人教PEP版八年级下册英语课件-Unit 9-Section B(3a-self check)

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《人教PEP版八年级下册英语课件-Unit 9-Section B(3a-self check)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教PEP版八年级下册英语课件-Unit 9-Section B(3a-self check)(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、PowerPointTemplate Unit9Haveyoueverbeentoamuseum SectionB3a SelfCheck 1 rpid2 prgrss3 encrage4 trvl5 wndful6 fr7 smpl8 whth9 prfct10 thousd11 cllet12 believable Step Reviewthewords Step Reviewtheusefulphrases 1 have hasbeentohave hasgoneto2 haveagood great wonderfultime3 hearof from4 takearide5 rath

2、erthan Step Reviewthemainsentences 1 Haveyoueverbeentoasciencemuseum Yes Ihavebeentoasciencemuseum 2 I vebeentotheartmuseummanytimes Me too AndI vealsovisitedthenaturemuseum 3a Makealistoffactsaboutyourhometownoraplaceyouhavebeento Thinkaboutthesetopics Sizeandlocation Population Weather History Pla

3、cestovisit Thingstoeat 句型 Haveyouevertried seen been Ifyou youwill can Youshould Onegreatthingabout is 3b Writeanarticletoadvertiseyourhometownoraplaceyouhavebeento 1 Thinkaboutthethingsbelowandwriteananswerforeachone 1 Onethingthatyouhavecollectedbefore 2 Oneinventionthatyouhavefoundtobeveryuseful

4、Step SelfCheck 1 3 Oneunbelievableorunusualthingthatyou veseenorheardrecently 4 Onewaythatyou veusedtoencourageafriendinthepast 5 Onepeacefulandquietplacethatyou vebeentorecently 2 Completetheconversation A Hey John areyoudoingthisweekend B Notmuch Mark Idon treallyhaveanyplansyet A youeverbeentothe

5、spacemuseum B Ihave I therelastmonth What Have Yes went Step SelfCheck 2 A Oh how it B Itwasgreat I beentheremanytimes A Isee I never there B Well let sgothisweekendthen Idon t goingagain Ithinkthere ssomethingnewthere I notseeitlasttime A Perfect was have have been mind did 3 Completethechart Step

6、SelfCheck 3 Completethechart 写作要求 写一篇80字的文章描述你的家乡或者你去过的地方 句型 Haveyouevertried seen been Ifyou youwill can Youshould Onegreatthingabout is Step Homework 以描述海南岛为例 HaveyoueverbeentoHainanIsland ItisthesecondlargestislandinChina It sabeautifulplace Ifyougothere youshouldwalkalongthebeaches TheweatherinH

7、ainanisveryhot sopeoplelikedoingmanywatersports suchasscubadiving 潜水 fishing swimming surfingandboating OnegreatthingaboutHainanisthatyoucantrymanykindsofsweetfruitinHainan IfyougotoHainan I msureyouwillenjoyyourself 当堂练习 1 About ofthestudentsinthatvillagegoonaropewaytocrosstherivertoschool A twofif

8、thB twofifthsC secondfive2 AssoonastheiPhone6cameout peoplecouldn twaittobuyone A thousandB thousandsC thousandofD thousandsof3 Whatisthebesttimeofdayforus you Oh anytimeisOK A visitB tovisitC visitingD visited4 Healthexperts thatlotsofpeoplewouldhavefluthiswinterbecausetheweatherisunusual A discuss

9、edB promisedC fearedD advised B D B C 4 Youseemtohaveaready madeanswer Iaskyouaquestion A althoughB sinceC becauseD whenever5 In grasscomesoutandtreesbegintoturngreen A winterB springC summerD autumn6 Mysisterisveryshy She tospeakinfrontofsomanypeople A wondersB promisesC offersD fears D B D 7 Idon

10、tlikedriving Idoit becauseIhavetogettoworkeachday A clearlyB hardlyC simplyD quickly8 Theterriblerainstormbroughtdownanumberofhouses peoplelosttheirhomes A ThreethousandsB ThousandofC ThousandsofD Thousand9 Istherope 绳索 quite Areyousureitwon tbreak A cheapB safeC shortD weak C C D 10 Herowntwelvepicturessoldverywell tofriendsandfamily A usuallyB mostlyC hardlyD recently B 谢谢



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