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1、 1 x D E x D E 一 词汇听写资料 excuse k5skju z v 原谅 handbag 5h ndb n 手提包 女用 is z v be 动词第三人称单数 it t pron 它 me mi pron 我 宾格 much m t adj 很多的 pardon 5p dn int 原谅 请再说一遍 thank you 感谢你 们 thank nk vt 感谢 致谢 this s pron 这 very much 非常地 very veri adv 非常地 很 yes jes adv 是的 your j pron 你的 你们的 book b k n 书 vt 预订 car k

2、n 小汽车 coat k t n 上衣 外衣 dress dres n 连衣裙 house ha s n 房子 pen pen n 钢笔 pencil 5pensl n 铅笔 shirt t n 衬衣 skirt sk t n 裙子 2 watch w t n 手表 二 对话理解原文 1 M Excuse me how long can I keep the book W Two weeks But you must return it here on time 2 M I don t think people will need radios any more in the future W

3、 I don t quite agree with you 3 M How many students tried out for the football team this year W About 60 but only half of them do well in football 4 M Look at your room Your clothes are all over the floor W Clean them up now and when you ve finished we ll all go on a picnic 5 M Well I must be leavin

4、g now W Must you go so soon 三 阅读理解参考答案 答案与解析 1 该题问 Jim 和 Ann 是干什么的 从对话中 Jim 问 Ann 在哪一班及他 说 我们在同班 就能说明 两个孩子是学生 因此 该题的答案是 They re students 2 Ann 说她在一年级二班 Jim 听了以后说 我们在同一个班 由此可 见 他也在一年级二班 故应回答 He s in Class Two Grade One 3 Tom 的妹妹的名字叫 May White 这说明她的名字是 May 姓是 White 注 使用英语国家的人 把名字放在前面 把姓放在后面 那 3 么 Tom

5、的全称就应当是 Tom White 该题应当这样回答 His full name is Tom White 4 该对话并没有提及三个孩子的年龄 我们就无法回答 所以 我们要这 样回答 Sorry I don t know x F G x F G 一 词汇听写资料 cloakroom 5kl k7ru m n 衣帽存放处 coat k t n 外套 five fa v num 五 here h adv 这里 my ma pron 我的 number 5n mb n 号码 please pli z int 请 sir s n 先生 sorry 5s ri adj 对不起的 ticket 5t k

6、t n 票 umbrella m5brel n 伞 daughter 5d t n 女儿 school sku l n 学校 son s n n 儿子 suit sju t n 一套衣服 teacher 5ti t n 老师 二 对话理解原文 1 4 M Then I ll wait for you at the school gate at half past four W Sorry I can t be there at that time I m on duty today and I must clean the classroom You can do your homework

7、in your classroom after school and wait for me there M No I ll play soccer on the playground and you can look for me there 2 Girl How do you usually come to school Jack Boy I usually come to school by bus Sometimes I come to school on foot 3 Woman Hi Jim Will you go out for a walk with me Man Sorry

8、I can t go with you I m washing my shirt 4 Boy Where did you study last year Wei Hua Girl I studied at No 17 Middle School last year 5 Girl What s your sister s name Peter Boy Her name is Betty 三 阅读理解参考答案 1 T 根据文章第二句可知 2 F 根据文章第四句可知 3 F 题干强调的是只有一个足球 only a football 而文中第六句提到 some shoes and a football

9、 under the bed 由此可知 床下有一些鞋和 一个足球 所以此题干错误 4 T 5 F 文章最后两句 This is my desk There are some books on it 告诉 我们书在桌子上而不在床上 所以此题干错误 5 x x H I H I 一 词汇听写资料 Chinese t a 5ni z n She is a nurse 5 28 M We are going to play table tennis this Sunday Would you like to join us Mary W I d love to But you see I have a

10、test next Monday morning I have to get ready for it 三 阅读理解参考答案 1 C 第二段第一句为信息句 2 A 这是一道理解归纳题 文章中最后一句提到 This is why they are called ghost crabs 句中的 they 即 crab 由此判断 A 是正确的 3 C 由文章可知 move 与 still 是反义词 由此可知 4 B 信息句在第一段的最后一句 5 B 第二段第一 二句为信息句 x EL FC x EL FC 一 词汇听写资料 bedroom 5bedr m n 卧室 clothes kl z n 衣服

11、 dressing table 梳妆台 dust d st v 掸掉灰尘 n 灰尘 must m st 必须 应该 open 5 p n v 打开 put p t v 放置 shut t v 关闭 sweep swi p v 扫 then en adv 然后 untidy n5ta d adj 乱的 不整齐的 wardrobe 5w dr b n 大衣柜 29 window 5w nd n 窗户 empty 5empti v 倒空 使 变空 put on 穿上 read ri d v 读 sharpen 5 p n v 削尖 使锋利 take off 脱掉 turn off 关 电灯 turn

12、 on 开 电灯 二 对话理解原文 1 M Katie I hear you are moving to a new place W Yes My house here is too small 2 M Excuse me may I come in W 0h Jim Come in please You are late again Why M Because the traffic is too heavy 3 M Hey Anna How do you get to school every day W I usually ride my bike but sometimes I tak

13、e a bus M Is it far W Yes a little 4 W How are you getting on with you re your English Dick M Not quite well My grammar is improvin9 but I still have some difficulty in listenin9 W I suggest you should do more practice You d better listen to more English tapes And you Call also watch English news on

14、 TV 30 What about you writing M I think it is better than before To improve my writin9 I keep writing diary every day W What do you think of reading M It s not very difficult I like reading practice W Remember If you want to learn English well you must keep practicing M Yes I know 1 will try Thank y

15、ou Mr Black 5 M Hello W Hell0 Sam It s me Jenny My uncle hasn t been well these days I m going to see him the day after tomorrow M Oh really Where does he live W He lives in Hang Zhou And l m going by train because l don t like the bus M How long will it take W Well the train leaves at six in the mo

16、rning and arrives there at about ten M Who will meet you at the station W My aunt is going to meet me She eaR drive M What will the weather be like there W Well it will be quite cold and wet So l m going to take some warm clothes M And take your raincoat with you W Oh yes thank you Oh by the way what day is it today M Friday I hope you ll have a good journey W Thanks a lot Jim See you soon bye M Goodbye 三 阅读理解参考答案 31 1 T 从 Paris has a beautiful name the City of Lights 看出 巴黎被 称为 灯城 2 T 巴黎的建筑物在夜里很



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