新目标初二英语unit 2Section B(2020年整理).ppt

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1、Unit2What sthematter 八年级人教新目标上册 SectionB Followme EverybodymovesyourbodyNodyourheadandtouchyourfaceTouchyournoseandcloseyoureyesTouchyourearsandclapyourhandsRaiseyourarmsandlookatyourbackTouchyourstomachandtapyourfootSitdownandmoveyourlegs A What sthematterwith B He She Askandanswer Sheshoulddrinkal

2、otofwater Makesentences giveadvice Sheshouldseeadentist Heshouldliedownandrest Heshouldseeadoctor Problemshaveacoldgettiredbestressedouthaveatoothachehaveasorethroathaveaheadache Giveadvicetakesomemedicinesleephaveagoodrestseeadentistdrinkhotwaterseeadoctor Pairwork Makedialogues 1a Matchthewordswit

3、hthepictures 1 tired2 hungry3 thirsty4 stressedout b c d a 1b Matchtheadvicewiththepeople 1 Eatanapple 3 Drinksomewater 2 Gotobedearly 4 Listentomusic a c d b gotobedearly gotothatpartytonight stressedout listentomusicandrelax studytonight thirsty haveadrink eatanymoredumplings hungry eatanapple pla

4、ysoccerbeforedinner 2a 2b Listenandfillintheblanks Mom Gina Gina I mtired Mom Well youshouldgotobedearly Gina That agoodidea Mom Youcertainly gotothatpartytonight Gina Iguessyou reright What sthematter soundslike shouldn t Listenandfillintheblanks Conservation1 Bill What sthematter Tony Tony I m Bil

5、l Youshould Tony Thatsoundslikeagoodidea Bill Andrelax youshouldn tstudytonight tonight Tony Okay IthinkI llstop stressedout listentosomemusic Conservation2 Mary What sthematter Julie Julie I m Mary Youshould Julie Iguessyou reright Mary Andyoushouldn teatanymoredumplings thirsty haveadrink Conserva

6、tion3 Dad What sthematter Alan Alan I m Dad Youshould Alan That sagoodidea Dad You playsoccerbeforedinner hungry eatanapple shouldn t Conservation4 A What sthematterwithGina B She stired A Well sheshouldgotobedearly Sheshouldn tgototheparty 2c Pairwork 3a AHealthyLifestyle theChineseWay yinandyang t

7、ofu Dangshen党参 Huangqi黄芪 herb药草 beef abalanceofyinandyang abalanceddiet aChinesewaytostayhealthy traditionalChinesemedicine atraditionalChinesedoctor Takesomemedicine westernmedicine traditionalChinesemedicine Readthearticle TraditionalChinesedoctorsbelieveweneedabalanceofyinandyangtobehealthy Forex

8、ample areyouquietandoftentired Maybeyouhavetoomuchyin Youshouldeathotyangfoods likebeef EatingDangshenandHuangqiherbsisalsogoodforthis Butpeoplewhoaretoostressedoutandangrymayhavetoomuchyang Chinesedoctorsbelievethattheyshouldeatmoreyinfoodsliketofu It seasytohaveahealthylifestyle andit simportantto

9、eatabalanceddiet Readandfillinthechart weakandoftentired eatyangfoods likeDangshenandHuangqiherbs toostressedoutandangry eatyinfoodsliketofu Alldoctorsbelieveweneedabalanceofyinandyang 2 Ifyouareweakandoftentired maybeyouhavetoomuchyin 3 Ifyouhavetoomuchyang youshouldeatyangfoods likebeef Dangshenan

10、dHuangqiherbs F F T TrueorFalse 4 Ifyouarestressedoutandangry maybeyouhavetoomuchyang 5 Ifyouhavetoomuchyang youshouldhavesomeyinfoodsliketofu T T Areyoutired Everyonegetstiredsometimes Whenyouaretired youshouldn t Youshould forafewnightsandyoushould tostayhealthy Youshouldalsoeat andotherhealthyfoo

11、ds Youshouldn t whenyouaretired 3b Fillintheblanks gooutat gotobedearly exercise fruit study night GroupworkWhatisahealthylifestyle 1 TraditionalChinesedoctorsbelieveweneedabalanceofcoolingyinandyangtobehealthy 传统中医认为我们需要通过阴阳调和来保持健康 1 abalanceof 平衡keepabalanceof保持一个 平衡 Explanation keepabalanceofnatu

12、re保持自然 生态 平衡 2 behealthy keephealthy stayhealthy都是保持健康的意思 healthy是形容词 其名词形式为health 2 Maybeyouhavetoomuchyin 1 maybe副词 也许 可能 相当于perhaps 常用于句首 maybe意思是 也许是 可能是 may是情态动词 be是动词原形 2 toomuch 太多 常用来修饰不可数名词 一般情况下 能用much修饰的就用toomuch e g Ihavetoomuchworktodotoday muchtoo 太 副词短语 常用来修饰形容词或者副词 相当于very e g Heismu

13、chtooclever 检测练习 Thecomputeris expensive Ican tspend moneyonit A muchtoo muchtooB much muchtooC muchtoo toomuchD toomuch too C 3 It simportanttoeatabalanceddiet Toeatabalanceddietisimportant 饮食平衡是很重要的 这是一个动词不定式作主语的句子 动词不定式作主语时 常用it作形式主语 而把不定式放在后面 即 It be adj 动词不定式 todo Toseeyouisniceagain nice Tohav

14、eahealthylifestyleiseasy easy Toexerciseinthemorningisgood good It s toseeyouagain It s tohaveahealthylifestyle toexerciseinthemorning It s 4 连系动词 adj 系表结构 stayhealthykeepfitfallillfeelsick well feelthirstygetangrygettiredgetready behealthybefitbeillbesick well beangrybetiredbethirstybeready 1 感冒 2

15、牙痛 3 背痛 4 发烧 5 躺下 6 看医生 haveacold haveatoothache haveabackache haveafever seeadoctor liedown 翻译词组 7 紧张的 有压力的8 感觉疲惫9 保持健康10 此刻 现在11 另一方面12 使某人不舒服 患病 13 嗓子痛 stressedout gettired stayhealthy atthemoment ontheotherhand haveasorethroat makesbsick 1 What sthematter you A forB withC to2 Yourbodytemperature

16、is39 C You A haveacoldB haveaheadacheC haveafever3 Ihaveatoothache Ishould A seethedentistB drinkmorewaterC liedownandrest 单项选择 B C A 4 Ifyouarestressedoutandangryyoushouldeatmore A yinfoodsB hotyangfoodsC HuangQiherbs5 Eatingtoo isbadforyourhealth A manyB lessC much6 Billshould becauseheisverythirsty A gotobedB eatfoodC drinkwater A C C 翻译句子 1 传统的中医认为要保持身体健康需要体内阴阳的平衡 2 可能你阴气过盛 TraditionalChinesedoctorsbelieveweneedabalanceofyinandyangtobehealthy Maybeyouhavetoomuchyin 3 你应当吃一些壮阳气的食物 如牛肉 4 服用党参和


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