外研版八年级下册英语教学课件-Module 2 Experiences-Unit 1 I've also entered lots of speaking competitions

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外研版八年级下册英语教学课件-Module 2 Experiences-Unit 1 I've also entered lots of speaking competitions_第1页
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《外研版八年级下册英语教学课件-Module 2 Experiences-Unit 1 I've also entered lots of speaking competitions》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版八年级下册英语教学课件-Module 2 Experiences-Unit 1 I've also entered lots of speaking competitions(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 2 Experiences Unit1I vealsoenteredlotsofspeakingcompetitions Today wewilllearnModule2ExperiencesUnit1Doyouknowtheword enter Itmeans gointo Buthere enter heremeans takepartin Isitaverboranoun Leadin 1 ListeningandvocabularyListenandnumberthewordsasyouhearthem ever excitingtiredvisitwonderful 1

2、 4 5 2 3 Betty Lingling haveyoueverbeentotheUS Lingling No Ihaven t I vealwayswantedtogothere Betty Wouldyouliketocomeandvisitmenextyear Lingling Thatsoundswonderful I dloveto Betty Ihaven taskedmyparents butI msurethey llsayyes Haveyouevertravelledbyplane Lingling Yes Ihave Betty Didyouenjoyit Ling

3、ling Yes itwasveryexciting butIwasquitetired 听力材料 1 ever ev adv 曾经 从来 在任何时候 eg HaveyoueverbeentoBeijing 你曾经去过北京吗 ever表示 曾经 常用于现在完成时的疑问句中 用以加强语气 可构成短语eversince 自 起 eg Haveyoueverspokentoaforeigner 你曾经同外国人说过话吗 知识讲解 魔法记忆 Anna haveyouseenChina sGotTalent 中国达人秀 Ofcourse Iitlastweekend 咸宁 A never sawB eve

4、r haveseenC never haveseenD ever saw 典例 D 点拨 此题用语法分析法 由答语可知问句中应用ever 由lastweekend可知是一般过去时 ever表示 在任何时候 常用于否定句及条件句中 eg Nothingneweverhappensinthisvillage 这个村子里至今不曾发生过新事 IfyouevercometoBeijing besuretoletmeknow 如果你到北京来 务必通知我一声 2 Listenagainandchoosethecorrectanswer 1Linglinghasvisited hasn tevervisite

5、dtheUS 2Bettyhasasked hasn taskedherparents 3Linglinghastravelled hasn ttravelledbyplane EverydayEnglish Goodluck That sapity Thatsoundswonderful 1 Betty Lingling haveyoueverbeentotheUS Lingling No Ihaven t I vealwayswantedtogothere 2 Betty Wouldyouliketocomeandvisitmenextyear Lingling Thatsoundswon

6、derful I dloveto Betty Ihaven taskedmyparents butI msurethey llsayyes Haveyouevertravelledbyplane 3 Lingling Yes Ihave Betty Didyouenjoyit Lingling Yes itwasveryexciting butIwasquitetired 听力材料 3 Listenandread Tony Hi Lingling Whatareyoudoing Lingling I menteringacompetition Tony Whatkindofcompetitio

7、n Lingling Aspeakingcompetition Tony Great It llhelpyouimproveyourspeaking Andmaybeyouwillwin aprize Lingling Thefirstprizeis Mydreamholiday Tony Haveyoueverwonanyprizesbefore 魔法记忆 Lingling No Ihaven t I vealwayswantedtogoonadreamholiday ButIcan tafford it Theplaneticketsaretooexpensive Lingling Loo

8、k Here sawritingcompetition AroundtheWorldin80Days Towinit youneedtowriteashortstoryaboutaplaceyou vevisited Tony Thatsoundswonderful butIhaven ttravelledmuch HowcanIwriteaboutit 魔法记忆 Lingling Don tworry Itdoesn tneedtobetrue Youcanmakeitup Tony You reright I lltry IhopeIwillwin thenIwillinvite yout

9、ocomewithme Lingling Sorry ThefirstprizeisonlythebookcalledAroundtheWorldin80Days 魔法记忆 Nowcheck whatLinglingandTonyhaveorhavenotdone 2 win w n v 赢 获胜 eg Wearesuretowinthegame 我们确信能赢得比赛 辨析win和beat 1 win指在游戏 比赛 竞赛 选举中获胜 后常跟game race prize等表示 物 的词 eg Tomwonfirstprizeinthewritingcompetition 汤姆在写作竞赛中赢得了一

10、等奖 知识讲解 魔法记忆 2 beat指在运动 比赛等中获胜 打败了其他人或其他队 后常跟somebody class等表示 人 的词 eg TheybeatusinthebasketballmatchlastMonday 上周一他们在篮球比赛中打败了我们 魔法记忆 巧记win的用法 获胜 若用win 其后事物跟 Ourteamthematch We vegotfirstplace Welldone A hitB beatC wonD watched 典例 C 点拨 此题用词义辨析法和关键词法 hit 击 打 beat 打败 win 赢 watch 观看 根据后句 我们取得了第一名 及matc

11、h 比赛 可知答案 3 afford f d v 有财力 买得起 付得起 eg Thegirllikesthehandbagverymuch butshecan taffordit 这个女孩非常喜欢这个手提包 但她买不起 易错点 afford常接在can could beableto之后 表示担负得起 的费用 损失 后果等 常用于否定句和疑问句中 eg Manypeoplecan taffordanewhousenow 现在许多人买不起新房子 魔法记忆 根据音标写出单词 IdreamsomedayIcan f d awonderfultriptoAustralia 典例 afford affo

12、rd后面可以接名词 代词或动词不定式作宾语 eg Thefamilycouldnotaffordtosendhertocollege 家里没有足够的钱供她上大学 魔法记忆 Somechildrencan taffordnecessarystationery Let sdonateourpocketmoneytothem 扬州 A buyB buyingC tobuyD bebought 典例 C 点拨 此题用语法分析法 afford后面跟动词不定式作宾语 afford后面可以接双宾语 即affordsb sth 为某人提供某物 eg Readingwillaffordyoumuchpleasu

13、re 阅读会给你提供很多乐趣 4 invite n va t v 邀请 eg DidJiminviteyoulastnight 昨晚吉姆邀请你了吗 invitesb todosth 邀请某人做某事eg HeinvitedMarytohavedinner 他邀请玛丽吃晚餐 魔法记忆 翻译句子 昨天我邀请他和我一起吃晚餐 invite dinner 滨州 典例 Iinvitedhimtohavedinnerwithmeyesterday 点拨 此题用语法分析法 invitesb todosth 意为 邀请某人干某事 havedinner意为 吃晚餐 魔法记忆 invitesb to 邀请某人去 e

14、g Iofteninvitemyfriendstomyhome 我经常邀请我的朋友们到我家 She 邀请 manypeopletoherpartylastSunday invited 点拨 由lastSunday可知本句时态为一般过去时 invite的过去式为invited 拓展 invite的名词形式为invitation 邀请函 请帖 常与介词to连用 eg Janereceivedaninvitationtoapartyjustnow 刚才简收到了一个聚会邀请函 5 experience k sp ri ns n 经验 经历 eg Hehasovertenyears teachingex

15、perience 他有十多年的教学经验 experience的用法 1 作动词 魔法记忆 2 作名词 魔法记忆 InApril theweatherinsomeplacesinShanxiwasreallychangeable Peoplestillremembertheyhavefourseasonsinaweek A organizedB experiencedC described 典例 B 点拨 此题用词义辨析法 organize 组织 experience 经历 describe 描述 根据句意 在四月 山西一些地方的天气真是多变 人们仍然记得他们在一周内四个季节 可知答案 4 Wo

16、rkinpairs AskandanswerquestionsaboutwhatLinglingandTonyhaveorhavenotdone HasLinglingeverwonanyprizesbefore No shehasn t 5 Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformofthewordsinthebox 1Herwastostudyatagooduniversityoneday 2WhenIwasinschool Iwonmanyformywriting 3Youmustenterthemusic Youwillbeateverybody 4Myfamilycannottobuyaticketforthematch 5Itisa n thatyoudidnotcometoseethefilmwithus 6Johnhisnewfriendstohisbirthdaypartylastweek dream prizes competition afford pity invited 6 PronunciationandspeakingR



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