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1、长春工程学院教案用纸2020一、新闻文体翻译Chapter OneThe Press News Translation I. Teaching contents 1. Teaching plan introduction 2. What the press writings cover 3. Vocabulary characteristics of the press articles 4. Tips for the press writings translation 5. Methods for the press news translation 6. Assignments 7. R

2、eferences for further reading 8. FeedbackII. Teaching AimsTo make the students aware of the vocabulary characteristics of the press news translation and the important points of its translation through practice.III. Teaching FocusThe vocabulary characteristics of the press news translation and its tr

3、anslationIV. Teaching Procedures:Step One: Teaching plan introduction 1.Translation practice of this term 1) Political and scientific articles 2) Practical writings 3) Literary works 4) Band 8 passages 5) some other exercises Assessment2 Total Scores (100%)PerformanceAttendance(20%)Homework(20%)Tran

4、slationPaper:(20%)Final Term(40%)Practice- oriented Examination(40%)Course Study(60%) 3.The requirements for the long translation paper: 1) latest 2) original 3) deep( words & cross-culture) 4) source materials (marked): Internet,newspapers,magazines 5) the first, translation version; then the sourc

5、e version 6) paper handed in: teaching platform and typed script 7) debate Step Two: The press news translation1. 报刊文体的范畴报刊中的文章体裁通常包括新闻报道、社论(述评、评论)、特写、学术性或科技性文章、文艺性作品、广告类文字材料等等。一般分为三个等级: 记实性(Factualness-news reporting,Pure hard News) 、娱乐性(Entertainment)和记实+娱乐(Feature Articles-news stories, interview

6、s,personal profiles, opinion piece)。2报刊英语的用词特点新闻英语中,有大量“新闻词语”,这些词在特定的语境中带有新闻文体的特色,具有其特定的内涵,如:media: 宣传工具;a story: 一则新闻/报道; situation: 社会地位的标志/权势新闻文体倾向于用字求新,以加强新闻的宣传效果,强调词如夸张词、典故词、比喻词、借喻词、生僻词、俚语、联缀词等都广泛使用。如:1) Derivation and Affixation (派生和附加法) supercrat(bureaucrat in the highest position): 高级官员pover

7、tybray: 美国主管赈济城市贫民计划的官员splitville(the situation where a couple are about to enter the state of holy divorce):处于正式离婚边缘的夫妇 moneywise(with regard to money): 金钱方面的2) Compositon (合成)youthquake: 美国六十年代的青年运动狂澜yearlong:长达一年的thumb-suck:安抚(原指婴儿吸大拇指以忘记饥渴)3) Acronym and Clipping (缩略及拼缀法)Reaganomics(Reagan-econo

8、omoics):里根经济 Ameritocracy(American-aristocracy):美国寡头政治统治attrified-atrophied(attrition-atrophied):由于长期消耗而萎缩的WASP(White Anglo-Saxon Protestant):美国社会中祖先为英国新教徒的白种人:美国的所谓“社会中间”4) Sense-shift:(词义转变)upper( a stimulant drug):一剂麻醉药umbrella(a nuclear umbrella):核保护伞throwaway (wasteful):浪费成风的streetwalk( to walk

9、 without an effort as if window shopping in the street): 毫不费力地走过场,原指“妓女,沿街卖笑”此外,英美新闻报刊为追求用词的新颖,还经常使用外来语和其他行业用语,起目的是为了反映现代新闻语言与当代显示生活的融洽性,力图适应各类读者的“亲切感”。如:schmuck: 蠢货(源于意大利语); macho:有伟男子气概的 (源于墨西哥语); the odds:可能性(体育用语,高尔夫); showdown:摊牌(赌博); package deal: 一揽子买卖;dark horse: 指出人意料的获胜者 (赛马); throw somebo

10、dy a curve ball: 虚晃一招,行骗;get to first base:取得初步成功 (棒球);throw the sponge:认输或投降;play for high stakes:下大赌注; hit the Jack-pot:获得大笔赌注,取得巨大成功3翻译要点1)新闻词语翻译要准确2)态度要严谨3)语言不宜太俗,也不宜太雅4)避免使用过激词语,以事实或消息为目的4翻译方法直译、意译、直译或音译加注释等多种方法。Step three Translation Practice1. Put the following into English.1) 十一五规划: the 11th

11、 Five-Year General Plan 2) 科学发展观: a scientific outlook on development 3) 自主创新能力: capacity for independent innovation4) 创新型国家: innovation-oriented country 5) 建设社会主义新农村: build a new socialist countryside6) 优化经济结构, 优化出口结构: improve economic structure, improve export structure 7) 企业的政策性关闭: policy-based c

12、losure of enterprises8) 建设社会主义精神文明: promote cultural and ideological progress9) 行政许可法: Administrative Approval Law10) 扬长避短: play up our strengths and avoid exposing our weaknesses11) 驱利避害: exploit favorable conditions and avoid exposure to risks12) 提高经济增长的质量和效益: improve the efficiency and performanc

13、e of economic growth13) 提高教育的整体质量: improve the overall quality of education14) 基层民主: local democracy15) 整顿小煤矿/整顿医药市场: bring order to small coal mines restore order in the medical market16) 加强两岸人员的往来: increase exchange of visits by individuals17) 加强务实合作: enhance cooperation in practical terms18) 开展全方

14、位外交:strengthen Chinas diplomacy on all fronts19) 全面建设小康社会: build a moderately prosperous society in all aspects( in an all-round way, in all facets, on all fronts, in every way, comprehensively20) 加强民主法制建设: strengthen democracy and legal system21) 应对突发事件: response to emergencies22) 信访办: Office of Co

15、mplaints (Office of Letters and Visits/Office for Handling Petitions in the Form of Letters and Visits)23) 增强使命感和紧迫感: We need to heighten our sense of mission and urgency.24) 立足当前、着眼长远: stay firmly rooted in the present while looking ahead to the future25) 事业单位: public service institutions26) 放宽市场准入: ease market access 27) 求真务实、真抓实干:


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