辽宁省锦州市凌海市九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Art world grammar导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版(通用)

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辽宁省锦州市凌海市九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Art world grammar导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版(通用)_第1页
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辽宁省锦州市凌海市九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Art world grammar导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版(通用)_第2页
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辽宁省锦州市凌海市九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Art world grammar导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版(通用)_第3页
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《辽宁省锦州市凌海市九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Art world grammar导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版(通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《辽宁省锦州市凌海市九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Art world grammar导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版(通用)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Art worldgrammar 【学习目标】1.掌握原因状语从句。2.掌握because, since, as,的区别3.掌握新单词和新短语。【学习重难点】1.掌握because, since, as引导的原因状语从句。2.掌握新单词和词组。【导学过程】一.自主预习(一)自主预习1.because引导的原因状语从句的用法。2.since引导的原因状语从句的用法。3.as引导的原因状语从句的用法。4.since,because,as引导的原因状语从句的区别。(二)经过预习grammar部分,你一定知道不少的新单词和新词组吧?预习检测:英汉互译:1.高度 2.艺术节 3.努力练习

2、4.设计海报 5.拍照二.合作交流任务一:师生讨论,互相检查预习的情况。任务二:小组成员讨论由because, since, as引导的原因状语从句的用法和区别。任务三:完成课本的习题,小组成员核对答案。任务四:小组讨论课文的重要知识点。学习反思_课堂检测一. 单选题1. My Chinese teacher is very knowledgeable _ she reads lots of books. A. but B. so C. because D. although2. _ you are unable to answer perhaps we should ask someone

3、else. A. Because B. Before C. Since D. After 3. _ we are both tired, lets just grab a takeaway(叫外卖). A. / B. When C. Because D. As4.If you go to visit London, dont forget your _ because it rains a lot.A. passport B. money C. map D. umbrella5. Where did you go yesterday, Rick? I went to see a _ becau

4、se I had a cold. A. teacher B. doctor C. reporter二. 填入恰当的连词1. I didnt go to school yesterday _ I was ill.2. _ everybody is here, lets begin our meeting.3. _ you are in poor health, you should not stay up late.4. I asked her to stay to tea, _ I had something to tell her.5. _ all the passengers are here, why dont we start at once?6. Bill wont make any progress _ he doesnt study harder than before.7. He might have gone to bed, _ the light went out.参考答案一. 1-5 CCDDB二. 1.because 2.Since 3.As 4.because 5.Since 6.because 7.for


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