黑龙江省绥化市第九中学九年级英语全册《Unit 9 When was it invented Section B(3a-4b)》导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版

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黑龙江省绥化市第九中学九年级英语全册《Unit 9 When was it invented Section B(3a-4b)》导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
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黑龙江省绥化市第九中学九年级英语全册《Unit 9 When was it invented Section B(3a-4b)》导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第2页
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黑龙江省绥化市第九中学九年级英语全册《Unit 9 When was it invented Section B(3a-4b)》导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第3页
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《黑龙江省绥化市第九中学九年级英语全册《Unit 9 When was it invented Section B(3a-4b)》导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《黑龙江省绥化市第九中学九年级英语全册《Unit 9 When was it invented Section B(3a-4b)》导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、U n it 9 When was i t i nvented? Section B(3a-4b)含self check【预习案】I.学法指导 学习建议勾画出文中的疑难点,然后再读教材进行填空。 215分钟独立完成。II.教材助读(二轮阅读)一、一轮阅读做题目学习建议;迅速浏览课文,跳过生词,捕捉关键信息,把握文章主题,完威阅读题目。1What is the article about?_2When was tea discovered?_3When was tea brought to the Western world?_4Who was it invented by?_5What hap

2、pened when Shen Nong was boiling water?_6What did the emperor notice and decide to do?_二、二轮阅读找难点(一)短语1by mistake _2in the end _3sprinkleon _ 4by accident _5an ancient Chinese legend _ 6fall into _7a pleasant smell _ 8in this way _9according to _ 10remain there for some time _(二)句子1你知道茶这种在世界上最受欢迎的饮料(

3、在水之 后),是偶然被发明的吗?Did you know that tea,the _ _drink in the world(after water),_ _ _ _?2尽管茶直到1610年才被带到西方国家,但这种饮料在那之前的3,000多年就已被发现了。 _tea wasnt _to the Western world _ 1610,this beverage _ _ over three thousand years before that3就这样,世界上最受欢迎的饮料之一诞生了。 And in this way, _ of the worlds favorite drinks _ _我

4、的疑惑:请将预习中不能解决的问题写下来,供课堂解决_【探究案】导入新课Ask the students to practice speakingA:When wasinvented?B:It was invented inA:Who was it invented by?B:It was invented byA:What iS it used for?B:It is used forI质疑探究-质疑解疑、合作探究教学建议:探究点中pleasant是学生学习难点,请老师要给予适当点播学习建议:分析所给例句,根据提示总结重难点单词、语法、及句型用法探究点一语篇探究教学建议:教师给学生留出3-5分

5、钟时间,读3a,再根据文章内容,排序。1The emperor tasted the hot mixture2Some leaves in the water from the nearby bus fell into the water and remained there for some time3The leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell4Shen Nong was boiling some water over an open fire正确顺序:探究点二单词和短语探究1pleasant adj合意的;令人愉快的;讨人喜欢的 (1

6、)The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell 这位皇帝注意到水中的叶子发出一种怡人的气味。 (2)It is pleasant for me to see you 看到你我真高兴。 (3)The chemistry teacher is pleased with my grades化学老师对我的成绩很满意。思考:(1)pleasant意为_ ,反义词是_(2)pleased,pleasant与please有什么区别?pleased是_词,意为“_”,在句中常用作表语,常构成短语_(对某人)

7、满意。pleasant也是_词,表示“_-”,形容事物本身的性质,一般用作_语,如主语是物,也可以用作_语。2by accident Did you know that tea,the most popular drink in the world(after water),was invented by accident? 你知道茶这种世界上最受欢迎的饮料(在水之后)是偶然被发明的吗? 思考:by accident意为: _ ,同义词组是_3discover v.发现(出乎意料地);发觉 (1)Cook discovered Hawaii on a hot day库克在一个大热天发现了夏威夷

8、。 (2)A 4-year-old girl invented a new kind of toy 一个4岁的女孩发明了一种新玩具。 (3)Please find out who broke my window请查明谁打破了我的窗户。 思考:_ 指发现已经存在的东西;_指发明之前从来不曾有的东西;而_ 指经过一番调查,查明真相,查出结果等。4remain v.留下;被遗留;剩余;保持不变 (1)Nothing remained in his house after the terrible earthquake大地震后他家什么也没剩下。 (2)Whatever you say,he remai

9、ns quiet无论你说什么,他都保持沉默。 (3)Although they often quarrel,they remain the best friends尽管常吵架,他们还是最好的朋友。 思考:remain作实义动词讲,后可跟_和_ ,如例(1)和(3)。remain可以用作_,后跟形容词,如例(2)。5notice v.注意到;察觉到 (1)I noticed them boiling coffee in the kitchen我注意到他们在厨房煮咖啡。 (2)Henry noticed Tom entered the hall亨利注意到汤姆进入了大厅。 Tom was notic

10、ed to enter the hall(by Henry)汤姆被(亨利)注意到进了大厅。 (3)My mother noticed that someone took the umbrella away我妈妈注意到有人把伞拿走了思考:notice是感官动词。 _表示注意到某人正在做某事;_有两层含义:一指注意到某人做某事的全过程 ,二指注意到某人做某事的经常性动作。基本词组在变成被动语态时要还原不定式符号to,即 _ ,被注意到做某事。6Produce v.生产;制造;产生 (1)Apple produced a new type of mobile phone this summer今年夏

11、天苹果生产了1种新型的手机。 (A new type of mobile phone was produced by Apple this summer) (2)Mark Twain was a productive writer 马克吐温是位多产的作家。 (3)一The new kind of car is in production now这种新车现在已经投产了。 Who is the producer?制造商是谁?思考:由例(1)可知,produce是 _ 动词,其被动语态是_例(2)(3)告诉我们,produce词形变换有:productive_(词性),意为“多产的”;product

12、ion_ 生产;producer_制造商。教学建议:探究点后的即时练习应在探究完问题后马上用3分钟左右时问完成。 然后学生核对答案,自纠;请老师根据学生作答情况给出必要点拨。即时练习1The idea of“sunshine sports”makes it possible for kids to choose and do _ about sport as long as one hour every dayApleasant somethingBanything pleasant Cnothing pleasant2我在北京意外地遇见了李明。 I met Li Ming in Beijing _ _ 3The law of gravity _ _(discover)by Isaac


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