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1、分 析 化 学 Analytical Chemistry Spring 2007 Lecturer Information Tel 62761187 Lab E mail lina Lab S406 内 内 Lecture hour class 3 4 Tue Classroom 理教 理教123 FTP Site ftp 2006chem 162 105 27 66 ftp Course Information Lecture hours Lecture 28h Mid term 2h Final 2h Textbook Analytical Chemistry 8thed D A Skoo

2、g Fort worth Saunders College Pub 2004 分析化学教程 李克安 主编 北大出版社 分析化学教程 李克安 主编 北大出版社 2005 定量化学分析简明教程 北大出版社 定量化学分析简明教程 北大出版社 1997 分析化学教程习题解析 分析化学教程习题解析 李克安主编 北大出版社 李克安主编 北大出版社 2006 Course Information and Requirements Grading Policy Mid Term 35 Final 50 Homework 10 Term paper or Oral Presentation 5 Homework

3、 due date Before 5 00 PM on each lecture day Two notebooks for homework with name and student ID Question High chemical and physical Stability 稳定稳定 Na2CO3 CaCO3 Na2C2O4等等 Source The National Institute of Standard and Technology NIST USA National Research Center for CRM s国家标准物质研究中心国家标准物质研究中心 Classifi

4、cation of Reagent 实验室常用试剂分类实验室常用试剂分类 实验讲义p7 15 标准标准试剂 高纯高纯试剂 专用专用试剂 Grade 1st2nd3rdBiochem Reagent 中文名中文名优级纯优级纯 分析纯分析纯化学纯生化试剂化学纯生化试剂 English GRARCPBR Label Color绿绿红红蓝蓝咖啡色咖啡色 标准溶液标准溶液Standard Solution Solution with known concentration 具有准确浓度的溶液具有准确浓度的溶液 Directly or determinatelyprepared from primary

5、standard直接配制直接配制 K2Cr2O7 KBrO3 Standardization 标定法配制标定法配制 NaOH HCl EDTA KMnO4 I3 Measuring Volume 滴定分析中的体积测量滴定分析中的体积测量 Apparatus for Precisely Measuring Volume 常用容量分析仪器常用容量分析仪器 Volumetric Flask 容量瓶容量瓶 To Contain TC 量入式量入式 Pipets 移液管移液管 To Deliver TD 量出式量出式 Buret 滴定管滴定管 TD 量出式量出式 Skoog book 2G 2H pp3

6、9 51 Calibration校准方法校准方法 Absolute Calibration绝对校准绝对校准 Volumetric Pipet 移液管 Buret 滴定管 Volumetric Flask容量瓶 Relative Calibration相对校准相对校准 A volumetric flask relative to a pipet Skoog book 2G 2H pp39 51 分析化学中常用的量分析化学中常用的量Quantities 和单位和单位Units Mole 物质的量物质的量 n mol mmol Mole mass 摩尔质量摩尔质量 M g mol 1 Molarit

7、y物质的量浓度物质的量浓度 c mol L 1 Mass质量质量 m g mg Volume体积体积 V L mL Percent Conc by w w 质量分数质量分数 w Percent Conc by w v 质量浓度质量浓度 g mL 1 mg mL 1 Molecular weight相对分子量相对分子量 Mr Atomic mass相对原子量相对原子量 Ar 必须指明 基本单元 必须指明 基本单元 Come with the formula of Raction Unit Example 1 Describe the Preparation of 250 0 mL of 0 02

8、000 mol L 1 K2Cr2O7 from Solid K2Cr2O7 配制配制0 02000 mol L 1 K2Cr2O7标准溶液标准溶液250 0mL 求求m m K2Cr2O7 n M c V M 0 02000 0 2500 294 2 1 471 g Preparation of Standard Solution from Primary Standard Generally 0 02 mol L 1is what is necessary for titration The appropriate manipulation is to make a 250 mL solu

9、tion by weighing 1 47 g 10 K2Cr2O7to 0 1 mg 通常仅需要溶液浓度为通常仅需要溶液浓度为0 02 mol L 1左右左右 做法是做法是 准确称量准确称量1 47g 10 K2Cr2O7基准物质基准物质 于容量瓶中定容于容量瓶中定容 再计算出其准确浓度 再计算出其准确浓度 227 227 227227 K Cr O K Cr O K Cr O K Cr O m c MV The number of Reaction unit of A is equal to the number of reaction unit of B in one reaction

10、Precipitation reaction Charges Acid base reaction protons Complexation reaction coordination sites Redox reaction electrons Number of Reaction Unit Conservation Principles 反应单元数守恒 等物质的量规则 反应单元数守恒 等物质的量规则 AB 11 A B nn ZZ ZAand ZB denote number of reaction unit of A molecule and B molecule respectivel

11、y ZA和和ZB分别为一分子的分别为一分子的A物质和物质和B物质在反应中的基本单元数量 物质在反应中的基本单元数量 AA 11 A A MM ZZ A A 1 A A nZn Z A A 1 A A cZc Z Equations to Understand about Reaction Unit Conservation Principle Example In order to standardize Concentration of 0 020mol L 1Na2S2O3via the following reaction how to prepare K2Cr2O7 standard

12、solution to meet the requirement that weighing error is less than 0 1 n K2Cr2O7 n Na2S2O3 6e 2e Cr2O72 2Cr3 2S2O32 S4O62 Cr2O72 6I 14H 2Cr3 3I2 7H2O I2 2S2O32 2I S4O62 m K2Cr2O7 n K2Cr2O7 M K2Cr2O7 c Na2S2O3 V Na2S2O3 M K2Cr2O7 0 020 0 025 294 18 6 0 025 g r By weighing 0 025 g directly 0 0002 100 1

13、 0 025 E How to make weighing error less than 0 1 Weighing in large mass称大样称大样 one way to reduce weighing error Procedure Weigh about 0 25 g K2Cr2O7 to 0 1 mg Dissolve K2Cr2O7 in a 100 mL beaker Quantitatively transfer the solution into a 250 mL volumetric flask and dilute to the mark with water Aft

14、er homogenizing the solution by gentlly shaking 3 aliquots of 25 mL was transferred into Erlenmeyer flasks to be titrated with Na2S2O3 准确称取准确称取0 25g左右左右K2Cr2O7 于小烧杯中溶后定量转移到于小烧杯中溶后定量转移到 250mL容量瓶中定容容量瓶中定容 用用25mL移液管移取移液管移取3份溶液于锥形瓶 中 份溶液于锥形瓶 中 分别用分别用Na2S2O3滴定 滴定 r 0 0002 0 08 0 1 0 25 E How to standardi

15、ze 0 10mol L 1NaOH using the following primary standards H2C2O4 2H2O Oxalic Acid草酸 草酸 KHC8H4O4 potassium acid phthalate KHP 邻苯二甲酸氢钾 邻苯二甲酸氢钾 The advantages and disadvantages to weigh collectively or individually 比较比较 称大样称大样 称小样称小样 两种方法的优劣两种方法的优劣 For you to think about after class Assignment Homework

16、all 8 problems in page 1 Reading suggestions Chapter 1 1A 1C Feature 1 1 Chapter 2 2G and 2G The rest parts pf chapter 2 are also suggested to read when your lab class begins It will reward you in the future if you read it Chapter 4 分析化学教程 之第一章 Preparation reading for next lecture Chapter 5 90 99 Chapter 6 105 117 125 129 133 138 Chapter 7 143 156 158 7B 4 160 分析化学教程 之 第二章 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 6 Supplementary for Fun Reading Classical Analysis A Look at the Past Present and Future Beck II C M Anal



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