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1、最新资料推荐七年级英语三清试卷(Starter units13)一、请写出26个大小写英文字母,并划出5个元音字母二、写出下列字母的大、小写形式,以及左邻右舍1. a _ 2.E_ 3.m_ 4.D_ 5.J _ 6.Y_7._Bb_ 8._Ff_ 9._Gg_ 10._Xx_三、你能写出下面的颜色吗? 1.红色_ 2. 绿色_ 3.黑色_ 4.白色 _ 5.黄色_ 6. 紫色_ 7.蓝色 _ 8.棕色_ 四、选择( )1. Good morning. - _ A. Fine. B. Thank you. C. Good morning.( )2. Good evening, _. Good

2、evening.A. Dale B. to Dale C. dale( )3. _ Im fine.A. Good morning.B. Im fine.C. How are you?( )4.Whats this? _ a pencil. A. Its B. It C. Is D. Is ( )5.What color is it? Its _. A. a red B. green C. a black D. an orange( )6.Whats this _English? A. at B. in C. of D. on( )7. 都是元音字母的一组是:_A. a, e, u, o B.

3、 a, e, i, y C. a, i, o, v D. e, I, u, x ( )8.张峰想给妹妹买一件小号的毛衣作为礼物,他应该选择_型号的 A. S B. L C.M D.XL( )9.下午遇到老师和同学时,应说:_. A. Hello B. Good afternoon C. Good morning. D. Hi( )10. _ is it? Its yellow. A. What B. Whats C. What color D. Whats color五、.汉译英1.下午好!_ 晚上好_2.“你好吗?”_ “很好,谢谢!”_3.这个用英语说是什么?_? 它是一把钥匙_4.它是什

4、么颜色的?_? 它是绿色的_5.请拼写它_六、.连词成句( 注意开头字母要大写)1. in, this, whats ,English _?2. is, color , what, it_?3. ruler, blue, the, is _.4. jacket, this, red, is _.5. an, orange, its, _ 七、将下列方框中的缩略词填在对应的中文后面HB, CD, BBC, NBA, Kg, UFO, USA, CCTV, 1.唱片_ 2.(美国)全国篮球协会_ 3.中国中央电视台_4.美国_ 5.英国广播公司_ 6.不明飞行物_ 7.千克_ 8.(铅笔芯)硬黑_八、选择适当的表达补全对话。 A. Its a pen.B. What color is it?C. Good morning!D. Spell it, please.E. Fine thanks. And you?A. Good morning! B. 1_A. How are you? B. 2_A. Im fine, too. B. Whats this in English? A. 3_ B. 4_A. Black. B. 5_A. B-L-A-C-K. B. Thank you. 1. _ 2. _ 3._ 4._ 5. _2



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