陕西省陇县东风中学八年级英语下册《Lesson 34》导学案(无答案) 北师大版

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陕西省陇县东风中学八年级英语下册《Lesson 34》导学案(无答案) 北师大版_第1页
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《陕西省陇县东风中学八年级英语下册《Lesson 34》导学案(无答案) 北师大版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《陕西省陇县东风中学八年级英语下册《Lesson 34》导学案(无答案) 北师大版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson34【学习目标】1。能够掌握课标要求的四会词汇:America.peace2。能了解介绍现代奥运会的表达法【重难点预测】重点:与现代奥运会有关的词汇:modern.motto.spirit.slogan.feature难点:学会用英语介绍奥运会【学习流程】、预习检测根据意思写出单词1。大陆,洲 2.美洲,美国3.火炬,火把 4.和平5.标语,唱 6.显示,表达,表明7.吉祥物 8.特征,特点9.公平合理地,公正地根据课文内容填空1.你最喜欢哪个吉祥物?_ _ do you like best ?2.你认为在每届奥运会中什么是相同的?What do you think is the

2、same _ _ _?3.五环代表五大洲团结在一起The five rigs _ _ the five continents united together4.奥运格言-更快,更高,更强-在每届奥运会中都保持不变The olympic motto _ _ _ ,stays the same for _5.每个主办国家创造它的吉祥物和主题曲Each _ _ creates its _ _ and songII.合作交流 1.The five rings stand for the five continents united together翻译句子:解析stand for 意为_ _ _eg:

3、 “ATM”代表什么? What does “ATM” _ _ ?拓展(1)stand for还可表示”支持,主张”eg. 如今的这个组织的主张很难说清楚Its hard to tell what the oraniaztion _ _ these days (2)stand for还常用于否定句中,构成not stand for sth .表示”不能容忍某事”eg. 这种事我再也不能容忍了I am _ _ _ it any longer2.There are also the paralympic Games , which have been held alongside every ol

4、ympics since 1988译:还有残奥会,自1980年起它便随着每届奥运会的举办而举办解析since在此作介词,意义为”从以来,自以后”,后接时间点.常与现在完成时或过去完成时连用,表示某事从过去某一时间开始,并且现在仍在继续.since也可作连词,引导时间状语从句.since也可作副词,意为”从那以来,自那以后”eg:(1)他十年前就来这里了(作_词)He has been here _ ten years ago(2)我来这里工作已经两年了(作_词)It has been two years _ I worked there(3)她十年前离开了伦敦,自那以后我再也没有见过她(作_词

5、)She left London ten years ago , and I havent seen her _同学们,你能写出在本课所学到的吗?请愉快而准确地写下来,给大家分享IV、课堂检测填适当的介词1.What does this picture stand _?2.This song is quite different _ that one3.The olympic mascot is often an animal _ a national feature4.What is the spirit _ the olympics ?5.The slogan is created _ t

6、he host city单选1.The five rings of olympics _ five continentsA.instead of B.stand for C.stands for D.stand of2.We like competing _A.fair B.fairly C.each other D.against3.The four seasons of a year _ in my hometownA,stay the same B.stay differentyC.are becoming D.are found4.Different places in China h

7、ave didderent temperature. _North China is colder than south ChinaA.like B.such as C.For example D.such for5.No matter who _ , I will himA.comes B.willcome C.came D.is coming6._ you choose , you will be happyA.When B.No matter when C.No matter which D.What7.We like competing _A.fair B.fairly C.each

8、other D.against8.Mickey Mouse _wactA.created by B.is created C.was created D.was created by9.We can _ the club and _ all kinds of activitiesA.join;join in B.join;take part inC.join in;join D.take part in;join inV、拓展延伸用所给词的适当形式填空create few good far fair1.He hope to compete _2._countries take part in

9、the winter olympics than in the summer3.Well do our _ to finish the work4.Maybe I will jump _in our school5.Who is the olympic mascot _ by ?完成句子1.A kind of national flag(国旗) _ _(代表)a country2._( 美国) may be the richest country in the world3.Everyone in the world loves _( 和平 )4.Can the boy _ _ _ ( 打动她 )5.The spint of olympic will _ _ _(保持不变)forever(永远)、师(生)总结反思收获:策略与反思 纠错与归纳



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