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1、书 山 有 路 1 2020 中考英语冲刺 阅读理解 专题训练 1 A Sore necks are very common these days How to avoid a sore neck Here are the things you should know Take precautions 预防措施 after an unusual activity Many people report having a pain in their necks after doing something that they don t often do such as a new exercise

2、 or packing and moving If you know you ve done something that puts you a risk massage 按摩 your neck do it with different exercises and take a warm bath before bed Make sure your workstation is correct If you work long hours at a desk you may want to make sure that your work environment is set up to b

3、e the most relaxing Make sure that your body is being treated right Keep your feet on the floor This will often depend on how high your chair is so adjust 调整 it in time to achieve good results Change your posture often Sitting in one position for long periods of time is not healthy Sit with your bac

4、k straight for most of the time Take a 5 minute break if you can and walk around every hour Exercise Find something swimming running or climbing that makes you excited and feel alive Make it into a unusual way Your body will feel better and your mind will feel more relaxed 1 In Paragraph 5 the under

5、lined word it refers to 指 A the desk B the chair C your neck D your body 2 The underlined word posture in Paragraph 6 probably means in Chinese A 姿势 B 方向 C 方式 D 状态 3 can avoid a sore back according to the passage A Making your work environment be quiet B Sitting with back straight for a moment C Pac

6、king and moving for a long time D Exercising often like swimming or running 4 After doing something unusual you may do the following things except A doing it with different exercises B massaging your neck C taking a warm bath before bed D looking at your phone for too long 5 This passage mainly tell

7、s us A how to do exercise well B exercising often is good for people C how to avoid a sore neck D being healthy is the most important B The first time my wife Linda gave birth was in a hospital When Linda got pregnant 怀孕 for the second time we wanted a home birth not just for ourselves but for our d

8、aughter We are very open with our daughter We want to teach her respect and awe 敬畏 for the things of bodies So she was part of the process from the very beginning In the morning the midwives came just as Linda was climbing into the birth tub 盆 Our daughter offered her mom water and food while she re

9、sted When she found the noise and activity of 书 山 有 路 2 birth she was too nervous to stay long so she spent a few minutes next to the tub then went into another room to play The midwives called her back in time to see her brother come into the world As Linda pulled our tiny newborn son up our daught

10、er and I rushed to her side All four of us hugging and crying and very excited That night and many times since then our daughter said I m so proud of Mom for having a baby She has seen and admired the effort it takes to bring a new person into the world It s a part of her life something that can hap

11、pen in the same room where she colors and watches movies It was crucial that our daughter was part of that experience not just for her but for Linda and me as well Everything we wanted for her trusted care providers a very familiar environment continuing support good food were things we needed but d

12、idn t have the first time Linda gave birth We crossed this threshold 门槛 together as a family and it was messy and scary and painful and unusual and mysterious and really perfect 6 The writer of this passage is probably A a father B a mother C a daughter D a son 7 What does the underlined word midwiv

13、es probably mean A carefully hardworking cooks B specially trained nurses C truly talented singers D very friendly drivers 8 From the last paragraph we can see in fact the writer A didn t want her wife Linda to give birth in the family B didn t want their family to cross the threshold together C tho

14、ught it was crucial that their daughter was not part of the experience D wanted her daughter to know that she was trusted and needed in the family 9 According to the passage we can see A the writer s first child is a son B there are five people in the writer s family now C the writer s daughter saw

15、her brother come into the world D the writer wanted a home birth only just for their daughter 10 Which is the best title 标题 for this passage A My First Child Was Born in a Hospital B The Second Child in My Happy Family C A Messy and Painful and Unusual Family D Why Did We Choose a Home Birth for Our

16、 Second Child C After wandering 闲逛 around in the city for a long time Tom finally found himself standing in front of the palace He looked through its golden gate hoping to take a look at a real prince 王子 There were some guards 卫兵 standing at both sides of the gate Tom dressed badly was moving nervously past them when he suddenly caught sight of a well dressed boy who was followed by several servants He was no doubt the prince Tom was excited He wanted to get close to the prince and have a good l



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