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1、EXPRESSIONS OF A NEW ENGLISH COURSEBOOK THREE UNIT 11. be short of 缺乏2. summon sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事3. with an air of以样子;用神情4. smell of 有的味道5. judging by / from 根据来判断,从来判断6. salt cellar(餐桌上的)盐瓶7. the teaching set-up 教学安排8. General School Certificate 普通教育证书9. attach importance to sth. 认为某事物重要;重视10. h

2、ave sth. in common (with sb.) 与有共同之处11. range in age / price fromto 年龄/价格从到不等12. split up into 将分成13. at the thought of 一想起,一想到14. be incompetent at 不擅长15. not so muchbut the fact that不是而是16. a crocodile of 双列队17. get to ones feet 站起来18. the last straw 终于使人无法忍受的最后一击19. (at) the prospect of 想到20. job

3、 hunting / job seeking 求职21. make no comment 没有发表评论22. set ones mind on doing sth.下决心要做某事,决心做某事23. be capable of 有的能力;易于24. an incurable disease 不治之症25. for one reason or another 因为某种原因26. get round to doing sth. 腾出时间来做某事27. on a note of 用的口气/口吻说话;用的声调/调子说话28. private means(投资等)私人收入29. instill in /

4、into 向(某人)慢慢灌输30. in due course 及时地,在适当时候31. get across 讲清楚,使人了解32. attend to 专心,注意33. leave out 遗漏34. on second thoughts 进一步考虑后35. in chronological order按年月日顺序;按时间顺序36. It goes without saying 不用说,不言而喻37. appeal to ones senses具有感染力38. thermos flask热水瓶,保温瓶39. take aback 使某人大吃一惊40. set sb. at ease使某人感

5、到自在/安逸41. see eye to eye with sb. 与某人意见一致,与某人见解一致42. classified columns 分类专栏43. an even temper 沉静的性情1. My chances of landing the job were slim. 我得到这份工作的机会很渺茫。2. Four evergreen shrubs stood at each corner, where they struggled to survive the dust and fumes from a busy main road. (广场的)四角各有一簇常青的灌木丛,它们在

6、繁忙的主干道上飞扬的尘雾中挣扎着生存。3. He was short and rotund. He had a sandy-coloured moustache, a freckled forehead and hardly any hair. 他身材矮胖,蓄着黄棕色的胡子,前额布满了雀斑,头顶几乎没有头发。4. He looked at me with an air of surprised disapproval. 他用吃惊而不满的神情看着我。5. What would my salary be? 我的薪水会是多少?6. Twelve pounds a week plus lunch. 一

7、星期12英镑外加午餐。7. Before I could protest he got to his feet. 我还未来得及提出异议,他已起身站了起来。8. Thats the last straw. 真是忍无可忍了。9. My mind has been set on becoming a doctor. 我决定当一名医生。10. You are capable of a change of heart. 你倒很会改变主意。11. He had a sudden premonition that his answer could be crucial.他突然预感到他的回答将事关成败。12.

8、 Have you any private means? 你有私人收入吗?13. What are your interests? 你有什么兴趣爱好?14. How do you spend your spare time? 你业余时间怎样度过?15. Did you ever win prizes at anything? 你获得过什么奖吗?16. Have any members of your family been in the medical profession?你家庭成员中有人从事过医生职业吗?17. I think that covers pretty well everyth

9、ing. 我想方方面面都涉及到了。18. In due course you will hear from us. 你会及时收到我们的通知19. Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。EXPRESSIONS OF A NEW ENGLISH COURSEBOOK THREE UNIT 21. be uncertain about/of sth. 对某事不太确定,不能确定某事2. look ones goodbye at sb./sth. 依依不舍地向告别3. as a rule 通常4. no exception to the rule 也不例外5. call up

10、向上叫喊,朝上喊6. put ones hand out for sth. 伸手去拿某物7. cling to sb. / sth. 紧握,紧紧抓住;粘着,缠着8. claim ones attention 唤起某人的注意;值得 / 需要某人注意9. bend over 俯身10. push up 把推上去11. prepare someone for sth. 使某人作好的准备;使某人为作好准备12. be grateful to sb. for sth.(因某事而)感谢某人13. at short notice在短时间内;接到命令后立即14. help out 帮助某人解决困难15. wi

11、nd down 把(汽车玻璃)摇下16. careless even of the cost to others 丝毫不在意别人的感受17. in a gesture of despair 用绝望的手势18. be supposed to do sth. 应该(做某事)19. keep to ones bed 因病躺在床上20. in hostile silence 满怀敌意的沉默21. make excuses for oneself 为自己找借口22. if only 要是那该多好啊,要是就好;真希望23. coop up禁闭,困住,把关起来,把禁锢起来24. an eye-catchin

12、g title 引人注目的标题25. contradictions on the mind 矛盾的心理/ 矛盾的心情26. out of ones love for sb. 出于对某人的爱27. try every means to do sth. 千方百计地做某事28. April Fools Day 愚人节29. April fool 愚人30. be had 受骗,上当31. give way 垮掉,倒塌32. keep in 呆在家里,不外出33. needless to say 不用说34. at play time在课间休息时间35. all the way一路上,沿路,一直36.

13、 put out 生气,愤怒37. form room 年级办公室38. take in sb. 欺骗,欺诈,哄骗某人39. swell up膨胀40. nibble at 啃;一点点地吃41. well up 涌出42. storm into冲入43. and all 等等;连一起都44. send off 寄出45. sentences of unreal condition 非真实条件句46. be infected with 感染,沾染上;被传染上47. get over(从病中)恢复48. an infectious disease 传染病1. Not all holidays ar

14、e seen as pleasurable occasions. 并非所有假期都是快乐时光。2. He looked his goodbye at the garden. 他依依不舍地向花园告别。3. Town gardens are small, as a rule, and the Longs garden was no exception to the rule. 城镇的庭院通常都很小,朗家的庭院也不例外。4. Try to be good. 尽量放乖一点。5. We are glad to help out. 我们很高兴帮忙。6. Tom waved goodbye angrily t

15、o his mother. 汤姆生气地向母亲挥手告别。7. He knew he was being rude. 他知道他当时很无礼。8. An echo is created. 前后呼应。9. Your shoe lace is undone. 你的鞋带没有系好。/ 你的鞋带松了。10. Your belt is hanging. 你的皮带松了。11. Needless to say the people they most want to fool are the people who have just fooled them. 不用说,他们最想骗的人就是刚才骗过他们的人。12. At play time a grand idea had struck me. 课间休息时,我突然想起个好主意。13. Miss Buxton wants you. 巴克斯顿老师找你。14. She was completely take in. 她完全被骗了。15. We a


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