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1、Unit2What sthematter 八年级人教新目标上册 SectionA Singasong Let slearnthepartsofthebody head arm foot leg hand neck knee Hehasatoothache What sthematterwithhim her Shehasafever Shehasacough Shehasaheadache Hehasasoreback Hehasastomachache A What sthematterwith B He Shehasa WorkinPairs 1a Lookatthepicture Wri

2、tethecorrectletterforeachpartofbody arm back ear eye foot hand head leg mouth neck nose stomach tooth Checktheanswers k c g i m a l b f d j h e Nancy Sarah David Ben Judy 1b Listenandlookatthepicture Thennumberthenames1 5 3 1 2 5 4 Nurse What sthematter Sarah Girl I Conversation2Nurse What sthematte

3、r David Boy I Conversation3Nurse What sthematter Ben Boy I Listenandfillintheblanks haveacold haveastomachache haveasoreback Conversation1 Nurse What sthematter Nancy Girl I Conversation5Nurse What sthematter Judy Girl I haveatoothache haveasorethroat Conversation4 1c Pairwork What sthematter Ihavea

4、sorethroat 1 fevera liedownandrest2 sorethroatb hotteawithhoney3 stomachachec seeadentist4 toothached drinklotsofwater 2a Listen Matchtheproblemswiththeadvice 2b Listenagain Fillintheblanks hotteawithhoney toothache seeadentist stomachache liedownandrest fever drinklotsofwater Girl1 Girl2 Ihaveafeve

5、r Girl1 Yes youdon tlookwell Youshould Girl2 Yes you reright What sthematter drinklotsofwater Listenandfillintheblanks Conversation1 Girl1 What sthematter Girl2 I Girl1 YoushoulddrinksomehotteawithhoneyGirl2 That agoodidea haveasorethroat soundslike Conversation2 Girl What sthematter Boy Ihaveastoma

6、chache Girl That stoobad Youshould Anddon teatanythingfortwohours Boy IguessIshould liedownandrest Conversation3 Girl What sthematter Boy Oh Ihaveatoothache Girl seeadentist Boy IguessIshould Youshould Conversation4 2c Pairwork A What sthematter B Ihaveatoothache A Maybeyoushouldseeadentist B That s

7、agoodidea 3a Fillintheblanks A What sthematter B I mnotfeelingwell Ihavea A Whendiditstart B Abouttwo ago A Oh that stoobad Youshould B Yes Ithinkso A Ihopeyoufeelbettersoon cold days getsomerest 3b Usethepicturebelowtomakenewconversations Explanation 1 What sthematter 这是询问病人病情时最常用的问句 意思是 怎么了 其后通常与介

8、词with连用 类似的问句还有 What swrong What swrongwithyou What syourtrouble What sthetroublewithyou What sup 1 mattern 问题 麻烦 事件 通常与介词 with 连用 2 wrong是形容词 前面没有 the matter和trouble都是名词 前面应有 the trouble前还可以用形容词性的物主代词 What syourtrouble youngman 年轻人 你怎么了 2 Ihaveasorethroat 我喉咙痛 1 havevt 患 得 病 不用于进行时态 Hehadabadcoldla

9、stweek 他上周患了重感冒 Sheoftenhasastomachache 她常胃 肚子 疼 一般情况下用have a n 表示患了某种疾病 如 haveacough咳嗽haveacold感冒 2 sore 痛 疼 通常指因发炎引起的肌肉疼 在表示身体的某部位疼痛时 常置于部位名词前 ache常指持续性的疼痛 它常与身体部位的名词构成复合词 如 headache头痛 backache背疼等 3 haveacold伤风 感冒 是固定词组 表示身体不适的常用词组还有 牙疼haveatoothache胃疼haveastomachache发烧haveafever 嗓子疼 喉咙疼背疼脖子疼感冒头疼

10、haveasorethroathaveasorebackhaveabackachehaveacoldhaveaheadache 4 liedownandrestliedown躺下Don tliedownontheground 不要躺在地上 与down有关的词组sitdown坐下comedown下来getdown下车writedown写下 记下 5 hotteawithhoney加蜜热茶1 hotadj 热的2 with介词 意思是 有 用 同 由于 和 一致 赞成 关于 此句中是 有 带有 的意思 如 有四个口袋的外套acoatwithfourpocket 6 I mnotfeelingwel

11、l 我感到不舒服 也可说成Idon tfeelwell 类似的答语还有 Ifeelterrible 我感到不舒服 Ifeelill 我感觉生病了 feel在句中是系动词 意为 觉得 感觉 Youshouldgotoseeadoctor 你应该去看医生 提出建议 should应该做某事should情态动词 没有人称和数的变化结构 should 动词原形否定 shouldnot shouldn t 动词原形 GrammarFocus should除了作shall的过去式外 还表示 应该 应当 后加动词原形 可用于各种人称 它比must委婉 用来表示向对方提出建议和忠告 或者表示某种义务或责任 其否

12、定式为shouldn t 变为一般疑问句时should提到主语的前面 例如 Weshouldstudyhard 我们应该努力学习 Weshouldn tlistentomusicinclass 我们不应当课上听音乐 1 should he bed to go early2 have you do throat sore a 连词成句 Heshouldgotobedearly Doyouhaveasorethroat 3 should to healthy you exercise stay4 shouldn t she tired when study she is5 Sonia should

13、n t party tonight to go the certainly Youshouldexercisetostayhealthy Sheshouldn tstudywhensheistired Soniacertainlyshouldn tgotothepartytonight Fillintheblanks 1 Theoldwomanfeels 疲劳 afteralongwalk 2 Hissonhasa 头疼 3 Ihavea 嗓子疼 soIcan tspeakaword 4 Ibrushmy 牙 twiceaday 5 Thelittleboyeatstoomuch hehasa 肚子疼 tired headache sorethroat teeth stomachache 1 TrytofindouttheEnglishwordsforotherpartsofthebody 2 Jimisill Youcallhim Writethedialoguedown Homework


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