八年级英语下册 暑假作业 Units 8-10 自测题(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(通用)

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八年级英语下册 暑假作业 Units 8-10 自测题(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(通用)_第1页
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《八年级英语下册 暑假作业 Units 8-10 自测题(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 暑假作业 Units 8-10 自测题(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(通用)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、U8-10单元自测题一、单项选择()1. Alexander Bell _ the telephone in 1876. Ainvented Bdiscovered Cfound out Dlooked for()2.Ive _ seen Tina,so I am sorry I cant recognize (认出) her. Anever Balready Cever Deither()3.What do you _ most? Im afraid of snakes very much. Alike Bargue Cfear Dbeat()4.Where did you sleep? W

2、e _ a tent after we got there,and we slept in it. Agave up Bput up Ctook up Dcame up( )5. The music is full of _. When I listen to it, I feel excited.A. energy B. sadness C. quality D. quite ( )6. I_ my lost wallet everywhere but I couldnt _ it. A. looked for; find B. looked for , finding C. have fo

3、und; look D. have found; looking( )7.-I think our teacherMrs. Allen,knows everything-I agreeBecause she _ over 2,000 booksAreadBhas readCreadsDis reading( )8. This museum_ here for over 80 years. It _ one of the oldest buildings in this city.Ais; wasBhas been; is Cwas; has been( )9. I dont like thos

4、e two coats because _ of them fits me.A. either B. neither C. none D. All( )10. I hear your teacher _ to Japan once. Yes, he _ there last year.A. goes; went B. has been; has been C. went; went D. has been; went( )11. Please clear _ your old and small clothes from your bedroom. A. out B. up C. of D.

5、away( )12. Mr. Read _works here. He went back to London last year. A. any longer B. not longer C. any more D. no longer( )13. _, I havent been back to my hometown for two years. A. To honest B. Honest C. To be honest D. Be honest()14.Have you decided to move to Beijing?_,but I have a plan for it.AEv

6、er since BLater on CNot yet DFrom now on( )15. _ home for a week up to now. A. have returned B. have been back C. returned D. were二、完形填空 Household ChoresDan, my third child, was especially proud of his ability to cook. That happened because six years after starting out as a single parent, I finally

7、got my first full-time job. I liked the work, but the office was an hour away and the days were 1 .For the first few weeks, after a long day of work, I would arrive home at 7:00 at night and started preparing dinner. By the time we actually sat down to eat everyone was tired. So we came up with anot

8、her 2 . Each Sunday I would plan meals for the following week.But who would do the cooking? Matthew had a part-time job after school. Lisa had to go to the Chess Club. It turned out that fourteen-year-old Dan was usually the first one to arrive home, and so he 3 the responsibility to prepare the mea

9、l for us each night.We spent few weekend evenings cooking together and I taught him simple cooking skills.And for the rest of that year, he made dinner for us every night.Yes, there were a few bad meals. But it didnt matter 4 it was a great feeling for me to walk into the door and smell dinner cooki

10、ng in the house. We were able to start our evening around the table together, enjoying a simple meal and 5 the stories of the day.One day I read an article about things that make us feel loved. I wondered what made my children feel loved.Dans answer 6 me the most. “I felt loved when I made dinner ev

11、ery night when you were working fulltime,” he said.“That made you feel loved?” I couldnt believe it. Id often had moments of guilt over 7 so much of my children, worrying that I made them do too much chores.“Yeah, I did,” he said. “I liked learning to cook with you. And I felt that you 8 me to make

12、the meals for the whole family. And that trust made me feel loved.”I look at our household chores 9 now. They are not so painful and annoying tasks as I thought before; they are part of what it means to be a family together. They are opportunities for us to show love for each other and to feel 10 in

13、 return.( )1.A. brightB. shortC. longD. dark( )2.A. planB. mindC. jobD. story( )3.A. agreedB. tookC. beganD. checked( )4.A. ifB. soC. whenD. because( )5.A. writingB. sharingC. makingD. painting( )6.A. surprisedB. disappointedC. worriedD. scared( )7.A. keepingB. forcingC. tellingD. asking( )8.A. trai

14、nedB. trustedC. showedD. joined( )9.A. fairlyB. happilyC. differentlyD. hopefully( )10.A. pickedB. savedC. movedD. loved三、阅读理解A. More and more students are interested in becoming good writers. Then how can they make their dreams come true? The following tips are helpful.Learn from good writers. Reading lots of books is helpful in your writing. This is because when you are reading, you are learning different skills of English. For example, you are learning new words and sentences to use in your own writing. An



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