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1、陕西省西安市第十六中学2020学年八年级英语上学期第一次月考试题(无答案)一单项选择。 (10分)( ) 1.I usually go to the movies _ a month. A.twice B.twice time C.two times D.twice times ( ) 2.You shouldnt _ when you are tired. A.sleep B.listen to music C.work hard D.go to bed early ( ) 3._ do you clean your room? A.How long B.How often C.How mu

2、ch D.How old ( ) 4.What is wrong with you? Im not _. A.feel well B.feel good C.feeling well D.feeling good ( ) 5.Here _ the results _ the students activity survey. A.is, with B.are, of C.is, of D.are, with ( ) 6.He shouldnt eat _ 24 hours. A.anything for B.something in C.anything at D.nothing at ( )

3、 7.Milk is good _ our _. A.to, healthy B.to, health C.for, healthy D.for, health ( ) 8.We must try to keep the _ of nature. A.balanced B.balance C.balancing D.balant ( ) 9.What is _ you, Gina? A. matter with B.the matter C.the matter with D.the matter to ( ) 10.Although I have one _ habit, Im kind o

4、f _. A.healthy, health B.health, healthy C.health, health D.healthy, healthy二英汉互译。 (10分)三. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (10分) 1. Everyone _(come) here on time.2. We eat beef _(keep) in good health. 3. _(watch) TV is my favorite. 4. Dont get _(stress) out. It is unhealthy. 5. My mother wants _( I ) to drink it.

5、6. Most women enjoy _(shop). 7. Thanks for _(visit) me. 8. Does Jim like _(China) food? 9. She should _(exercise) every day. 10. They go to Shanghai _(two) a year.四根据首字母提示完成句子。 (5分) 1. Im t_, and I want some water. 2. I usually surf the I_. 3. Grandma is pretty healthy because she e_ every day. 4. H

6、e is feeling well at the m_. 5. If you want to keep h_, you should eat a lot of vegetables.五根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 (5分) 1. 她的生活方式和你的相同吗?Is her lifestyle _ _ _ yours? 2. 吉娜牙疼,她应该去看牙医。Gina has a toothache. She should _ _ _. 3. 我希望你尽快好起来。I hope you _ _ soon. 4. 你必须尽量少吃肉。You must _ _ _ less meat. 5. 它什么时候开始的?Whe

7、n _ it _?六句型转换。 (5分)七完形填空。 (10分)One day Mrs. White went to see her docter because there was something wrong with her heart.The doctor 1 Mrs. White quickly. Then he said, “Well, Mrs. White, stop smoking and youll soon be quite 2 again.”“But doctor,” answered Mrs. White, “I cant smoke. I dont like smo

8、king 3 .”“Oh, well,” said the doctor, “then dont drink any more wine.”“But I dont drink wine.” Mrs. White answered 4 .“Stop 5 tea and coffee then,” the doctor said.“I only drink 6 ,” answered Mrs. White. “I dont like tea or coffee.”The doctor thought 7 a moment and then said, “Well or do you like fr

9、ied potatoes?”“Yes, I like them 8 ,” answered Mrs. White.“ 9 . Then stop eating those,” said the doctor, 10 he got up to say good-bye to Mrs. White.( )1. A. looked at B. looked over C. looked after D. looked around( )2. A. good B. ill C. well D. worse( )3. A. at all B. in all C. at once D. at last(

10、)4. A. soon B. at first C. slowly D. at once( )5. A. drank B. to drink C. drinking D. drink ( )6. A. water B. coffee C. wine D. tea( )7. A. at B. in C. for D. about( )8. A. at all B. little C. quite . D. very much( )9. A. Excuse me B. Really C. Thats right D. All right( )10. A. so B. where C. when D

11、. then八补全对话。 (10分) A根据下面对话中的情景,将方框内符合对话情景的句子序号填在空白处,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。A: 1._. B: Im not feeling well,doctor.A: Well, 2._. B: Yes.A: 3._. B: About two days ago.A: Oh, you have a cold. Its nothing serious. 4._ and have a good rest. Youll be better soon. B: 5._.A. Do you have a fever?B. Whats the matt

12、er?C. Thank you, doctor.D. Do you have a toothache?E. When did it start?F. Take these medicine.G. How long did it start?B根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的词汇。A: Do you 1._ watching TV? B: Yes, I like ti very much.A: 2._ 3._ do you watch YV? B: I watch TV every day.A: Whats your 4._ program? B: The Animal World.A: How often do you watch it? B: I watch it 5._ or three times a week.九阅读理解。(25分) AO



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