwillcleantheroomtomorrow Theroom willbecleaned by Tom tomorrow Wewillhaveasportsmeetingnextweek Childrenwilltakesomephotosintheschoolyardtomorrow Theheadmasterwillgiveatalkthisafternoon Asportsmeetingwillbehadbyusnextweek Somephotoswillbetakenbychildrenin

3、theschooltomorrow Atalkwillbegivenbytheheadmasterthisafternoon 现在进行时的被动语态的结构 is am are being 过去分词 1 Someworkersarepaintingtheroomsnow bysomeworkersnow Therooms arebeingpainted 2 HeiswatchingTV TV isbeingwatched byhim 现在完成时的被动语态的结构 have has been 过去分词 1 Wehavemadetwentymorekeys byus Twentymorekeys hav

4、ebeenmade 2 Wehavefinishedourcompositions Ourcompositions havebeenfinished byus 表格 被动态基本结构 am is aredone was weredone am is arebeingdone was werebeingdone shall will begoingtobedone have hasbeendone hadbeendone Suchbooksarewrittenforchildren 这些书是为儿童写的 Ihaven tbeentoldaboutit 没有人告诉我这件事 被动语态的用法 1 不知道或

5、没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁 It s wassaid believed reported that It sreportedthataboutthreehundredpeoplewerekilledinthisearthquake 据报道 这次地震中大约有三百人死亡 2 强调动作的承受者 这时应用by短语 ThecupwasbrokenbyDavid 3 作客观说明时 常采用一种被动语态句型 即feel hear listen have make let look watch see notice 这些词在主动句中 其后的动词不定式不加to 但变被动句时必须加to 1 Isawhimplay

6、basketballlastSunday He wasseen toplaybasketballlastSunday 2 Weheardthemsingintheclassroom They washeard tosingintheclassroom 感官动词和使役动词的被动语态 把下列句子变成被动语态 Acarknockedhimdownyesterday 2 We llputontheplaynextSunday Hewasknockeddownbyacaryesterday Practice TheplaywillbeputonnextSunday 3 Workersarebuildin

7、ganewteachingbuildinginourschool 4 Theyhadcompletedtherailwaybytheendoflastyear Anewteachingbuildingisbeingbuiltbyworkersinourschool Therailwayhadbeencompletedbytheendoflastyear 填空 完成被动语态填空 1 Theyoftencleantheirclassroomafterschool 改为被动语态 Theirclassroom often bythemafterschool 2 LiLeigaveTomanewpenl

8、astweek 同上 Anewpen Tomlastweek is cleaned wasgivenby Practice 3 AlotofpeopleinChinacanspeakEnglishnow 同上 English byalotofpeopleinChinanow 4 IhavelearnedEnglishforabouttwoyears 同上 English forabouttwoyears 5 Theywillpublishthesestory booksnextmonth 同上 Thesestory books nextmonth canbespoken hasbeenlear

9、ned willbepublished 6 Anotherman madesatellitewassentupintospacebythemlastweek 济南市中考题 anotherman madesatelliteintospacelastweek 变主动语态7 Peoplethereplantedmanytreeslastyear Trees bypeopletherelastyear 青岛市中考题 8 Theygrowvegetablesonthefarm Thevegetables onthefarm 上海市中考题 Theysentup wereplanted aregrown 中

10、考题 1 Insomecountries tea withmilkandsugar A isservingB isservedC servesD served2 Greatchanges inmyhometownsince1980 A havebeentakenplaceB tookplaceC havetakenplaceD weretakenplace 3 Thenewtypeofcarisgoingto inthreeyears A turnoutB beturnedoutC hasturnedoutD havebeenturnedout4 Thewomanmurderedherfrie

11、ndand to A wassentenced deathB sentencing dieC sentenced deathD sentenced die 被动语态专项练习 选择填空 5 Doyouliketheskirt It soft A isfeelingB feltC feelsD isfelt6 Areyoustillhere Youwerehereanhourago Who for A areyouwaitingB didyouwaitC wereyouwaitingD doyouwait 7 toknowProfessorZhang A HesaidB IsaidC Heissa

12、idD Itsays8 Iwanttositatthetablenearthewindow Sorry already A ittookB ittakesC itistakingD ithasbeentaken 9 Theletter threedaysagoandit yesterday A hadpost hadarrivedB wasposted arrivedC posted arrivedD hadbeenposted wasarrived10 Hetoldmethatthefinalexamination nextThursday A isgivenB willbegivenC w

13、ouldhavegivenD wouldbegiven 11 Water intoice A willchangedB mustbechangedC shouldchangeD canbechanged12 Plays twiceamonthinthattheatre A putonB areputonC wasputonD oftenputon 13 Thebirds flyawaylastSaturday A lettoB islettoC wasletD wereletto14 Astrangesound yesterdayevening A washeardB hearsC heard

14、D isheard15 Abeautifulbike himbyhisclassmates A senttoB willsenttoC wassenttoD willbesentfor 16 MissChen just tospeakatthemeeting A has beenaskedB hasbeen askedC Havebeen askedD have beenasked17 Meat outinthisshop Wecan now A havebeensold getnothingB hasbeensold getnothingC hasbeensold getsomeD have

15、beensold getsome 18 Thenewplay intheatrenow Whydon tyougoinandseeit A isbeingshownB isshowingC isshownD shows19 Canyoutell A whendidithappenB whenwasithappenedC whenithappenedD whenitwashappened 20 thejob byLucyorbyJohn Tellmethetruth please A Has finishedB Has beingfinishedC Is finishD Has beenfini

16、shed 1 Ourschool in2002 开办 2 Theyoungtreesmust well 照顾 3 thisbuilding 建成 lastyear 4 Thebook 写 byhimlastyear 5 Thebridge 不建造 in1989 6 The29thOlympicGameswill 举行 inUKin2012 wasopened belookedafter Was built waswritten wasn tbuilt beheld 完成下列句子 用所给动词的适当时态和语态填空1 When thefirstman madesatellite send upintospace 2 Lastyearvegetables grow inthegardenbyTomandhe sell themhimself 3 She help himwithhishomeworktomorrowevening 4 Howmanymagazines canborrow inyourlibraryeveryweek Homework 5 John hear togoupstai


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