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1、2015 年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士 MTI 考研真题分析各位 2016 年考研的小伙伴们,欢迎大家来到才思教育,今天给大家着重的分析一下关于对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士 MTI 考研的相关内容。百科知识应对几十年来最严重的危机时所遇到的“没有预料到的困难”之一。)信用评级 credit rating信用危机 credit crisis 信用文化 credit culture 心脏起搏器 pacemaker心照不宣 have a tacit understanding; give tacit consent; tacit understanding性别比 sex ratio (China has

2、seen the sex ratio at birth increasing since the 1980s and it was recorded as high as 130 males for every 100 females in some provinces. 自从 20 世纪 80 年代以来,中国的出生人口性别比例逐渐升高,在部分省份男女性别比达到 130:100。)性别歧视 sexual/gender discrimination性病 sexually transmitted disease形成全方位、多层次、宽领域的开放格局 form an all-directional,

3、multi-layered and wide-ranging opening pattern形而上学 metaphysics 刑法 penal code; criminal law兴奋剂 stimulants幸福感指数 happiness index (The happiness index of people in Jiangsu, Sichuan, Fujian provinces and Chongqing municipality was found to be high, with half of families saying they were satisfied with fa

4、mily life, while people living in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen were not so lucky. 调查发现,江苏、四川、福建和重庆四个省市居民的幸福感指数较高,有一半的家庭表示他们对家庭生活感到满意,而住在北京、上海、深圳等大城市的人却不这么认为。)性贿赂 sexual bribes (A 70-year-old professor at Beijings Central Conservatory of Music has confessed to accepting sexual bribe

5、s and RMB100000 from a girl applying for a doctoral position. 中央音乐学院一位 70 岁的教授日前向校方坦白,自己曾与一名女学生发生肉体关系,并收受该生 10 万元贿赂以帮助其顺利考上该校博士研究生。)行贿受贿 offer and take bribes星火计划 Spark Program星级饭店 star-rated hotel (The country is planning to accelerate a mechanism with which to strip poorly run hotels of their star

6、 rankings in order to protect the image of all the 15,000 star-rated hotels across the country. 为维护全国一万五千家星级饭店的形象,国家计划加快建立星级饭店退出机制,以便将那些经营不善的星级饭店淘汰出局。)性价比 cost performance 性教育 sex education刑警 criminal police型男 stylish man (Move aside Brad Pitt, US President Barack Obama has beaten all the usual male

7、 style icons to be named the worlds most stylish man in an online poll. 一项在线投票显示,美国总统奥巴马力压知名影星布拉德皮特,在全球时尚型男排行榜上独占鳌头。)星期日泰晤士报 the Sunday Times 性侵犯 sexual assault (A court in the capital convicted a security guard of intentional injury for raping his male colleague and sentenced him to one year in jai

8、l in what is believed to be the first prosecution of a sexual assault of a man. 近日一名保安将他的男同事强奸,北京法院以故意伤害罪判处其有期徒刑一年,这是首例对男性遭受性侵犯起诉的案件。)星球大战计划 Star Wars Program性骚扰 sexual harrassment; sexual disturbance行使否决权 exercise the veto刑事诉讼 criminal proceedings形式主义 formalism 行头 theatrical costumes (and paraphern

9、alia)行为科学 behavioral science行为模式 behavior pattern形象大使 promotion ambassador (Sarah Brightman, who sang at the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony, has been named Shanghai 2010 World Expo promotion ambassador in Britain. 曾在北京奥运会上演唱主题歌的萨拉布莱曼获聘为 2010 年上海世博会英国推广形象大使。)形象工程 vanity project形象小姐/先生 image repres

10、entative of a product or a brand 性早熟 sexual prematurity (After three female infants in Wuhan, capital of central Chinas Hubei province, underwent abnormal sexual development, their parents blamed the manufacturer of the milk powder they had been using, while experts traced the source even further ba

11、ck in the food chain. 湖北省武汉市的三名女婴出现性早熟症状,家长把责任归咎于婴儿食用奶粉的生产商,而专家则倾向于在食物链的更前端寻找答案。)行政审批制度 administrative approval system 行政手段 administrative measure行政诉讼 administrative proceedings兴边富民 vitalize border areas and enrich the people living there性别比例失衡 gender imbalance星级饭店 star grade hotel刑事超审限案件 long-stand

12、ing criminal case刑讯逼供 extort confessions by torture行政法规 administrative regulation行政审批制度 the system of administrative examinations and approval行政问责制度 executive accountability system行政许可 administrative licensing信息化带动工业化,工业化促进信息化 use IT to propel industrialization, which will, in turn, stimulate IT app

13、lication信息化战争 IT-based warfare新兴事物 newly sprouted things信用额度 line of credit (You dont need to get authorization if your expenses are in line with the credit given by the issuing bank.)信用卡诈骗犯 credit card fraud小水电 small hydroelectric power plant; small hydropower station小意思 small token of ones appreci

14、ation; small token of kindly feelings; a mere trifle休假 take a holiday;to be on holiday; to be on leave休闲阅读 light reading修正案 amendment蓄洪工程 flood storage project虚开增值税发票 write false value added tax invoices 许可证制度 license granting mechanisms畜牧业 animal husbandry今天主要跟大家谈谈对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士 MTI 考研真题的风格,主要是从基础英语、

15、翻译基础、汉语写作与百科知识这几个部分来进行分析。一、基础英语基础英语这门专业课,从无论是从题型还是风格上,都是 2013 年和 2014 年的延续,总体上来说更加侧重考察英语基础能力,这从单选、阅读和写作的出题设置可以看出来。单选题中考察经贸内容的题目继续加大,所以要求大家在复习过程中了解经贸常见单词的含义固定用法及例句(见 16 版红宝书第二部分) ,此外,固定搭配和词汇解析仍然非常重要,比如 15 所考察的 precipitate, precitate, presitate 同 precititate 之间的辨析就难倒很多同学,除此之外,语法不好的同学可以适当补充语法知识,重视是倒装、非

16、谓语动词及虚拟语气等。改错题今天难度不大,把红宝书上归纳的五种文体错误看会就可以,并搞清楚贸大历年改错真题错在哪里,怎么样修改。阅读题今天的题源仍然是 FT 中文网,如果考研同学一直坚持做网站上的阅读,那多少都应该见过。从考察的题型来说,四种题型包括 multiple choice、T or F、Headings、sentence filling 都考察过,而且有的是结合在一道阅读中考察的。老师之所以怎么考察,目的还是在于选拨出阅读能力强的同学,不会被题型变化就限制住的同学,所以建议大家平时注重提高阅读能力,而不是盲目做题。推荐大家一种提高阅读能力的方法,这个方法经学生验证非常有效。指导思想是不要盲目做大量阅读题,纠结于单独某道题的答案,而要在意提高阅读的能力,也就是加强对文章的理解,买一本王关富的商务英语阅读 ,对这本书中的每篇文章都做精读,先通读文章,再归纳出每段的主旨大意,然后细致到句子单词,不会的要查出来多积累,然后做课后的习题,再把课后的单词表和词组背下来,看第一遍进度会很慢,一周能看两篇已经很不错了,但第二遍和第三遍速度会马上提上了,而


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