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1、商务谈判第二步-开局1 有业务往来的客户谈判Dialogue 1Yang 举行会议和William准备进行贸易谈判。Yang: Good moring, Mr. William. Its nice to see you again. William : Its nice to see you, too, Mr.Wang.Yang: How do you feel our Export Commodities Fair, Mr.William?William: There is no doubt that youve made great proress in your arts and cra

2、fts and do you do businrss more actively and more flexibly.Yang: Yes. Its just in this way that we have achieved a total sales volume of one hundred million U.S. dollars a year.William: I think you will benefit from the expanding market if you have close cooperation with us in the future.Yang: I hop

3、e so. Now lets get dusiness.Dialogue 2 Richard 和 Chen 在生意上合作一直会很愉快,他这次来中国是为了签订独家代理协议。Richard: Nice to meet you again, Mr. Chen.Chen : Nice to meet you, too, What brought you to China this time?Richard: Ive come for discussint an exclusive agency.Chen: Oh, weve been doing business for sixyears, haven

4、t we ?Richard: Yes, Im very glad we have had very pleasant coperation in the past years. Through our joint efforts, your products have enjoyed fast sales.Chen: We very much appriciate your effort in promoting the sale of our products.Richad: To expand our businss scope, I hope that we can sign an ex

5、clusive agency agreement. If so, youll secure a stable sales volume, and for me, without competitors well control the market more easily. Thats benifical to both parties, isnt it? Dialogue 3 Liu 与 Bill 会面, 准备与他商讨建立合资企业一事。Liu: Its a great peasure to see you again.Bill: Me, too. Our two companies have

6、 had tade relations for ten years. Liu: Yes. In the past ten years, our cooperation has been quite pleasant.Bill: Yes, and very fruitful too. Weve never had any difficulties with our Chinese partners, and wed like to make as many new products as we can.Liu: Certainly. Shall we talk about the reason

7、why Im here? In view of the rapid development of our business in your company, we think its necessary to estanlish a joint venture.Bill: Excellent! Thats exactly what I think. We have been working on expanding our scope of cooperation with your company.Liu: OK. Now lets talk about the details.2. 新客户

8、谈判Dialogue 1 Mr. Osman 第一次来到Wang的公司谈判。Wang: Welcome to our company. Sit down, please.Osman: Thank you. Im glad to have the opportunity of visiting your corporation. I hope we can transact business together.Wang: Its also our hope to trade with businessmen from al countries.Osman: Im told you speciiz

9、e in textiles. What can you offer in this line?Wang: It would be better for you to tell us what specifc types you want to buy, as we have too many varities to offer.Osman: Well, we are mainly interested in bed-sheets and blankets.Dialogue 2 Mr. Zhou正在向Mr. David 介绍其公司的情况。Zhou: I have long heard of yo

10、ur great mane, and Im very pleased to see you, Mr. David.David: Im very pleased to see you, too, Mr. Zhou. This is my first visit to China. Id appreciate your consideration in the coming negotiation.Zhou: Lets hope for good cooperation. Next may I give you a brief account of our companys activities?

11、 I beliee that you have a brochure outlining our company and our products. Heres our companys most recent annual report.David: I see your sales volume have been growing quite steadily over the past ten years.Zhou: Yes, we have built up business relations with more than 3C countries in the world and

12、our products have become the best selling lines in international markets.David: Thats fine.Zhou: Id like to make a presentation on our factory. It covers an area of 60,000 square meters. We have about 300design engineers and production engineers. Now we have 1200 employees working on three shifts.Da

13、vid: I think Ive got a general picture about your company. Thank you very much for your account. Zhou: Its my pleasure. Dialogue 3 Alice 与Wang 洽谈,希望建立贸易关系。Alice: You have won graet success on textile industry, I here. Specializng in the line of textiles and texiles machinary, we pay close attention

14、to your taxtile products, especially your cotton cloth and cotton fabrics.Wang: Im glad to hear that.Alice: Id like to take this opportunity to estanlish trade relations with you.Wang: This happens to coincide with our desire. In order to give you a general idea of the various kinds of our products

15、now available for export. Id like to give you our latest catalogues and price lisrs.Alice: Thats good, thank you. I feel that we can do a lot of business in textile line. We could push the sales of your products. Meanwhile you could consider impoting some equipment from us.Wang: Sounds good. I hope we can srike a quick deal.Alice: I hope so, too. We believe this deal conforms to our mutual benefot and to the principle of satisfying each others needs. Dialogue 4 Richad 向 Mr. Sun 询问外贸政策事宜。Richard: You know, this is my first time to visit Chin


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