九年级英语Book III复习及练习人教版.doc

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1、用心 爱心 专心 九年级英语九年级英语 Book III 复习及练习复习及练习人教版人教版 本讲教育信息本讲教育信息 一 教学内容 Book III 复习及练习 Unit 1 How often do you exercise What do you do on weekends I always often sometimes How often 回答用频度副词 always 100 usually 90 often 80 90 sometimes 50 hardly ever 5 never 0 Some vacation activities staying at home going

2、to the beach mountain going to the summer camp going fishing and boating going hiking skating swimming visiting the Summer Palace having a picnic playing computer games soccer My hobby is swimming so I often go swimming on weekends My hobbies are collecting stamps and watching TV so I always go shop

3、ping to look for special stamps and watch programs about it I m interested in good at playing the piano because I think it s good for me to study well It can make me happy and relaxed I really enjoy going hiking but I have a lot of homework so I have to spend much time doing my homework and reading

4、some books Every Saturday I m willing to help my mother do some cleaning I really feel very tired but it s good for me to understand my parents I used to play basketball with my good friends after class twice a week but now I hardly ever play basketball or do other sports My parents think my hobby t

5、akes me a lot of time 1 I m good at English and I really like children so I often help young kids learn English on weekends because I think it will be a good experience 2 My hobby is playing soccer so I spend my weekends helping coach the soccer team for little kids Not only do I feel good about hel

6、ping other people but I also get to spend time doing what I love to do It s important to exercise three times a week because It s necessary to keep a balanced diet and be in a good mood It s important to have enough sleep hours Good food and exercise help me to study better A lot of vegetables help

7、you to keep in good health My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades You must try to eat less meat I m unhealthy because I always eat junk food and never exercise although I have one 用心 爱心 专心 healthy habit I try to get up fifteen minutes earlier and walk to school You should try to have a good b

8、alance between study and hobby You should make time to exercise For example you can walk to school and enjoy the fresh air Unit 2 What s the matter Dear Mr Wang I m sorry to tell you that I can t come to attend your class in the coming days because I have a bad cold and the doctor said I must stay i

9、n bed and have a good rest I ask you for a sick leave for three days Yours Tom About being heavy You should have a healthy lifestyle good eating habits You should try to eat more vegetables and fruits You had better exercise half an hour every day and go upstairs by yourself instead of taking a lift

10、 It s a good way to go to the fitness center and ask for help You should relax yourself as much as possible and don t care about it because it s only a very small problem About being stressed out go to a quiet country place for a month sing lively and happy songs play with your pet have a talk with

11、good friends or parents go to sleep earlier take a sleeping pill if you can t fall asleep drink some milk and listen to music that is soft try to do something interesting About keeping safety When you are walking you should walk on the pavement At the crossing you mustn t cross the road until the tr

12、affic stops You had better not play basketball read books or listen to the music while walking When you are riding you shouldn t carry anyone on your bike Henry is a little fatter than he wants to be He wants to lose some weight So he is on a diet He tries not to eat too much and he eats very little

13、 sugar because it will make him fat He also does exercises every day He swims very often and he runs about two miles a day Now he is stronger than before Henry s cousin Susan is healthier than Henry She is also younger and thinner than he is She does exercises every day She doesn t eat much meat She

14、 eats a lot of fruit and vegetables 用心 爱心 专心 because she thinks they are better for her health Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation 假设你是一名导游 请你为国际友人或外地来京人员设计三至五天的北京之行计划 可以画张旅游简图 含北京名胜 标清路线 注意合理安排计划 Unit 4 How do you get to school 1 I get to school by bus train on foot I take the bus train to schoo

15、l 2 I walk to school I ride my bike He gets to school on foot He walks to school 3 How do you get to school First I take the bus to the subway station then I take the subway at last I walk to my school Model 1 An invitation 1 Welcome to my home My home is on Yuquan Street It s near the subway statio

16、n and the bus station So you can take the subway or take the bus to my home It s only 200 meters from our school to my home And it only takes 5 minutes from our school to my home Call me as soon as you come 2 Welcome to my home The National Day is coming Please come to my home My home is on Yuquan Street near Beijing October First School You can take No 373 bus to Yuquan Bus stop or take the subway to Yuquan Subway Station It s about 15 km from the West Railway Station to my home It takes about



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