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1、黑龙江省林甸县2020学年八年级英语下学期期末考试试题友情提示:亲爱的同学,在过去的岁月里,我们曾付出了辛勤的汗水,今天就让我们尽情采摘成功的果实吧。仔细审题、多思多想、沉着应答,把平常的水平发挥出来,祝你成功!全卷共八道大题,满分120分,检测时间120分钟。题号I IIIIIIVVVIVIIVIII总分得分 第一部分 听力(共计25分)Listening (本题共25分,Part One 每小题1分,Part Two 每小题2分,Part Three 每小题1分)Part One Choose the right picture according to the dialogue you

2、hear.( ) 1. What kind of animals does the woman like best? A. B. C( )2.Where did the man go last summer? A. B. C( ) 3. Which place are they talking about? A. B. C. ( ) 4. What did the boy do last night?A. B. C.( ) 5. What did the woman tell the man not to do? A. B. C.Part Two Match the best choice f

3、rom A to G according to the dialogue you hear.( )6. What are the two speakers?( )7. What does the girl want to be ?( )8. Why does the girl like the job?( )9. What is the boy probably going to be?( )10. Why does the boy like the job ?A. A teacher and a doctor.B. Students.C. A doctor.D. Teachers can h

4、elp children.E. Being a teacher.F. Doctors can save peoples lives.G. Its tired.Part Three Choose the right answer according to the dialogue or passage you hear.听第一段材料,回答第12题。( ) 11. How does the girl feel these days? A. Tired. B. Excited.C. Glad.( ) 12. What does the girl have to do every day now? A

5、. Listen to songs.B. Do more housework.C. Study hard.听第二段材料,回答第35题。( ) 13. Who will have dinner with the man? A. Jane.B. Amy.C. Susan.( ) 14. What will the two speakers have for dinner? A. Sichuan food B. Guangdong food. C. Shanghai food( ) 15. When will the two speakers meet to have dinner? A. At 6

6、:30 B. At 5:30. C. At 6:00.听第三段材料,回答第610题。( )16. Most children begin school at the age of _ in the USA. A. five.B. six.C. seven.( ) 17. When children become older, the subjects become_. A. more interesting.B. more difficult.C. easier.( ) 18. The S-A-T is an important _. A. test. B. subject. C. skill

7、.( ) 19. A student must_ if he hope to go to an American college. A. go to school early. B. do more homework. C. take the S-A-T.( ) 20. Most children go to school_. A. near their homes. B. that is famous. C. in the city center.第二部分 笔试(共计95分)第一节 选择题(共55分)IIMultiple Choice(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)Choose the

8、best answer according to the meaning of the sentence.( )21. -_can I keep the book? -For a week. A. How soonB. How longC. How often D.How old( ) 22Have you asked the policeman_? Yes.He told us to turn left onto Main Street.Its on the right. Aif there is a bank near here Bhow can we get to the nearest

9、 bank Cwhere can we find a bank Dwhen we can go to the nearest bank( ) 23. We wonder if our teachers_to our graduating party next weekend. If they_,well be very happy. Awill come; will come Bcome; will come Cwill come; come Dcome;come( )24. -Where is your English teacher? -Oh, he _ to Beijing and he

10、 _ to the city twice. A. has been; has gone B. has gone; has been C. has been; has been D. has gone; has gone( ) 25.I_ the piano for two years. A. have bought B. will buy C. am buyingD. have had( )26. There are many magazines in the bookshop. I dont know _ to buy. A. what B. which C. when D.how( )27

11、. The teacher told us that the earth _ around the sun. A. goesB. wentC. goingD. to go( )28. Anna, have you_ seen Chinas Got Talent (中国达人秀)? Of course. I _ it last weekend. A. never, saw B. ever, have seen C. never, have seen D. ever, saw( )29. Will you go to Beijing tomorrow? I dont know. It _ the w

12、eather. A. depend on B. depends on C. depends for D. needs( )30. Im sleepy. I prefer _ at home to going out for a walk. A. slept B. to sleep C. sleeping D. sleep( )31.When _ Mo Yans Red Sorghum红高粱 _? In 1986.And it was made into a movie by Zhang Yimou. Adid; come out Bwill; come out Cwas; come out Dwas; coming out( )32. Do you have _ to tell me? No, nothing. Anothing elseBanything elseCelse somethingDels



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