河北省石家庄市第三十一中学七年级英语 时态专项练习(无答案) 人教新目标版(通用)

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河北省石家庄市第三十一中学七年级英语 时态专项练习(无答案) 人教新目标版(通用)_第1页
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河北省石家庄市第三十一中学七年级英语 时态专项练习(无答案) 人教新目标版(通用)_第2页
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《河北省石家庄市第三十一中学七年级英语 时态专项练习(无答案) 人教新目标版(通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河北省石家庄市第三十一中学七年级英语 时态专项练习(无答案) 人教新目标版(通用)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、河北省石家庄市第三十一中学七年级英语 时态专项练习 人教新目标版I _(see) Mary on my way home last Monday.1. He _(use) to take the bus two years ago. Then he _(move) to another company. He _ (buy) a car because he _(make) more money.2. The students talked about what happened in class while they _(wait) for the school bus.3. Look! S

2、omething _(lie) there.4. A:What _you _ (do) from 8 to 9 oclock yesterday evening?B: I _(play) the piano.5. My father has gone to Shanghai . He _(come) back in two weeks.6. If he _(have) time,he _(paint) the house.7. Im sure he _(be) a great man in the future.8. Bob _(leave) for Shanghai the day afte

3、r tomorrow. So he _(stay) at home and _(pack) his suitcase now.9. Every student _(see) the program already.10. He _(not finish)his homework yet.11. _you ever _(swim) in the sea?12. Lily _ (be) to the West Lake twice. She loves the place.13. A: _ you_(have)lunch yet?B:No, I _(have not) it yet.14. A:

4、How long _ you _(work) here?B: I _(work) here for about 5 years.15. He _(live) here since he graduated from the college.16. Susan with her sister _(go) to the post office already. Unit1-5动词和时态 1.Ourhistoryteacher_ahistorydebate(辩论赛)foruslastweek. (组织)2.Whatis _outside? Itssonoisy. (发生)3.Whatwasthere

5、porterdoingwhentheUFO_? (起飞)4.I_yourparentsifyoudonthandinyourhomeworkontime.(打电话)5.UncleSam_toBeijingyesterday. Hellcomebackbyplanetomorrow.(飞往)6.Theteacher_mynovel(小说)becauseIwasreadingitduringtheclass.(拿走)7.Theathlete_thestick(接力棒)_tothenextrunnerintherelayrace(接力赛).(传递)8.Heoften_loudlytohisgrand

6、pa, becausehisgrandpahasabadhearing.(喊)9.Whilethey_abouttheconsequence,theteachercamein.(争论)10.Doesyouraunt_anypetsathome?(养)11.Ifshe_(穿)jeanstoschool, theteacherswont_(让)herin.12.Imgoingto_mostofmyfreetimeinthelibrary.(花费)13.Thismorning, mydeskmate_myhomework. Itstartedabadhabit.(抄)14.-MayI_yourrul

7、er? Mineisathome.-Withpleasure.(借)15.Where_you_whenyougrowup?(工作)16.She_upsetwhensheheardtheterriblenews.(感觉)17.Summeriscoming, youshould_yourthickcoatandputonyourcoolT-shirt.(脱掉)18.Thealienquickly_thesouvenirshopandvisitedthemuseumnextdoor.(出来)19.Listen! They_ excitedlyonthephone.(交谈)形容词,副词专项练习1. T

8、he children look _.They are playing _. (happy)2. The boy looks as _as a boxer(strong)3. Tom runs quite _.I cant catch up with him.(quick)4. The Summer Palace is _ than Zhong Shan Park(big)5. Which is _, Lesson5 or Lesson 9?(interesting)6. Which do you like _, beer, juice or water?(well)7. This stamp is _ in my collection.(old)8. London is one of _ cities in the world.(large)9. The weather is _ today than yesterday. (bad)



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