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1、 证券投资基金业绩评价理论及实证分析 摘 要 近几年来随着证券投资基金在我国的迅速发展我国基金评价事 业从无到有发展迅速但是现有的基金评价方法基本上只是停留在基 金业绩增长的简单排名之上与投资者的实际需要相比还远远不能满 足要求 因此建立一个科学合理的基金评价体系已成为证监会 2003 年推 进基金业发展的三大措施之一市场迫切需要尽早超越基于净值排名的 简单评价在评价中更多的考虑基金业绩是否能够持续以及如何对基 金的业绩能力进行分解以便挖掘出关于基金业绩的更多的有用信息 以用来指导基金投资的实践因此本文在深入研究了中国证券投资基 金业绩评价的基本框架的基础上重点对基金业绩持续性及基金业绩能 力

2、分解中的战略资产配置能力进行了实证分析 本文前两章首先介绍了投资基金的一些基金知识 回顾了国内外基金 业绩评价的一些理论成果与实践并详细介绍了美国晨星公司的基金评 估体系晨星公司是世界上著名的共同基金评价咨询公司该公司对共 同基金的评价具有很高的权威性 以晨星公司的基金评估体系为借鉴 本文在第三章建立了中国证券投 资基金业绩评价的基本框架分别从基金的投资收益运作能力和运作 效率等方面提出了对基金业绩进行定量评估的指标并引进基金强度 基金管理及营销基金经理层基金产品特征等定性评价指标作为对基 金定量评价的补充 在建立了我国基金业绩评价体系的基本框架之后 本文在第四章用了 一章篇幅对基金业绩持续性

3、做了实证研究基金业绩持续性研究解决的 是基金盈利 亏损的可预测性问题从某种意义上来说只有在业绩具有 持续性的前提下基金的业绩评价才有意义若一个基金的业绩具有持 续性则说明它过去的业绩能够预示它未来的业绩基金投资人可以据 此选择他所要投资的基金通过实证研究本文得出的一个重要结论为 基金的短期业绩排名不具有持续性 因此针对基金业绩所作的短期排名 尤其是周排名对投资者而言是没有意义的 在第五章 本文对基金运作能力方面的战略资产配置能力进行了实证 研究主要研究结论为从历史上看基金的不同季度的净值的变化中 78 以上可以由基金战略资产配置因素来解释这说明基金的股票仓位 控制是影响基金业绩的一个重要因素

4、建立起中国的基金业绩评价体系是一项复杂的系统工程需要我国 证券研究和从业人员的共同奋斗和百折不挠的努力希望本文的研究成 果能为中国基金业的发展尽一份绵薄之力 关键词 证券投资基金业绩评价战略资产配置业绩持续性 Theories and Case Analysis of Performance Evaluation on Securities Investment Fund ABSTRACT With the rapid development of security investment fund in recent years the performance evaluation of fu

5、nd in our country also grows very fast But the evaluation method is mainly focused on the rise of fund performance and can only provide simple ranks of the fund It is far from the needs of the investors To establish a scientific and reasonable fund evaluation system has become one of the three measu

6、res that china securities surveillance committee used to promote the development of fund The market urgently calls for something better than the simple evaluation method which based solely on net asset it calls for more consideration on the sustainability of the fund s performance and how to break d

7、own fund s profitability so that to dig out more useful information to direct fund investment Therefore this article stresses on case analysis on sustainability of fund performance and strategic allocation ability of asset in breaking down fund s profitability The first two chapters introduce some b

8、asic knowledge on fund investment and make a review of some theories and their applications in fund performance evaluation globally and describe in detail about the fund evaluation system of Morning Star in USA Morning Star is the most famous consulting company on mutual fund evaluation in the world

9、 with a high authority in mutual fund evaluation Based on fund evaluation system of Morning Star a framework of performance evaluation on securities investment fund in China is built in Chapter 3 It quantifies fund s performance by providing some indexes on investment return operation ability and op

10、eration efficiency As a complement to the quantitative indexes it also uses some qualitative indexes such as fund intensity fund management and marketing fund manager and fund product features After building up the framework of our fund performance evaluation system a case study of fund performance

11、sustainability is conducted in chapter 4 Study on fund performance sustainability solves problems of the predictability on fund s earning loss In a sense fund performance evaluation only makes sense when it is sustainable For a fund with sustainability its history performance tells its future perfor

12、mance thus fund investors can choose funds based on this Through the case study we conclude that the short time performance ranking doesn t have sustainability so the short time fund performance ranking especially weekly ranking is meaningless for investment In chapter 5 we conduct a case study on t

13、he strategic allocation ability of asset Our conclusion is historically more than 78 of fund s net asset change over different seasons can be explained by allocation factors of fund s strategic asset this means the fund stock investment ration control is an important achievement factor It is a compl

14、ex systematic project to build up China s fund performance evaluation system it requires teamwork and persistent effort from our securities researchers and other staff I hope the research in this article could contribute a little bit for the development of China s fund industry KEY WORDS securities

15、investment fund performance evaluation strategic allocation of asset performance sustainability 上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明 所呈交的学位论文 是本人在导师的指导下 独立进行研究工作 所取得的成果 除文中已经注明引用的内容外 本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体 已经发表或撰写过的作品成果 对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体 均已在 文中以明确方式标明 本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担 学位论文作者签名 朱雨龙 日期 2004 年 1 月 9 日 上海交通大学 学位论文版权使用

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