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1、毕业设计(论文)材料之二(1) 神山口大学本科毕业设计(论文)专 业: 题 目: 基于ARM的粮食仓储环 境监测系统的设计 作 者 姓 名: 帅 锅 导师及职称: * 导师所在单位: 年 月 日 神山口大学本科毕业设计(论文)任务书 届 学院 专业学生姓名: * 毕业设计(论文)题目中文:基于ARM的粮食仓储环境监测系统的设计 英文:Design of Monitoring System Based on ARM of Grain Storage Environment 原始资料1 周立功.ARM嵌入式系统软件开发实例M.北京:北京航天大学出版社,20052 周立功等编.ARM微控制器基础与实

2、战M.北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,20033 杨松山.粮情测控系统现状及其发展探析J.粮食流通技术,2003,6:10-124 张晓东等.基于ARM的粮食仓储监测系统J.微计算机信息,2010,26:67-69 毕业设计(论文)任务内容1.课题研究的意义: 近年来,随着计算机和电子技术的发展,在粮食仓储中如何改善储藏条件、保证粮食品质、减轻劳动强度等已成为粮食仓储行业的新课题。本设计主要是利用高性能、低功耗的ARM处理器进行粮食仓库的实时监测。本课题要求学生以嵌入式微处理器为基础,主要包括温湿度采集模块、气体信号模块、主控模块和显示模块的软硬件设计。2.本课题研究的主要内容有:(1)以ARM

3、为核心的主控制模块的设计;(2)温湿度、气体信号的采集模块的设计;(3)各信号显示模块的设计。3.课题完成形式:(1)毕业设计(论文)正文;(2)系统硬件电路原理图;(3)信号采集部分和显示部分的源程序;(4)至少一篇引用的外文文献及其译文;(5)附不少于10篇主要参考文献的题录及摘要。 指导教师(签字) 教研室主任(签字)批 准 日 期 接受任务书日期 完 成 日 期 接受任务书学生(签字)基于ARM的粮食仓储环境监测系统的设计摘 要 粮食在存储的过程中容易发生霉变,其主要原因与仓储环境的温度、湿度、室内相关气体的浓度有关。传统的仓库管理模式,缺乏自动监测设备,需要值班人员定期用测量仪器去多



6、些因素使得ARM与51单片机相比更加的高性能,低功耗。利用ARM来设计的自动监测系统的高效、方便、准确的特点决定了它将更加广泛的应用于工业控制各个领域,同时现在基于ARM,LINUX的嵌入式系统在控制、通信领域应用的更加广泛。关键词:ARM;温湿度;气体浓度 ;LCD显示;报警 Design of Monitoring System Based on ARM of Grain Storage Environment Abstract Prone to mildew grain in storage process, the main reason relate to the storage e

7、nvironment temperature, humidity and indoor gas concentrations. Traditional warehouse management mode,which is lack of automatic monitoring equipment, need on staff on duty using the measuring instrument to multiple areas to manual measurement regularly.The granary of the extensive management mode c

8、an not be timely response storage environment conditions,so it cannot be adjusted timely, resulting in a decline in food quality. Under this condition, we need a set of advanced food storage environment monitoring system to avoid heavy losses caused by the improper storage, so further perfect the gr

9、ain storage technology and equipment of form a complete set informationization is the worlds economic and social development trend. In this paper, the main work is to design an automatic monitoring and alarm system based on ARM controller, sensor, LCD monitor, alarm circuit and so on to enhance the

10、level of grain storage. The biggest advantage of this design lies in its automaticity, accuracy, and efficiency. It depends on the design concept of the design and the use of some related components. Compared to the traditional artificial granary not regularly measure, record, this design is more co

11、nvenient, which adopted the modern sensor technology, automatically by some advanced sensor like SHT11 to measure the granary temperature and humidity conditions in every region of the storage environment. In addition, we can in advance set those related parameters to the set value in this design ,

12、use ARM controller ports to control buzzer to remind us of the environment. In addition , display for each parameter value through the LCD in this design is more intuitive, accurate than the traditional LED display . ARM is used for the control part in this paper, it function more powerful when comp

13、ared with the traditional 51 MCU , such as the capacity of chip like Flsah, EEPROM, SRAM inside is bigger, support online programming burning ISP, each IO port can output high and low level in the form of push-pull driving, driving ability is strong, internal resource is rich, general integration A/

14、D, D/A converter, PWM, SPI and USART, I2C, I2S interface, and has rich interrupt source. These factors make the ARM act more high performance, low power consumption while compared with 51 MCU . ARM is used to design the automatic monitoring system of high efficiency, convenient and accurate. This characteristics determines it will be more widely used in every field work control. At the same time now embedded system based on ARM and LINUX application more widely in the field of control, communication.Keywords: ARM; temperature and humidity; gas concentration; LCDdisplay; alarm 目 录 引 言.



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