辽宁省大连市第七十六中学九年级英语上册 Module4 Unit3学案(无答案) 外研版

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1、辽宁省大连市第七十六中学九年级英语上册 Module4 Unit3学案(无答案) 外研版学习目标:能掌握现在完成时和带有情态动词的被动语态的概念和用法,能用被动语态的句子表述发明对人类的影响。.Around the world:Answer the questions:1. When did E-books first appear?2. What can be easily downloaded from the Internet?3. Are E-books more expensive than paper books?.单项选择( )1. Chinas sport stars Yao

2、Ming and Liu Xiang _Goodwill Ambhassadors(亲善大使) For Shanghai. A.has been named B.have been named C.has named D.have named( )2. To make our town more beautiful, rubbish _into the river. A.cant throw B.mustntbe thrown C.needntbe thrown D.must be thrown( )3. How beautiful our hometown is! Yes, trees an

3、d flowers _everywhere. A.can be seen B.can see C.be seen D.cant can( )4. (2020嘉兴)If I _, I will go to the tea party this evening. A.invite B.invited C.will invite D.am invited( )5. Can you tell me _? A.where can I put my bike B.where my bike be put C.where can my bike be put D.where my bike can be p

4、ut( )6. “ Alice, you _ on the phone.” “ Im coming. Thanks.” A. want B. are wanted C. are wanting D. have wanted( )7. You _ to the meeting. Why didnt you go? A. be invited B. will be invited C. were invited D. are invited.、用动词的适当形式填空。1. The TV_(invent) around 1927.2. Our classroom _(should clean) eve

5、ry day.3. This kite _(make) by Uncle Wang yesterday.4. I dont think sixteen-year olds _(should allow) to drive.5. My parents _(me) Kate when I was born.完成下列句子。1. 我可以借用你的新词典吗?_ I _ your new dictionary?2. 我想下周去博物馆时拍些照片.I _ _ _ _ some photos _ the visit _the museum next week.3. 书已经被出版了吗? _ book been pu

6、blished _?4. 或许我会为杂志写些东西! _ Ill write _ _ the magazine!5. 每天早晨我父亲在上班的路上买一份报纸.Every morning my father _ a newspaper _ his _ _work.6. 我们想象没有纸和印刷术的生活吗?Can we _ life _ paper _ printing?7. 纸大约两千年前首次被制造.Paper _ first _ about 2000 years ago.用括号中所给词的适当形式完成短文 Next week Tony (1)_(visit) the museum with his cl

7、assmates. Hed like (2)_(take) some photos. So he (3)_(want) (4)_(borrow) his fathers camera.His father is happy (5)_(lend) the camera and (6)_(tell) him (7)_(look) after the camera (8)_(careful). Tony (9)_(promise) that he will.完形填空 This is a school weekly report of a girl named Sally. She is in Cla

8、ss 2, Grade 8. She 1 she did well this week. It seemed something was wrong with her. It 2 her much time to read, but she nearly forgot all she read soon, It was 3 for her to put her heart into her study.She was a little 4 about it. However, she didnt know what happened. She seldom put up her hand to

9、 answer the teachers questions. She was even terrified to look at her teachers, 5 she always lowered her head. Her 6 of this week are not very good. The average is B.Of all subjects, she did 7 in art, while she did worst in Maths and PE. 8 other subjects, she got an A in Chinese, B in English and B

10、in physics. ON balance, Sally is a good girl. For a week, shes never 9 school late. She obeys the school rules all the time. Her parents think that she 10 her best. They believe Sally will do much better next week.( )1.A.thought B.didnt think C.think D.dont think( )2.A.spent B.cost C.used D.took( )3

11、.A.easy B.difficult C.important D.busy( )4.A.worried B.worrying C.excited D.exciting( )5.A.for B.or C.so D.but( )6.A.grades B.friends C.teachers D.books( )7.A.well B.good C.better D.best( )8.A.As for B.As C.For example D.To( )9. A.got B.got to C.arrived D.reached( )10.A.tried B.got C.reached D.caught.课文改编:Every morning my father buys a newspaper _ his way to work. Every day I _ my books in class and start my lessons. Every _ my mother looks _ magazines at home. and every night, I look at the posters with photos YaoMing on my bedroom wall. Can we _ life without paper or print?作业:A. B.小结:


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