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1、 诚信卓越 精品永恒 Excellent Integrity Eternal and Excellent Products Aggressive and Unremitting Development for 30 Years Shapes an Innovator and Leader in China s Real Estate Industry 目 录CONTENTS 诚信 务实 创新 求精 战略调整 品牌谋定市场 晋升恒指 再创中国地产新高度 主流地段 全国战略布局 商业地产 致力于成为创新者 领先者 中海物业 中国第一管家 华艺设计 建筑引领城市 荣誉见证中海实力 企业篇 30年激情

2、进取 中国地产行业的创新者和领先者 Aggressive and Unremitting Development for 30 Years Shapes an Innovator and Leader in China s Real Estate Industry The Enterprise Integrity Pragmatism Innovation and Excellence Strengthening Our Brand Reputation by Repositioning the Marketing Strategy Admission to Hang Seng Index E

3、levates China s Real Estate Industry to New Heights Building a Nationwide Network and Targeting the Core Areas An Innovator and Pioneer in the Commercial Property Market China Overseas Property Management the No 1 Property Manager in China Hua Yi Designing Brings New Looks to Cities Proudly Bearing

4、Witness to the Group s Momentum 国际视野 人文情怀 精英管理团队 构筑中海新起点 企业管治 透明专业 海之子 海纳 奠定人才基石 企业文化建设 凝聚员工队伍 企业公民 感恩社会 30万中海会会员 精彩生活与海同行 人文篇 International Vision and Humanistic Spirit Elite Management Team Lays New Milestone Transparent and Professional Corporate Governance Campus and Premium Market Recruitment S

5、chemes Launched to Broaden Talent Bank Building Corporate Culture to Unite All Staff Be a Good Corporate Citizen to Contribute to Society 300 000 China Overseas Property Club Members Experience Splendid Living Humanity 不同的城市天空 同样的精品生活 精耕细作 五代精品筑家 国际社区 融汇东西方文化精髓 深圳 上海 广州 北京 成都 长春 西安 南京 中山 苏州 佛山 宁波 重庆

6、 杭州 青岛 大连 沈阳 天津 济南 珠海 香港 澳门 建筑篇 Same Excellent Living in Different Cityscapes Meticulous Work Creates Five Generations of Excellent Architecture International Communities to Contain the Very Best of Chinese and Western Cultures Shenzhen Shanghai Guangzhou Beijing Chengdu Changchun Xi an Nanjing Zhon

7、gshan Suzhou Foshan Ningbo Chongqing Hangzhou Qingdao Dalian Shenyang Tianjin Ji nan Zhuhai Hong Kong Macau Architecture 稳健发展 造就百年长青基业 结语 Steady Development Lays a Solid Foundation for Sustainable Development Epilogue 持续增值 和谐共赢 领导献词 Constantly Improving and Pursuing Win win Harmony Message from the

8、Management 厚积薄发 均衡致远 Honing Our Competitive Edge to Achieve Balanced and Long lasting Success 持续增值 和谐共赢 领导献词 Constantly Improving and Pursuing Win win Harmony Message from the Management 中国海外发展有限公司董事局主席 孔庆平 中海地产集团有限公司是中国海外发展有限公司的主体企业 进入新世纪以来 在中国海外集团新的发展战略指导下 中海地产肩负 着拓展内地房地产市场 成为中国地产行业创新者和领先者的历史使命和责任

9、 在过去的几年中 凭着中海优秀的文化和机制 中海地产迅速发展成为国内屈指可数的 跨地域的 年销售额超过200亿元人民币的全 国性知名地产品牌 凭借领先的产品开发理念与前瞻眼光 中海地产塑造出了跨越时代的精品典藏 见证了中国人居的成长与变迁 向社会提供了十万余套精品住宅产品 为近百万计的民众提供了优越的居住选择和满意的消费体验 昨天的积累 造就今天的成功 今天的努力 孕育明天的希望 面对永恒变化的市场和竞争 我们将继续秉承 诚信 务实 创新 求精 的核心价值观 稳健经营 实现高质均衡增长 以确保客户 股东 企业 员工 合作伙伴的持续增值 我们也期待和希望与 社会各界携手共进 和谐共赢 共同推进中

10、国房地产行业的健康成长 As the major development arm of China Overseas Land between globalisation and Chinese traditional living culture as well as between the pursuit of physical space and spiritual needs China Overseas Property is developing and will promote the fifth generation premium products with a brand

11、new vision under the Scientific Outlook on Development To maintain quality control China Overseas Property adheres to the development formula of exquisiteness throughout the work flow The overall development process is monitored by professionals in the Group to ensure customers receive satisfactory

12、products and services The Group s China Overseas Property Management offers quality after sale services greatly increasing the homes market value secures China Overseas Property s leading position in product quality and services within the industry and makes its projects quality brands that lead the

13、 property development trend Many times the days and nights people have spent queuing to buy its properties have become the talk of the town In 2007 out of twenty Zhan Tianyou Grand Prize Outstanding Residential District Gold Awards China Overseas Property managed to win seven which accounted for 35

14、of all the awards through its outstanding professional management ability In 2008 China Overseas Property received four Zhan Tianyou Grand Prize Outstanding Residential District Gold Awards This demonstrates China Overseas Property s success in sustaining its leading position in construction of resi

15、dential buildings Based in the mature Hong Kong market China Overseas Property Group always maintains its high standard of business ethics highly effective accountability mechanisms and high level of corporate governance in every aspect of its business It conducts business in a responsible and hones

16、t manner pursuing profits under the sun to serve the long term interests of the Group and its shareholders With its advantageous market position satisfactory profit performance corporate governance and high quality management practices the Board of COLI were selected as Awardees for the Directors Of The Year Awards 2006 by the Hong Kong Institute of Directors The Group ensures high transparency by releasing corporate information on a timely basis to shareholders and investors In the 22nd Interna



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