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1、论文独创性的声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得( )大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 签名: 日期:关于论文使用的授权本人完全了解( )大学有关保留、使用论文的规定即:学校有权保留所送交的论文,允许论文被查询和借阅,并可以公布论文内容及可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。签名: 导师签名: 日期:( )大学()学位论文规模以上企业决策者领导行为及



4、高了实证判断的清晰度。ABSTRACTAfter three decades of development of reform and opening up ,a large number of Chinese enterprises entered the era of large-scale, enterprise decision-makers behavior patterns and the role of enterprise development has been widely concerned about the behavior of enterprise decisio

5、n-makers with the development of Chinese enterprises and the meaning of the times against the backdrop of the financial crisis to the current significance.Theme of this paper belongs to the scope of leadership theory research. This theory has experienced leadership trait theory, leadership theory an

6、d the three stages of leadership contingency theory. In this paper, the above theory and the localization studies, focusing on large-scale enterprises of the leading decision-makers, and the transfer of such acts and the impact of the research and analysis. First of all, this article on the leadersh

7、ip development process of the three theories, the use of a theory of knowledge within the logic for clues in the evolution of the systematic review of leadership focuses on the contingency theory of this paper, the theoretical basis for the role. Secondly, this paper, the main leadership behavior an

8、d leadership behavior of the marginal classification methods, breaking the traditional leadership of the limitations of classification, so the type of leadership behavior research in general, development and characteristics of the times, and focus on this basis Analysis of the leadership behavior of

9、 the two properties, in order to transfer leadership to determine the theoretical study has identified. Then, this paper, the enterprise contact radius of leadership behavior, leadership behavior and leadership behavior transmission path affected a radius of three new definition of the concept, the

10、three of the connotation and extension of the definition defined, and the definition of the above three studies in leadership Analysis of the application. Finally, this paper surveys empirical research, summed up the leadership of the three acts of the effective delivery model, a summary of the char

11、acteristics of the three patterns of behavior and effectiveness of leadership in improving the effectiveness of research carried out to explore. In the empirical study, this article draws on the full leadership style of the elements of set theory, methods, effectively improved the clarity of empiric

12、al judgments.【关键词】领导行为主体领导行为边际领导行为领导行为模式领导行为传递路径规模以上企业决策者领导行为及其传递问题研究目录中英文摘要第一章 绪 论11.1 研究背景及问题的提出11.2 研究基本方法21.3 本文主要研究内容3第二章 领导行为的理论评述42.1 领导者特质理论评述52.2 领导者行为理论评述62.3 领导权变理论评述92.4 中国在领导行为研究领域的部分成果评述13第三章 领导行为在企业中的传递分析163.1 领导行为的两个属性判断171.1.1 领导行为意义具有可变性173.1.2 领导行为具有时代特征183.2 企业领导行为的分类183.2.1 主体企业

13、领导行为183.2.2 边际企业领导行为193.3领导行为传递203.4领导行为在企业中的行为传递模式实证分析233.4.1数据采集233.4.2自变量与因变量的测量243.4.3 数据分析及结果25第四章 结论与建议27致谢28参考文献29附件31 第一章 绪 论1.1研究背景及问题的提出改革开放之初,各类企业在中国如雨后春笋,遍地开花,但也多是幼苗,成规模的企业并不多见。这种时代特征决定了当时的企业领导人往往是多面手,管了生产管市场,人事财务一肩挑,眉毛胡子一把抓。当时的企业领导人行为,很难说清哪些行为可以确定是单纯企业领导行为,这是时代特征决定的,用领导行为理论生搬硬套有些牵强,除了协调

14、作用,过分强调领导行为职业特征意义也不大。经过改革开放三十年的历练,当年的千株万苗,经过风吹雨打,很多企业已经上了规模,企业的经营方式也走入了正轨,企业的决策者作为企业的掌舵人,角色特征已经非常明显。如下图,这是中国航天科技集团公司的组织结构图。从图中我们可知,总经理是公司的一个组织机构,其行为特征已经定格为企业的机构行为,角色特征极其明显。这说明,企业领导者的个人色彩和组织结构色彩发生了深刻调整。总经理副总经理纪检组长 总会计师助理及法律顾问等办公厅技术顾问及科技委规划计划部财务金融部人力资源部研究发展部质量技术部武器部宇航部经营投资部航技应用部行政保卫部企业文化部离退休部审计部监察法律部各



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