甘肃省安定区李家堡初级中学九年级英语全册《Unit 6 Movies and Theater Lesson 35 Theatres are fun》导学案(无答案)(新版)翼教版(通用)

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甘肃省安定区李家堡初级中学九年级英语全册《Unit 6 Movies and Theater Lesson 35 Theatres are fun》导学案(无答案)(新版)翼教版(通用)_第1页
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甘肃省安定区李家堡初级中学九年级英语全册《Unit 6 Movies and Theater Lesson 35 Theatres are fun》导学案(无答案)(新版)翼教版(通用)_第2页
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《甘肃省安定区李家堡初级中学九年级英语全册《Unit 6 Movies and Theater Lesson 35 Theatres are fun》导学案(无答案)(新版)翼教版(通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《甘肃省安定区李家堡初级中学九年级英语全册《Unit 6 Movies and Theater Lesson 35 Theatres are fun》导学案(无答案)(新版)翼教版(通用)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson35 Theatres are fun学习目标1、重点单词:gift, hall, famous, painting,boring,ar,learn,history, area, museum2、重点短语:learn about. 3、重点句型:-Where are you going first? -We are going to the Art Hall first. 学习重点现在进行时表将来 学习难点现在进行时表将来 学法指导通过课前预习掌握基本知识,通过合作探究解决较难知识,通过堂达标巩固所学知识。知识准备课题组补充学习流程复习导入预习自测1.I am _(学习) to s

2、ing some beautiful English songs these days.2. We can see many paintings in the _(博物馆).3.Go s_ down the road and _(向右拐) at the Gift Shop.4._(通过) the 3D Hall, you will see the War Shop _(在你的右边).5._(也许)that man knows the way to the museum. 任务导学质疑探究1.famous adj. 著名的 be famous for 因而著名:China is famous f

3、or the Great Wall.be famous as 作为.而著名Liu Huan is famous as a singer.2. boring adj. 令人无聊的(一般修饰物) bored adj. 感到无聊的(一般修饰人).Eg:I feel very bored.The film is boring.Be bored with 对.感到厌烦I am _ with the work.3. learn about 研究,了解Eg:I want to learn about different kinds of animals Learn more about Lets learn

4、 more about foreign countriesknow about sth. 知道,了解What do you know about that place?4. 有些 动词可以用现在进行时表将来,如:go, come, leave, fly, start, die, arrive, stay等等。 例如:I am leaving for Beijing. 我要去天津了。-Where are you going?-Im going to the zoo.达标检测II. 按要求做题1.We are going to the Art Hall first.(一般疑问句) _ to the

5、 Art Hall first?2.Can I help you?(改为同义句) _ can I do _ you ?3.Hangzhou is famous _ the west lake.(介词填空)4.Lu Xun is famous _ a writer. (介词填空)5.Go down the street and turn left _the traffic Lights.A. at B. in C. of D. on拓展延伸知识网络be famous forbe famous aslearn about小结Lets summarize the key points and difficult points together.作业布置1. Understand the meaning of the text 2. Remember the mastery words in this lesson.3. Finish the activity book of lesson 35课后反思


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