八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party复习题(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(通用)

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八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party复习题(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(通用)_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party复习题(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(通用)_第2页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party复习题(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(通用)_第3页
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1、Unit9 重点复习+测试一、知识点 Section A1. 邀请 Can you come to my party? Can you + _(do)?(2) Would you like _(do)? Would you like to come to my party?接受邀请 _ 拒绝邀请Sorry. I cant. 原因 Id like/love to. But原因 Im afraid not. 原因表达原因:I have the flu. I have too much homework. I have to do sth I must do 2. _.为做准备 为一个考试做准备_

2、an exam 为一次考试学习 _ an exam 3. go to the/ a doctor go to the/a dentist4. _ 得流感 have a fever 发热5. too, either 也 He likes apples. I like apples, _. He doesnt like apples. I dont like apples, _.6. What a small party! 感叹句(1) What + 名词(短语)(2)How+形容词+其他 _ a small party!= _ small the party is! 7. need _8. A:

3、 I have the flu. B: Thats too bad./ Im sorry to hear that.9. available 有空的 Im not available. 我没空. 10. go to the _ 去看电影11. I have too much homework _(do). 12. thanks for _(do). thanks for _(invite) me.13. _ 邀请 invite sb _ 地点. invite sb _(do) sth14. _ 拒绝 refuse sb. refuse _(do). 15. hang- hung _ _闲逛16

4、. go bike _ 去骑车 go _.去游泳 17. last fall 去年秋天 fall 秋季 autumn 18. not _ 直到才 He went to sleep at 11 last night. He _ go to sleep _ 11 last night. He finished his work at 10 last night.(not.until) _19. catch catch you on Monday=see you on Monday catch 抓住 catch the ball catch the theif. 抓住小偷赶上 catch the e

5、arly bus 赶早班车 catch the trainSection B1. the day _ yesterday 前天 ; the day _ tomorrow 后天 _ weekdays on the weekend 2. Whats today? Its Friday the 29th. What day is it today? 星期几? Whats the date? 几号? 3. look _ 照顾 = take _ _ . 4. _ (接受)/ make/ turn down(拒绝) an _ (邀请) 5. What a great idea! What +名词(短语)

6、How great the idea is! How +形容词7. be sad _(do) be glad _ (do). 8. the best way (方式) _(do) 9. _带来 _带走 bring/take sb. to 地点 bring/take sb. _ (do) sth. 10. an idea about how _(do) that an idea about what _(do)11. Thanks for _ (plan) 12. take a trip _地点, 去某地旅行13. _ the _ of 在的结尾 _ the _ of 在开端14. take a

7、 trip to Wuhan _ (visit)(目的) 15. help out with 分担工作. 16. party _ 聚会的准备工作 _ 动词,准备 17. like _ (do)像、例如18. by now by+时间 截止到 19. She is leaving soon _ (go) back to go back to 回到 20. _(show) how much (多么) we are going to miss her. 21. miss想念 错过 miss _ (do) 22. think of games _(play) 23. without (无、没有)+ _

8、 (do). I went to school without _ (eat)breakfast.I cant finish it on time without your help. 24. _ _因此,以便于; _ 形容词 _ 句子 如此以至于25.she can be surprised be surprised _ +名词 be surprised _(do).26. look forward to _ (do) 期待、盼望做 27._ _收到来信; _ _ sb. 写信给 28.the opening of our new library 开幕式 29. _ the morning

9、of Monday 30. _ 音乐会 31. _ 每一个(做主语表单数) 32. bring a book _ a gift(作为) 33. reply in _ (write) 以方式回复 reply _ sb. 回复某人34. _ event 大事 35. _ the daytime 在白天期间 二、单词. 1. We are studying for an _(考试).2. She isnt a_ this weekend because she has too much homework to do.3. She lives far from school, so she often

10、 c_ the early bus to school.4. Thanks for your _(邀请). 5. Thanks for _(邀请) me.6. Id like to but I have to p_ for the math test. 7. She didnt go to school u_ 7:30 this morning.8. Would you like to h_ out with us tomorrow? 9. I asked him for help, but he r_.10. They invited me to the party and I _(接受).

11、 11. We can know the dates from a _(日历).12. Can you come to the c_ to enjoy the beautiful music. 13. We should go to school on _(工作日).14. I am very _(惊奇的) to meet Jim here. 15. I can help to do some things for the party _(准备).16. I went to school _(没有) eating breakfast. 17. She has to work on the fa

12、rm during the _(白天). 三、适当形式. 1. Would you like _(go) to the movies tonight?2. I have too much homework _(finish) this evening. 3. Thanks so much for _(invite) me.4. I like to go bike _(ride) on the weekend. 5. Listen! They _(plan) _(have) a party for the teacher.6. The party is the best way _(say) “Thank you”. 7. I want to take my brother _(pl



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