福建省晋江市首峰中学八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Playing Sports《Topic 2 Would you mind passing me some water》SA学案(无答案)(无答案) 仁爱版

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福建省晋江市首峰中学八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Playing Sports《Topic 2 Would you mind passing me some water》SA学案(无答案)(无答案) 仁爱版_第1页
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福建省晋江市首峰中学八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Playing Sports《Topic 2 Would you mind passing me some water》SA学案(无答案)(无答案) 仁爱版_第2页
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福建省晋江市首峰中学八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Playing Sports《Topic 2 Would you mind passing me some water》SA学案(无答案)(无答案) 仁爱版_第3页
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福建省晋江市首峰中学八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Playing Sports《Topic 2 Would you mind passing me some water》SA学案(无答案)(无答案) 仁爱版_第4页
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《福建省晋江市首峰中学八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Playing Sports《Topic 2 Would you mind passing me some water》SA学案(无答案)(无答案) 仁爱版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《福建省晋江市首峰中学八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Playing Sports《Topic 2 Would you mind passing me some water》SA学案(无答案)(无答案) 仁爱版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Playing SportsTopic 2 Would you mind teaching me ?Section A课题Unit 1 Playing SportsTopic 2 Would you mind teaching me ?Section A教学时间2课时编写者教学目标1. 学习would/Do you mind.?句型2. 学习请求和建议的表达法3. 了解will表达意愿的用法 评 测 点1. Learn some new words and phrases:Favor, ill, fall ill, be glad to, mind, practice, some

2、where, throw, Capital Stadium, make ones bed, quietly, manage, myself2. Learn the sentence pattern Would/Do you mind.?3. Learn the expressions of making requests and expressions4. Know about the usage of will to express intentions.4.Learn some useful expressions(1) Could you please do me a favor?(2)

3、 But one of my teammates fell ill.(3) -Would you mind teaching me? -Not at all.(4) Lets go and practice.(5) Sorry, Ill put it somewhere else.(6) Dont be late next time. - Sorry, I wont.(7) Thats very kind of you, but I can manage it myself.教学过程参考第一课时1 预习指导(先学)1. 告知学生本课的学习目标和重难点:学习would/Do you mind.?

4、句型学习请求和建议的表达法了解will表达意愿的用法检查学生自学情况 检查学生完成导学案情况 (没完成的同学作为三清对象) 请几位同学朗读本课单词 (每天所学单词在下午放学前组员找组长朗读过关)2 预习交流与成果展示(判断)1. 请学生试着朗读P9 1a, 然后听1a录音进行纠正,再听录音全班跟读。2. 让学生再次阅读P9 1a,从文中找出下列句子翻译,并回答问题 Michael, could you please do me a favor?_ But one of my teammates fell ill._ -Would you mind teaching me? -Not at al

5、l._ Lets go and practice._4. 请学生翻译1a,之后找出1a表达请求和建议的句型及其回答 -Could you please do me a favor? -Sure. -Would you mind teaching me? -Not at all. Lets go and practice. -Will you join us? -I will be glad to.5.请学生回忆一下以前学过的表达建议的句型三发现问题,解决疑难(后教)1. 学生再次阅读1a,然后找出其他重要的句子_2. 教师讲解重要句子和学生的疑难点(以学生讲解教师补充总结为主) 观察1a以及P

6、10 3,4题中would you mind.?句型,让学生尝试总结would you mind.的用法Would you mind doing sth?Would you mind not doing sth?Would you mind +if从句 总结文中词组用法fall ill 生病(强调动作)be ill 病了(强调状态)practice+名词/动词ingbe late 迟到 /be late for做迟到manage 作“管理,处理”时,结构为:manage sb./sth.manage 作“设法做成某事”时,结构为:manage to do sth. 注意比较try to do

7、sth. 努力去做某事 It is形容词of sb.to do sth.和It is形容词for sb.to do sth前者的形容词用来描述某人的,因此可以转换成: Sb.be形容词to do sth. 后者的形容词用来描述做某事的,可以转换成:To do sth.is形容词。3. 课内小测 (巩固词组和would you mind 的用法)A. 翻译下列句子你介意我的兄弟们跟我一起来吗?你介意我抽烟吗?请你不要在这里讲话好吗?如果我在这里抽烟你介意吗?B.根据汉语提示完成句子Lets_(练习跳舞)?You _(迟到)again.She_(管理)the hotel well.Its too

8、noisy here, Ill _ leave here. (设法)4 各组在组长的带领下进行朗读训练,之后请几组学生试着朗读1a,并完成1b4 自学指引1.根据本文以及以前所学知识,总结所学过的表达建议,要求的句型及其回答2.各组在组长带领下熟读P10 3,4五听力练习:完成P9 2六练习巩固(巩固)1,学生不看书独立完成语法强化,随堂练习一和二2. 对于提前完成的学生教师进行面批面改;其他学生收上来改,确定三清名单语法强化:用所给单词的适当形式填空1. -Would you mind _(look after) my pet dog while Im away?2. How about _

9、(go) to the cinema on Sunday?3. Why not _(ask) the teacher?4. Could you please_(come to ) my office?随堂练习(一)根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子1.Do you m_opening the window? 2.Mary often p_running in the morning.3.Lily must hide(躲) s_ else, because I cant see her.4.The box is very light, I can carry it m_.5.I can _(处理) m

10、y own bedroom.(二)根据汉语提示完成句子1. Id like to _ _ _ _(帮她一个忙).2.-Would you mind _ _ _(整理床铺)? -Id _ _ _(十分乐意).3. You should do your homework _ _(立刻,马上).4. Im very sorry for _ _ _(乱丢瓶子)5. It was cold yesterday. I _ _ (病倒了).6. I want to go to the _ _(首都体育馆).七布置任务(任务)1. 根据导学案预习section B2. 做好明天听写单词的准备;经典例题、素材、练习、作业等导学案一预习目标1. 学习would/Do you mind.?句型2. 学习请求和建议的表达法3. 了解will表达意愿的用法二重点词句New words(新单词): New phrases(新词组): Useful expressions(有用的表达法): 3 课文探究1. 尝试自己拼读新单词并识记2. 朗读P9 1a3遍,然后找出文中表达请求和建议的句子_2. 再次阅读P9 1a,回答下列问题A. 从文中找出下列句子并翻译 Michael, could you please do me a favor?_


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