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1、外研版 英语 五年级下册 第一课时 第二课时 Module3Unit2Samatefourhamburgers 第一课时 anegg eggs ahamburger hamburgers ate eat drank drink gave give 试着说出下列动词的过去式 have has eat drink give had gave ate 不规则形式 drank Whatdidthecateat Look listenandsay Whatdidthecateat Heateallthefishandallthemeat Sohehasgotnofoodnow 因此他现在没有食物了 Li

2、stenandread Heateallthefishandheateallthemeat Sohehasgotnofoodnow A Whatdidyoueatlastnight B Iate hamburgers noodles cheese fish hamburgers noodles A Whatdidyoudrinklastnight B Idrank hamburgers noodles milk juice water tea A Whatdidyouhavelastnight B Ihad hamburgers noodles DaminghasgotaletterfromA

3、my Listenandread DearDaming TodaySamatefourhamburgersatschool Helikeshamburgersverymuch Linglinghadasandwichbecauseshedoesn tlikehamburgers ShegaveherhamburgerstoSam ImissChinesefood TonightMumisgoingtocookChinesefoodforus Love Amy 今晚 night tonight to 今天 day today to 有关night lastnight 昨晚 tonight 今晚

4、tomorrownight 明晚 Goodnight 晚安 verymuch 很 非常 very和verymuch的区别 Summary very常用于修饰形容词 放在形容词的前面 verymuch常用于修饰动词 放在 做某事 的后面 veryverymuch 1 Iwanttoeatfishtonight 2 Thefishisdelicious 3 Ilostmybook I msad 4 Thisismynewbike Ilikeit verymuch very very verymuch 1 熟读今天学过的单词并每词抄写五遍 2 朗读教材P17Activity1和Activity2 3

5、 用eat drink have分别写一个句子 介绍一下你昨天的饮食 Homework rice noodles cake bread fish A Whatdidyoueat drink havelastnight B Iate drank had meat milk eggs dumplings sausages 第二课时 T Whatareyougoingtohavetonight S I mgoingtohave 句型 Whatdid 某人 have 过去的时间 回答 主语 had 食物 句型 Whatis are 某人 goingtohave 将来的时间 回答 主语 am is ar

6、egoingtohave 食物 Listenandread DearDaming TodaySamatefourhamburgersatschool Helikeshamburgersverymuch Linglinghadasandwichbecauseshedoesn tlikehamburgers ShegaveherhamburgerstoSam ImissChinesefood TonightMumisgoingtocookChinesefoodforus Love Amy Nowanswerthequestions 1 Whoatefourhamburgersatschooltod

7、ay 2 Whohadasandwich 3 DoesAmymissChinesefood 4 WhatisMsSmartgoingtocooktonight 5 WhowrotethislettertoDaming Samatefourhamburgers Linglinghadasandwich Yes shedoes SheisgoingtocookChinesefood AmywrotethislettertoDaming ShegaveherhamburgerstoSam 她把她的汉堡给了萨姆 gave give的过去式 givesb sth givesth tosb 把某物给某人

8、人和物都是宾语 两个宾语怎么放 先人而后物 先物后人要加to ea ee ea ear ear i e e teacher see head bread ear hear bear pear Listenandsay ere eir e where their 选出划线部分发音不同的一项 1 A headB teaC breakfast2 A drawB sawC how3 A hearB theirC where4 A teacherB breadC eat5 A pearB bearC ear IlikefishandIlikechips Iliketoastandjam Buttheve

9、rybest it sreallynice ismymum sChineserice IlikenoodlesandIlikemeat Ilikeapplesandpears Buttheverybest it sreallynice ismymum sChineserice 我喜欢鱼 我喜欢薯条 我喜欢吐司和果酱 但是最好的 真正美味的 还是我妈妈做的中国米饭 我喜欢面条 我喜欢肉 我喜欢苹果和梨 但是最好的 真正美味的 还是我妈妈做的中国米饭 Listenandsay Thenchant Listenandsay Thenchant IlikefishandIlikechips Ilike

10、toastandjam Buttheverybest it sreallynice ismymum sChineserice IlikenoodlesandIlikemeat Ilikeapplesandpears Buttheverybest it sreallynice ismymum sChineserice Doandsay Pickacardandtellastory Mumboughtsomeapplesyesterday Theywereredandbig Iatetwoappleslastnight Igaveoneappletomyfriend Do writeandsay

11、Doasurvey Thenwriteandtelltheclassaboutit Feifeihadahamburgerandmilkforbreakfastyesterday Whatdidyouhaveforbreakfastyesterday 句型 Whatdid 某人 have 过去的时间 回答 主语 had 食物 句型 Whatis are 某人 goingtohave 将来的时间 回答 主语 am is aregoingtohave 食物 Summary 看图片 回答问题 1 A Whatdidyoueatlastnight B A Whatareyougoingtoeattonight B 2 A Whatdidyoudrinkyesterday B A Whatareyougoingtodrinktoday B lastnight tonight yesterday today Iateahamburger Iamgoingtoeatnoodles Idrankmilk Iamgoingtodrinkorangejuice 1 背诵Module3的单词 熟读Activity2 2 小练笔 请你以大明的口吻给Amy写一封回信 说说你昨天吃了什么 明天打算吃什么 Homework 谢谢收看



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