外研版八年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Experiences-Unit 1

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1、Module2Experiences Unit1I vealsoenteredlotsofspeakingcompetitions Warmingup What sthisvideoabout It saboutaspeakingcompetition Didyouseethespeakingcompetitionbefore Yes Idid No Ididn t Aretheyenteringthewritingcompetition Yes theyare Areyouinterestedinthespeakingcompetition Yes Iam No Iamnot competi

2、tionn 比赛 竞赛 prizen 奖品 奖项 firstprize pityn 可惜 遗憾 Presentation Listenandnumberthewordsasyouhearthem ever exciting tired visit wonderful 1 4 5 2 3 Listenagainandchoosethecorrectanswer 1 Linglinghasvisited hasn tevervisitedtheUS 2 Bettyhasasked hasn taskedherparents 3 Linglinghastravelled hasn ttravelle

3、dbyplane 1 WhatisLinglingentering Sheisenteringaspeakingcompetition Listenandread thenanswerthefollowingquestions 2 Whoisgoingtoenterthewritingcompetition Tony 1 Haveyoueverwonanyprizesbefore 2 I vealwayswantedtogoonadreamholiday 看哪组在对话中所找的含有现在完成时的句子最多 找一找 比一比 Groupwork 3 I vealsoenteredlotsofspeaki

4、ngcompetitions buthaven twonanyprizes 4 I vestoppedtryingnow 5 Haveyoueverthoughtaboutotherkindsofcompetitions 6 ButIhaven ttravelledmuch Nowcheck whatLinglingandTonyhaveorhavenotdone HasLinglingeverwonanyprizesbefore No shehasn t HasTonyenteredlotsofspeakingcompetitions Yes hehas Askandanswerquesti

5、onsaboutwhatLinglingandTonyhaveorhavenotdone Pairwork HasTonywonanyprizes No hehasn t HasTonytravelledmuch No hehasn t goodluck That sapity Thatsoundswonderful EverydayEnglish Iamenteringacompetition 我正参加一个比赛 enter表示 参加 报名 还表示 进入 e g Severaloftheworld sfinestrunnershaveenteredtherace 几名世界最优秀的运动员已报名参

6、加比赛 Thethievesenteredthebuildingbythebackdoor 小偷从后门进入大楼 Languagepoints 2 Thefirstprizeis Mydreamholiday 一等奖是 我的梦想假期 dreamn 梦 梦想 只用于名词前 梦寐以求的v dreamed dreamed dreamt dreamt做梦 梦到 梦想e g Ihadastrangedreamlastnight 我昨晚做了个奇怪的梦 IdreamtIwasflyingtothemoonatthistimelastnight 昨晚的这个时候我梦见我正飞往月球 3 Haveyoueverwon

7、anyprizesbefore 你以前曾经得过奖吗 ever表示 曾经 是现在完成时的标志 通常用于一般疑问句中 have hassb ever 过去分词 用于询问某人过去的经历 e g HaveyoueverbeentoParis No never Yes Ihave 你去过巴黎吗 没有 去过 4 ButIcan taffordit 但是我付不起 affordv 有财力 付得起 买得起常与can could ableto连用 e g Ijustcan taffordthetime 我花不起这个时间 5 I vestoppedtryingnow 我已经不再尝试了 stopdoingsth 表示

8、 停止正在做的事情 stoptodosth 表示 停下正在做的事去做另件事 e g Thetwogirlsstoppedtalkingwhentheysawme 那两个女孩一见到我就停止了讲话 Thetwogirlsstoppedtotalktomewhentheysawme 那两个女孩一见到我就停下来和我讲话 6 That sapity 很遗憾 pity表示 遗憾 可惜 That sapity It sapity Whatapity 7 Youcanmakeitup 你可以编 一个故事 makeup表示 编造 组成 e g Thewholestoryismadeup 整个故事是虚构出来的 8

9、 Iwillinviteyoutocomewithme 我将邀请你和我一起来 invitesb todosth 表示 邀请某人去做某事 e g Janeinvitedmetogofishinglastweek 简上周邀请我去钓鱼了 Farmingandminingmakeupmostofthecountry sindustry 农业和矿业构成这个国家的大部分产业 Her wastostudyatagooduniversityoneday 2 WhenIwasinschool Iwonmany formywriting 3 Youmustenterthemusic Youwillbeatever

10、ybody affordcompetitiondreaminvitepityprize prizes dream competition Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformofthewordsinthebox 4 Myfamilycannot tobuyaticketforthematch 5 Itisa n thatyoudidnotcometoseethefilmwithus 6 John hisnewfriendstohisbirthdaypartylastweek affordcompetitiondreaminvitepityprize af

11、ford pity invited Pronunciationandspeaking Haveyoueverwantedtotravelaroundtheworld Yes Ihave I vealwayswantedtotravelaroundtheworld Readandpredictwhichwordsthespeakerislikelytostress HaveyouevervisitedNewYork No Ihaven t I venevervisitedtheUS Haveyoueverenteredacompetition No Ihaven t Ihaven tentere

12、danycompetitions Nowlistenandcheck Haveyouevervisited Yes Ihave No Ihaven t I ve ReadtheconversationsinActivity6aloud Askandansweraboutyourself Workinpairs 现在完成时现在完成时定义 强调过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果 例如 Bettywenttotheparkyesterday 强调去公园的动作发生在昨天 Bettyhasbeentotheparkbefore 强调不仅去过公园 而且了解公园的状况 Grammar 现在完成时的谓语结构

13、 have has 动词的过去分词例如 I vealwayswantedtogoonadreamholiday 句中的谓语结构为 havewantedLinglinghasvisitedtheUS 句中的谓语结构为 hasvisited 1 visit 2 ask 3 travel 4 enter 5 help 6 win 7 want 8 stop 9 think 10 hope 11 invite 12 call Exercises visited asked travelled entered helped won wanted stopped thought hoped invited

14、 called 请写出下面动词的过去分词 1 Linging writtenastoryaboutthecompetition A haveB hasC is2 Ihave lotsofspeakingcompetitions butIlost A helpedB stoppedC entered B C 选择题 3 Iwanttobuyanewbike butIcan t it A affordB travelC dream4 LiMingjoinedthewritingcompetitionandwonthe prize A oneB firstC two B A 1 IsJamesath

15、ome No he Ya antobeavolunteer 2013福建福州 hasgonetoB hasbeentoC isgoingto2 Jack Ihaven tseenyouruncleforalongtime He Shanghaionbusinessfortwomonths 2013湖北随州 A wenttoB hasgonetoC hasbeeninD hasbeento A C 中考链接 3 Anna haveyou seenChina sGotTalent 达人秀 Ofcourse I itlastweekend 2013湖北咸宁 A never sawB ever haveseenC never haveseenD ever saw4 Hello mayIspeaktoMissWang Sorry sheisn tin She theoffice 2013四川南充 A hasbeentoB hasgonetoC hasbeenaway D B 编写一个对话 介绍你参加的比赛或竞赛 Homework



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